"...Tho soul burdened, & life so fettered,
by troubles imminent, un-solvent, unresolved,
there yet was sacrifice unsurpassed
& determination supreme,
to cheer, add joy to the dreary;
to lift the mundane.
to deliver from daily drudgery,
for all
- that 'sacrifice' he made -
to laugh despite his tears,
to cheer despite fears.
*Would that he now repose in mirthful Bliss!
*Would that he now be humored by tearless Joy
that so elusively eluded him then.
*Make it be that PEACE, JOY, CHEER
he so missed be now fully his.
*Eternally bestowed by
HE who LOVEs
It always makes people sad when one they have strong feelings for i.e. 'loves' passes to the next level of 'being-ness'
All that the ones here can ever 'hope/pray' for is the late one is now blissful, joy-filled - wherever!
Our Faith calls it being with God in eternal Happiness, perpetual Light, and divine Peace.
Death is not necessarily permanent termination nor (as considered by almost all living humans) an END..
Doubtless in scientific, medical understanding a human creature who no longer exhibits those vital signs of LIFE - is DEAD ! Within the context of THAT consideration those who subscribe to such scientific concepts - they are 100 % DEAD right ! (purposely punned)
In the concept of religion as per the NON denominational GOD… there is neither an END to life as we will experience it later, nor is there another birth as in after medically dying one is reborn into another {different} 'life'.
The(usually perceived as warped) understanding of what this all mean is the entire circle of LIFE is a continuation from one form of being-ness, as we now are in - living in a human bodily form & after this "LIFE" living too in a non-human bodily form. Some Buddhists might word that as a human living person having transcended into the next realm .. in thus a spiritual non bodily, non material or matter-less form of a being.
Thus an 'existence' (which word might imply lack of quality as when in a comatose vegetative state) with no material form or in a plain body-less matter-less 'being-ness'.
Whichever it is we all need have no concern !
Knowing full well - BIRTH, DEATH & the 'looping', the 'transcending', the 'rebirth', from the present realm where we 'live' - to a different 'being-ness' - all this has, is & will be as GOD has very supremely, divinely, Omnipotently worked out for ALL OF US -- His created beings
- ALL regardless of affiliations - religionwise!
- ALL who beloved by Him, will trust in, & carry out - HIS Will !