& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
a country
a village
a hole in some wall :
a village
a hole in some wall :
0né might imagine LIFE as Joy filled Bliss?
when all the lifelong while:
* inhuman acts are legislated, enabling the ones in power to rape, pillage, plunder & compromise the nation & deny every rights a human being has...
* corrupt acts are regarded 'legal' depending who the perps are, & multiple versions of 'legal' avail to suit the national 'good' - with JUSTICE sightless, toothless, mute ...
* police & enforcement agencies, in enforcing law & order & ensuring public peace & safety act on personal biases, ethnic-based priorities & total disregard for Law & Order...
* representatives of the voiceless, instead place personal agenda & self centered motives foremost, abusing entrusted elevated positions to polish the apple & suck up to the rich & famous & influential; championing self gains & pecuniary advantage...
* the Mighty, Powerful & Rich employ coercive force via sanctions; shock & awe + overwhelming fire power to win the day, silencing, 'take out' - like a MacD trivial food item? an entire civilization (of dissidents, infidels, malcontents, communists, red Indians ?)…
* & if that don't do it for these grown up miscreants school yard, spoiled-brat bullies, armed with illegally culled sensitive, national, personal data- comprising vulnerably exposé of all and sundry, gleaned via spy programs like PRISM, & GOK whatever else, covert actions are initiated
to effectively do the rest of the non-compliants into oblivion...
* Organizations & Institutions tasked with the duty to ensure the establishing of divine righteousness, with imposing & maintaining a sense of greater Divine good, is so human as to bring ridicule & irreparable disrepute to the name of HIM, through events & agendas motivated & driven by RAW greed & power hunger ...
* every one is frantically 'screwing' all & sundry, aiming for immediate gains to ensure the attainment of personally defined, generally accepted (misconceived) 'values' of Success, Happiness & Joys, Achievements, Integrity, Respectability ...
* and while oné shares space with other fellow human beings who are NOT beasts, who yet do not at all lack in beastliness, immodestly unashamed we claim ego-boostingly to have been made in HIS image, claim vainly unabashedly this glam association with God, & immediately we continue clawing, posturing, jostling aside weaker ones, screwing each other, contrary to that claimed divine link, in vain attempts to be top dog.
* typically we surrender to trait, that frailty, so irrefutable & indelibly dominant, that urge which drives man's need for recognition & affirmation of superiority, for increase of self-worth, for self assurance one is the irrefutable best of every other so indistinctly similar creatures.
It is so obvious :
n0né is HAPPY
n0né feels GOOD
n0né has SUCCESS
n0né feel COMPLETE
n0né has no HUNGER
n0né no longer Thirst
While even the very envied, well to do, deemed by man's standards as very successful, are fully EMPTY.
n0né has no HUNGER
n0né no longer Thirst
While even the very envied, well to do, deemed by man's standards as very successful, are fully EMPTY.
And all this while -- AS IMMORTAL & never can dié 0ñé cannot get out from this GRIND via the usual normal death ~
AND the relentless GRIND, ENDLESSly 'Kill'
Like a nightmare that recurs
a nightmare of repeated BAD stuff increasing in severity with NO END - AD INFINITUM
a nightmare of repeated BAD stuff increasing in severity with NO END - AD INFINITUM
would oné wish never to die?
be grateful & thankful instead
the Almighty is infinitely wise
NOT to allow immortality
the Almighty is infinitely wise
NOT to allow immortality
to 'live' forever
◊ in abject misery ◊
UNLESS to share LIFE
with HIM
with HIM
in perpetual Peace
in TOTAL COMPLETE-nesswith