Sunday, January 28, 2024


 Good for no†hing

Little squirts  of liquid,

tiny drabs of grits;

make the immense seas 


                   form the vast expanse.
  Yet each tiny squirt remains squirty 
        and every gristle stays dirt-like.
B'cos the Whole; which thinks it is  
                                        THE Greatness 
formed from these individual ignobles,
should be - but never is;
                   cognizant nor enamored of its dependence
                      on these; its roots.
                         Uptill  IT'S non existence ...
 when IT becomes little squirts of drips and draps, 


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Where ELSE to run..

.... anything Political in any human community has yet to evolve to a universally acceptable system.        not to mention good yet.
politics & the exponents of it; is necessary; as water & sunshine; to plants.
As Man, being not plants;  can manure be good for them?
Politics, & it’s practitioners; hence
   are necessary - as bad smelly - manure 
          to plants and other vegetathieves 
 not Man 
There being no other be††er system yet devised
  THAT smell just has to be got accustomed to.

the alternatives ::
                      Evacuate: Emigrate: 


CONfided to
Sir Lord S.A. Tan
circa 00o0

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Try harder....?

.. absolutely powerful Men --
make the here  ---- the wonderous now
the Living •HELL•
which the
wanted all his creatures
to not ever be domiciled in,
especially NOT forEVER
till endless TIME.
   The ñå$†¥ of huMan traits, manifested - inflicted throughout history; on less malvolent fellows  now & almost at every available chance;
makes invalid/untenable the presumed claim of any direct linkage, even remotely; between the DIVINE  & man.
That which never was an assured given, only an unwarranted presumed association; need no further sweat, nor tears, nor extra wasteful effort, to further emphasize..
to get
hyperTensed ~|~ hyperStressed ~|~ hyperDiluted
Arrogant, van-glorious, unrealistic presumptions, simplistically declared; even though with Religion.spliced fervor;
for the sake of a highly hoped for, instant acquiring of an eternal pass; would qualify 
----?? ----
To hope, though;
               & more
               to strive for:
               as LIFE's  GOAL itself
    ------  nurturing the god.ness -------
[present+dormant] in all & each one
would be viably less fraught with failure.
And a likelier, positive
act of choice.

leeked to
Jøm Leds péé
circa 00o0

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Speak no Evil..

 every blessed grandkid would be taught by doting Grandies,
 : a time worn tradition :
"..Don't say anything, if there's nothing NICE or GOOD to say.."
Excellent advice indeed.
yet every moment of everyday; 
loads of
  social connectivity messages
•spoken• spewed •preached •taught •vomited  
             •excreted •released •spoken 
loosed into the ether
  drowning  out even Thunder.
just cos it can be done -- easily, simply with little effort,
even less thought.
Going by Grandies' advice 
                      that Nice & Good only be told, those Zazaboomillions of Messages should be about
             Nice & Good stuff.

God has yet been heard ..
    would HIS silence 
HE has nothing 
Nice or Good 
to say

What then that's BAD  or  Un-Nice 
is quiet


psssst to:
Soh Såî Lern
circa 00o0

Monday, March 30, 2020

Any ..


 rummaging through bins
might salvage stuff «» if of  any  worth
 when  days   are    gone 
in the dumps of history 
If  there  be

Dümp'd in2
Såam Par tüñg
circa 00o0

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

No ooooooo ...

Imagine ... these all were mortals .. great ones, each.. oh yeeeaaay GREAT indeed!

Yet -- after being dead, for so long the Sh•† Mess some of these greats left behind
long after their

passes were cancelled

account$ closed

numbers called

sparks extinguised


packed - bundled
despatched post haste
to OEM
[?] 😓 Home ⚰ {?}
their greatness aka MESS aka sh•T aka screw-ups aka HongKong's DuiLeiLohMoh
is still being managed/cleaned up
sanitized by those here present..
    May be why the WiseGuy aka Tua Peh Kong aka MuThisaktéé aka ApBA aka SaiBiebee aka Kew LOng Eah & other similar honorifics for the ONE who done initiated ALL this
««--- Whatyoumightwannacallit--»
did not include I.mmort.ality as standard specifications.
Imagine the quantum of Sh•t, the hugeness of the MESS, of the screws.unloosed, the unresolveable fück ups.. which could be generated if these great guys
never could
what horrors in odours awesome indeed; would the clean.up crew be inhaling/undertaking 
 Kind is the Power that be
•• €xpir¥ Date$ ••
°• $helf Life °•


in Dea†hly $ilénçe
†old 2 üñDér †ehkåhh
circa 00o0---

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Egg or Chicken..?


Other than to attempt being regarded as a brainiac; does it really matter which came first

The Egg or the Chicken?

Rather of more concern is that both do not end up on the same plate, together with cheese, beans, lettuce, fries etc ~~ served up as some Happy Meal for a degenerate first class criminal in a shady downtown joint..

cockoo'd to
Charlie Chickadoo

Friday, October 18, 2019

Same Sh•† ..

it's the same motivating factors;  which run in the veins: flooding the pipes, powering the drives, juicing the joints, oiling the cogs, spinning the wheels; propelling the intents of the lowly earthworm; 
as the crazed ambitions of any psychopathic  megalomaniac.
  Whilst the earthworm’s focus & impact is below a tiny plot of earth - at the roots of that though so HUGE majestic tree ;
   the megalomaniac's involvement  could well extend beyond National boundaries, transcending huMan existence.. beyond even their own timely demise.
To counter, & prevent such detrimental death dealing contamination, vileness from flowing along the passage of Time .. muddying up this Entirety —  countless measures, take downs, removals, deactivations of these favored/evil/great/honored/reviled/criminals/heroes/glorified/condemned/esteemed.. had been worked out & enacted... all maximally ineffective.
   Seemingly uptil the 23rd day of the 18th month of Zyuexîx : without the total annihilation of both the humble earth worm & it’s entire genus; and the [deserved]crazed maniacal psychopaths & too their entire genus..
plus the wiping out of other associated life-forms : -- cobblers,  warthogs, K9s; mallrats, c4s, Ducatis, AK17s, Pineapples, M16s, Ex-peedM, Teslas, martyrs,  fruitBats,  PalmOil kernels,  Jihadists, tinkers, Taugehs, jailbirds... and their separate and individual genera.  etc. & etc & etc,
there has never yet been any effective solution concocted ... earthwise i.e.
 so help us Lord.
$îléñ† måjøré
circa 00o0