HAPPINESS is not here
* Money
* Fame
* Power
* Sex
* Work
* Retirement
* Sports
* Entertainment
* Food
* Drinks
* Substance: weed, speed, crack, Meth, DXM, other shit
* Multitudes of FaceBook Friends
* Church
* Organized religions
* Single-hood
* The WWW
* Clubs
* Creativity
* Sleep
* Procreativity
* Charity
* Gadgets
* Hobbies
* Travel
* Golf
* Missionary work
* Love
* Surf, Sun, Sex, Booze
* Surf, Sun, Sex, Booze
* Philanthropy
* Pets
* Philosophy
* Politics
* Philosophy
* Politics
* Marriage
* Lover
& I hesitate to add:
* God - as made out to be by most religious organizations, faiths, etc.
It should be obvious by now, there is hardly any human "engagement" (other words: interactivity, enterprise, endeavor) that brings Happiness, not complete, permanent happiness.
Besides happiness is relative. (Sad is Happy for some ... but that is another 'weirdness' story)
The next best thing thus is transient 'happiness'.
A fleeting satisfying moment where non-Happiness is non-existent.
How sad : Not 4 Sale
All things being equal therefore it would seem there is a piece (or two) missing in almost every human life.
Everyone is seemingly hunting, scrambling, clawing, trying to get the missing pieces in their lives.
Don't think anyone has found it though, and if so, is able to possess it.
Thank the system (God is NOT involved) that non-Happiness is only for life … not for Eternity.
When this is over perhaps a place is there, where nothing is missing... happiness especially!
When this is over perhaps a place is there, where nothing is missing... happiness especially!
For that I am temporarily Happy enough.