Saturday, October 26, 2013

Corner Stone reject..

The progress of any groupings of people has been dependent on individuals who had a slight edged over the rest. These were called 'leaders' - not because of any special Oxford Degrees or Kennel Pedigrees, (marks of the Beasts) but they had that extra 'ace' up their sleeves - which commoners mostly lack. 

    'Leaders' being not one genome more or less than anyone else, are as blur as anyone else, & some really have no idea where they were  leading -

   "In the kingdom of the blind the half blind is KING..."

History analysts will confirm; tho..

some were born 'great' with all the relevant credentials of lineage, education, grooming, perhaps even an additional "®" twisted double spliced Genome, some obviously 'unqualified' ones  were coincidentally (?Divinely) placed  at the 'CORRECT' spot when a vacuum needed to be filled, & for purposes no one will ever know, entrusted with the destiny of a race or nation. 
As believers of a Creator, whom some address as GOD, ALLAH, the Papas & the Mamas, Peter Paul & Mary, BAPA, Dad, STEVE, GATES, Ayahtollah; Guru, Sir, Sayang, HUNEE, Mr. President, eMeM, Ah KONG, et infinitum, et absurdum; all of us created beings, GIs (God's Issues), were gifted with basic "intelligence" aka common sense -  the ability to differentiate what is 'food' & 'shit'; to be able to know 'shame'  'dishonor'; & have the innate human decency to not try perfume overt despicably obvious misdeeds with pseudonyms to justify self glorification or dynasty building (note NASTY) when helming, ?leading fellow travelers on the road to our Destiny.

Despite the very necessary innate ability to think ''CORRECT-CORRECT-CORRECT-ly" :) CLICK here for Correct X 3 
to a greater extent is the need for 'honesty', the benign self inspired benevolence, the in-born 'idealism' to perform not for (usually unwarranted personal) gains - private hidden Swiss bank accounts, peer esteem, statues in Public squares for pigeons to shit on, named roads, public libraries, eye sore stones slabs erected in awkward locations; nor other unquantifiable, glorious purposes; but the advancing of the entrusted aspirations of the peoples one leads; be that as uncomplicatedly simple, yet spiritually appropriate, as to reach the next shelter to pay homage to God, or as super effort-ful (probably unnecessary) to fly to the outermost edge of the unknown Universe, or as mundane as to just feed their family till God brings everyone HOME.  
Unless defectively cooked while in the divine baking Oven most responsible  leaders despite being constrained by Human-ness, has generally,  fumblingly managed not to lead their respective peoples to the brink of extinction.
In any peoples' predicament of needing inspired effective leadership,  many certified failed, to-be-rejected miscreants, somehow would managed to escape the dragnet & the loop-holes of quality control filtering, & invariably be  'spot on' when the leadership "vacuum" needed to be filled  AND on their very parochial, tunnel visioned shoulders would invariably be Mis-placed the IR-responsibilities of leadership!

 Does anyone expect a worm,  given ascension to the throne,  ever wake to his own unworthiness & wormy nature & would not as per its wormy nature attempt to worm its way to ensure entrenchment of its WormNasty! (DieNasty)
Ask your friendly neighborhood history analyst ... for an educated confirmation.

 Most, man (even worms), given overwhelming power will unfailingly live up to, proving, reaffirming the cynic's unshakeable confidence in Man's fallen nature.
Few and far between are the super novas. 
Throughout the continuing saga of our presence here the preconceived misconcepts of leadership qualities i.e. super nova IQ brilliance, sterling credentials from IVY league Institutions, descent from a certain lineage - the line of Arumiayathum S. David, blue skinned yellow eyed GM super Race, from the Chosen Race (who chose?), has again & again been repeatedly debunked by our Maker.
        "The corner stone on which the building's foundation was based was the stone reject"
Thus if one were to see, assess & select leaders with eyes human, evaluate with wizardry yet M.A.N. gadgets, & technologically advance highly acclaimed instruments powered by ego-centric, materialistic, self profiting, monetary based values; invariably the 'leaders' chosen would lead ones' peoples to the sewage dump of Man's (romantically understood) HELL. A place where human spirit can not, has not, will not, & is never able to soar, take flight, to attain the heights to which it was made and meant to be. 

As Conan the Bird brained yet faith filled 'Prayer Warrior' (woooa just love THAT word) said  :
GOK - God Only Knows

Thursday, October 17, 2013

There is no time ..

Nothing like 
the passing 
of a friend, 
to shake us. 
More if he was 
our age. 
We know we'll die, 
one day.
That it could be sudden, 
  unannounced, like a thief 
in the night -  
not likely. 

We are sure, 
very confident we have time, 
even if we are almost there in years. 
Maybe that was fatal delusion.
That makes for regrets! 

We Need worry? No; 
Medical problems? 
Yes,  not life threatening. 
Medications, regular follow-ups 
will keep the Reaper at bay. 
Besides, feeling great, things going well.
 What can go wrong?

HE cannot be so unkind. 

Do we need to hurry? 
Make special time to make up? 
No need. We'd rather Wait.
 Hey the guy's is not such a 
nice fella anyway. 
Why bother? 

Do we want to say "I Love you"? 
No no Wait.. 
Resolve the grudges, the hurts, the aches; 
for the right time.  
for the right day. 
for the right moment.

We have received jokes, 
of old age - its comical infirmities? 
Flags that should wake us, 
to our temporary-ness
we dismiss them, as jest. 
We deny our mortality
running out of time ….  not yet.   
Such happy fwds
 were fwd to an old classmate, 
And his response:   

"Good one!!!   
Why are we not meeting more often 
when we know our time 
is coming to end soon?   
call when you are in town

Did not call, 
did not meet.
Thought there is time yet, 
to see him, 
another day. 

Yesterday, he died.