One living in the present age of almost impossible to imagine over-crowding & putting up with such a deluge of rumblings from an increasingly VOCAL world, interminably pouring out unsolicited "wisdom"(sic) from as many gurus, sifus & other masters; all experts, everyone a CONsultant, an ANALyst; of every color, stripes & shapes, & odours; as one can ever possibly never need, is it not a wonder one is not able to hear anything from HIM our Maker GOD?
Assailed by such an inferno of advice, knowledge, information, updates, 101s from the 'connected conduits' of Human Smarts guess it's time enough to declare
-Don't want to listen-
-Don't want to be taught-
THUS to all well intentioned EXPERTS
*Just make like the wind:
Blow as you feel. Blow free, blow happy, blow strong, wherever the fancy takes you, whenever you feel like;
- take the sh*t which loves to go with you;
- to where you wished to blow them off to.
*Just make like the rain;
Fall to the ground when you feel. Fall as heavily, as softly, as wetly, as droningly as you feel like;
-wash the sh*t which loves to be washed away with you;
-to where you wished to wash them to.
*Just make like the sun;
Shine down on good old earth as brightly, as warmly, as burningly as you feel like;
-dry up the sh*t which loves to be dried by you;
-make them as dry, as hot as you wished to.
*Just make like the river:
Run down stream, as swollen with the fallen rain, as swiftly, as bubbly, as lazily, as fancy free as you have ever felt like;
-carry the sh*t which loves to go downstream with you;
-wash them to wherever you wished to.
As you flow nourish the land with your goodness as you had in ages past.
With no fanfare of trumpeting boasts, no blasts of media spinning, no self glorifying BULL of empty everyday bravadoes, no 'I did better than the other guy' strut, no 'look at me shining from the hill' bible prescribed brag;
No one wants to hear that sh*t anymore
No one wants to see that sh*t anymore
No one wants to learn or be taught that sh*t anymore….
We wish to only live -
our lives
NOT approved, sanctioned or prescribed
NOT approved, sanctioned or prescribed