Monday, August 29, 2016

îñ gOD we TRUS† (oh yea?)


The national policy of some successful countries, when their Head of State travels, other important members of Government travel in separate vehicles of transportation.

Boldly, on instruments of monetary exchange

                                     In God we Trust

when one trusts in God one should rely & place everything on HIM. 

One surrenders oneself to HIS disposal.

HE decides if one would be protected or be allowed to be endangered.

                         That IS Trust.

Often MAN's association with HIM - the SUPERNATURAL persona GOD, who is representative of our perceived values of highest GODly, PURE ideals, is to impress on other nations' that we [though a herd of creatures like the Bison or Buffaloes or Monkeys too] is possessed of godly values and  

                                       We Are NOT beasts.


When that declared TRUST in GOD has made the required impression on others that we are decent folks with godly good values and loves others above self, are charitable, and as generous as benevolent as God is
--- the almost next instant, as soon as opportunity presents itself 

we act, carry on, Shockingly, Awfully
               Just like any other creatred beings (creatures) of any other nations -

     Completely unGodly,

      Territorially Self serving,

         Totally for national gain.

                                               and GOD?

                                             oh wellllll....

                                 He would/Should understand.

Jéålîü$ $éåzü®é
circa 00o0

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

IT'S mine Hé WILL'd

From the Mills of            -  Amagoddßu®î†oés
To the Plügs of              -  Baredamama®îé$
From the Shüres of             -  Låke ¥üm¥ümg0îchibawah
To the BîØnks of                -  CarjITlahééhåhå.kom
From the ÔamB0˚ku†ü†ü of     -  Casédoîtla
To the Licks of                   -  Jialatatayop -

Wherever, whenever shadow of Man
  is cast,
    HIs SH•T -
       be that RAW
            be that Deodorized 
                         be that Êreated:                         or Mümangled:
   be that even OrîReversed Osmanized;

                          or be that:
                  What It Be: 

     unfailingly the Stench:                                  stioinks, 

                  †His ENTIRETY


             —[•]— Man believe is his  —[•] —




     A 0ñé of Mültiplé MisC0ñceived MisPresumptions


Jéålîü$ $éîzü®é
circa 00o0

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Bread of good HOPE ...

“.. Spontaneous charity; never was a part of the animal's DNA;


less the human's.. "

The inability to revoke the time tested, clear & present trait of  «•» fail «•» 
".. Self Preservative Reluctance.. "

-- to part with any
[POS]  "Piece of Sh•†"  ooops "piece of self” not unlike suicide i.e.

"death by own over of self.

Even if ‘GIFT’ consists of nothing any much less great than material for the making of compost - manure…”


Jéålîü$ $eîzü®é
circa 0000