Friday, March 28, 2014

"..& in HIS image he made them.. "

... sadly the IMAGE wasn't indelible & Man slowly turned & HE was re-MADE ......AND since then HE has ruled!    

What good does it bring any NATION then if for all the attainment it might have derived, from the conquests of other nations, it achieves (only) empty patriotism, hollow nationalism, material unfulfillment.
Fear the one who has motives based on nothing human, divine or even of earthly values; for that is the thrust from which EVIL would manifest !
Let's as a human Race not be overly emphatic, over valuing, & misplacing communal, racial, ethnic or even color pride as crucial values to hold true to,  to be proud about!
 .. For what is all these PRIDE of NATIONs going to be worth at the end of Time??
Can you can even count the worth-fullness?
Is there any value to quantify?
At that moment (probably out of Time, out of this dimension, out of the present Being-ness of oneself - would all of these GREAT ENDEAVORS of NATIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS,  these SUPER HUMAN SACRIFICES that made such a PROUD mark in the HISTORY of the NATION -- would all theeeze SH•† be relevant at all?

for the moment though 
 the b*s†*rds would be shº† down !!

Monday, March 24, 2014

MH370 I.ME.MY.

Would we rather 
break apart & singly crow over all others?
Would it serve us better to desperately out maneuver every other soul & so have the so-called best laugh which also is the last &  the loneliest too?
Would the joy we obtained, if we when victorious & triumphing over all others; bring greater intoxication, impart delights more savory & uplifting when all brethren lie apart  & not with us?
And whilst we stand alone; triumphing, crowing, celebrating, our achievements, our conquests, & victories; no one shares that last laugh with us!
If no one was around to hear the huge oak fall in the forest making a terribly loud "crash" in the forest's sonic environ, would not the greatness & the victories one attained by competitively eliminating every other person,  taste as meaningless,  as futile & irrelevant ? 
Would not it come over just as un-celebrative as   the silently LOUD oak? 
Should not we a single entity, a race, merge, flow together, rising as ONE, &  together reach for the MAX? 
Is that so difficult to resolve? 
Is it such an alien motive? 
Would celebrating together destroy or detract, or deny any bit of our god imparted human spirit?
Do we lose - anything??

Friday, March 7, 2014

web 2.0 BABEL 1.01 ?

CLICK for WEB2.0
Following on from the latest addition to the spoken, universally understandable, word - the millionth 'word' (does anyone really wish to understand?
After Man was 'confounded' at BABEL 
the diverse means of communicating verbally, has, rather than returning to the pre-BABEL unifying single voice, has exponentially 'grown' - now web 2.0 (a subtle brag?)proudly announces the addition of the millionth word to the spoken language.

.. on an irreverent note -
"Ever wondered if asked to pick the most 'wonderful' alphabet, which would you select? 
For some it might be “C”: 
 C what wonderful words cum from  “C” 

Cup, Curve, Constitution, Curse, Congress, Control, Capitalism, Condominium, Classy, Cool, Chick, Corruption, Circumcision, Christmas, Claus, Currency, Cash, Credit Card, Consumerism, Coca-Cola, Cocaine, Confucius, Crash, Cock, Cave, Crazy, Clitoris, Cunnilingus, Coitus, Conflict, Condom, Cum, Chlamydia, Conception, Chief, Child, Cop, Catch, Charge, Custody, Conviction, Correctional, Center, Cretinism, Clown, Carnal, Colonoscope, Canal, Constipation, Control, Convolution, Challenge,  Calvary, Confessionals, City, Christ, Church, Celebration….
And May I add, (This) “conniving”, “confusing”, “chaotic”, “caldron”, (of) “crazy”, “cocks” (&) “cunts” “civilization” (will only come to a) “catastrophic”, “collapse” ( & Eternal) “Condemnation”  
From thence, would start a different list of favorite  ALPHABETS 

“ARMAGEDDON” & on, & on, & on, & on ……

& the exit hole 
on the other end 
starts with

Monday, March 3, 2014

Revelations ...

"Lets work together
for the COMMON

"" in me, I in you, he in us & we altogether in 0ne ... :)""

i look'D

i saw NOne
There was n0ne 

i look'DD
there was,
 i saw, 
hI've found HeR?
da 0ne i'D l0ve? 
would i need, 
Eva again? 

i look'DDD

              dere assembled was a multiDude  of noes,  bowing & scraping & doing their  dudetiesaround a Pole-colored  HUMONGOIUS Dementiumized pRecarsinated ErrrrrUuuummbodied grin throne   on  which N0ne sat - 
and also seated with n0ne - inclusivelii were  he & she  &  it & their tenant,  pit & pee & π  & 22÷7  & ˚^¬¬  &  ÈÒÒ  &  Hiralee & JuniQuer  & 
ma¥be & Julyång & Chani Keon & OmeG0, dere too was ALs2Farway2c
           &  there was ƒ¨ç˚ & ËÇÒfl & blababibabiyrdadaisgodallahahah & who would have gåssed, 
ALL inclusivelii nondiscriminatelee,
                 patronizedlii  also on the throne, was rearl Admirear  Stiff&nd Ger who lived with Les BeAnne, & their tenant ms. Malltiplee E´ntree ! ANnnnneD that gåuuy whom nobody could ever love, could ever be enabled to L0ve- Mr.Ed1/2Mc0nn O'CONdomaniam  with Ir. Lord 99.25% MBA(uk-ft) who occupied uppyawrs pole'
 It was such a JOYfool'D MULTIdued$
                                                                which sat 2gether
which $eATEd 2gether    
which PLåiD Together  2 N0ne

         A huge Pa¥åing room only


A GR8T voice 'thundered'
from ampleefeirs made in USabcPardk0raelmrealterbacmngls∂ahsh
"All bow
 All pay HomeAGE
  to N0ne" 

n0 free passes

then i knew
 i had ever wanted to ask AND get answers to

was Maid known 
4 EVERY0ne 


& i  


Once LUstime

<{˘  |  ˘}>

in HUGEst possible of ALL FONTS

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emanating from the   DEAD'dddddded
minds of the multidudes
the un-n0ise of

ALOUD  $creaming

I J0ne,
 hopped from da yellow sub pinched maself & ditched ma bush

neither smoked 
did inhale i.

•(·*   |   °)•