Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Happy EASTER -

   Offering help spontaneously has become a bad word : 
Long gone dead & buried is the dictum of a daily good deed.
The other guy in most cases will respond with prejudice, suspicion; the act becomes taken (wrongly) by the intended helpee as patronizing, sometimes viewed as attempt to exploit, could be even regarded as manipulative; in other words  - negatively. 
This kills: ~
-everything in relationships 
-every try at meaningful human interaction
-all initiatives to do good, 
live well together as brethren in a community.

Human interactions become IMPERSONAL.

There result of adopting of un-trust, of seeing no good intent in any human act.   

The sad part even in personal family relationships, family members fall victims to that sad emotion, a defective hang up; of mistrust, fear of being exploited.

The trend being unchecked has parents & children going through lives with no strong building of  family values & ties. 
The unwillingness, reluctance to act or demonstrate spontaneous love or goodness since there are no returns. 
The loss is very sadly apparent in urban  families, in crowded business-ey cities of bustling nations...

Breaking News on live transmissions show unprovoked random expressions of haplessness, "screams" of "complete frustration" ~ emotionalized via random gun-related as well as other extreme acts of non specific unprovoked violence.

NO ONE is to blame except ourselves - we don't want to stop NOT doing anything freely, happily, out of  spontaneity to show care, love, & a natural  raw goodness & kindness of heart; acts undefinable definitely non-profit with no self-gain just to increase 
that feeling of kinship, 
of real human ties, 
of one-ness to another being. 

Why did we stop doing acts that bring joy to anyone at all regardless?
How come we who are grown & supposedly guiding & setting examples to better the world, the society, the community, the peoples of our own habitat YET are reluctant to show that spontaneity of non-return non-profit selflessness?

The initial crack in the wall which let in MISTRUST, SUSPICION, APPREHENSION can never be traced to source.

(YET the FF*ing 'wow' glamor associated with caring for rights of animals like sharks & their fins & Whales & Ferocious Man - eaters is so given star stature)

 Young kids not as yet contaminated with adult 'sophistication' & professionalism' easily spontaneously act this way. It comes to them without prompt, without hesitation as they simply express their NATURAL spontaneity.
 Thus we having 'grown' only in chronological age, having unlearnt that primal predisposition to spontaneous love, sacrifice, care, concern; that ability to disregard consideration of selfishness - the I-Me-My only syndrome being implanted in us replacing our instinctive naturally embedded reflex to just give, share, do LOVE!

Now no one wishes to be regarded as MAD do-gooders ??

Clearly if the prophets (in particular Jesus) should be reborn re-crucified re-resurrected once every 7 months there would be little change.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Growing Farther ...


 The way tools used by humans has drastically changed over centuries might indicate progress to many.  Man got smart; cleverer & is advancing in technological abilities - no doubt. 

Users of the basic hammers now employ hand gestures & touch screens to 'operate' 'tools' or equipment. Some instruments or equipments are operated by 'voice'.    

    The ability of the worker to 'fathom'  & 'interact' at a basic level, with the equipment, tools & other instruments he used in earlier days, now is slowly being lost. 

It was not at all complicated about hammering a nail into the wall or chiseling off a rough edge with those basic 'relatively straight-forward mechanical tools'

  We can see, feel & know what & how they were put together. We even can repair & maintain these tools we used should the need arise. We could take apart the lawn mover, clean its innards, the laptop computers, the mobile phones even can all be stripped or torn down and redone, reworked!
The autos, the many & numerous 'tools' which service us can all be comprehensively 'reached'.
   With mechanization & especially electronics increasingly going higher-tech, we now pride ourselves on having  complex 'tools' that require other even more complex tools,  operated by specific, technically enabled personnel (not necessarily human) to maintain, recalibrate or even to plug into, so to scan "internal circuitry" to 'access' functions & reach processes men used to (manually) 'lay hands on' -

"There are no consumer end-user serviceable parts on this appliance. Please refer to service personnel or distributor for technical advice & or services.
DO NOT repeat DO NOT attempt to repair unit.
WARRANTY void if seal is broken"

    That transition  (~progression?) from a palpable, tangible interaction between man & tools/machines to an "invisible", 'virtual',  'very separate' 'disconnect'ed association between a visible hammer to an instrument with 'unseen inaccessible innards' might analogously provide an insight (punned:) to what has taken place in the 'growing farther' of us 'created ones' from the divine - ONE. 
More & more the physical palpable, 'natural' link that was there between Man & the Perfect ONE has grown further, distanced, now inaccessible. 

ANIMALS though, those beasts (urrrgh) they still are connected..

 AND now, HE cannot be seen, heard, felt, smelled, or at all detectable with ease, with unease or even with extreme 'effort'.
         The link, that missing connect which is necessary for re-establishing, reinstating, reinstalling primordial relationship between us, the 'tools', & The MAKER CRAFTSMITH need to be re-bonded, re-calibrated, restored that we 'images of HIM' could then be returned to the original EMBRACE of ONEness, & be enfolded in the COMPLETEness of PERFECT INTEGRATION

The lost  spirituality: 'Innocence of pre-Eve-Adam' disabled under TIME-less layers of pride imposed   distancing Self-Shining
vain-glorious,  -'worthless chest thumping Manliness' has to be dug up, allowed to resurface.
That false heroic manliness of human uniqueness the perceived special status associated with the Divine i.e. "Proud Spirit" almost always blamed on a divine originated cause & sold as 'RELIGION', has to be discarded, stripped & torn down, expunged from every spiritual psyché before that re-connéction of a cléar signal of any significant spiritual effectiveness can be established - with the LORD & MASTER 

