Monday, November 14, 2016

Recipe for †RUMP roast

    The New Yorker :
“His level of egotism is rarely exhibited outside of a clinical environment'”.

Clinical Environment

Accordingly the Post tRUMP win elicited the very admirable exhortation from the New Yorker :

"To combat authoritarianism, to call out lies, to struggle honorably and fiercely in the name of American ideals—that is what is left to do. That is all there is to do”

It reflects
"Nobility: Fairness: CONsiderations: SELFlessness"  
                         in tRUMPian USA



One has to define “AMERICAN” Ideals.

Are ‘American’ ideals same, at odds, unpalatable to the Ideals of others, of a different culture, different ethnicity,  different economic status; yet of that same exact DNA’d ideals of the Race called Man.

   Do Man then, need to zoom in, to view a smaller perspective, through the only window: ‘American'?

   What about the ones being, going to be, will be made less acceptable by tRUMP'$ - the President of the U.S.’s Ideal$?

 What about their Ideals?
Are theirs reflective of America’s?
Or are the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, nth world’s ideals as unpalatable to tRUMPish ideals; now aka AMERICA’s CONtemporary IDEALs {hopefully for the next 4 years only}; as America’s are to them?

Should there then not be an IDEAL of plain good-ness,  plain non-partisan Human ?

Besides: the very ‘bold’: now  aka ‘antiquated’ ‘irrelevant’ & ‘undoable’ statements engraved on that statue: in the harbor, 
that New Yorkers & others 
so 'happily', 
so 'PAT.riot.ically' pose- in, on, by, 
with -
“hey, sefie” 
“no see, no hear, no speak, no think” 
“I am ok enough already, ssssank Q” 
“nothing to be gain'd here, let’s move on”  

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside t
he golden door!”

[Due to insufficient space; for convenience; for brevity; for D tRUMP's ease  : “Gimme. Gimme. Gimme”]

be dug up, reviewed & given a greater LIFE in everyday people's perspective ?

     when one refuse to acknowledge, to look in the eye, 
the ugly, dirty associated with that B.A.D. ‘F’ 
And one would rather,  side step, work around, pretend it will go away, or just plain wait it out - 
                      till HE comes again --- 
 what remains after cleansing it, deodorizing it, making it palatable, acceptable, or surrendering it to HIM


one's LIFE becomes a LI_

Jéåléøü$ $éîzüî®


Saturday, November 5, 2016

AfrAîd to Dîé...

No one is able to make “dying”
    any less unacceptable,
     any less uncomfortable,
      any less troubling,
        any less mystical, less daunting.

   It is an accepted 'logic'-derived “known”,  that nøñé born mortal could add an extra Å√ø«¬Itgçk of GODliness to HIS image which HE would have any desire or need for.
Being Omnipotent, Omniscient, GOD of EveryALL, would any  ß≈j¥˚¬≤ or Ó©rÅ∆µπF«ß  human derived,  & contrived, any honorifics be at all Esoteriffically Exotic or Flatulently OVERwhelming to HIM?
Hence when many self seeking folks in attempting to prosper, glorifHIGH self;  implementing way of life -     
             Tüaboåism: Uniteyism: ONimîamai†y
often divert, mislead those ‘simply, trustingly are entrenched in HIS Godness with Childlike Faith
      ~ the disillusioning, diluting of Faith 
                 - SIMPLE RAW NATURAL-
 destroys devotion, confidence & complete reliance on the DIVINE, for life itself.
There is no shortage of these; trying, supposedly in giving help, in providing comfort, spiritualising, RELIGIOsing
this living process- 'life', for no great motivations than self  fortifhighcation.

Every ‘life’ has to face, understand, know ‘mortality’ 
be cognizant of the FACT, the ultimate demise of "life’’ is 
  NOT termination 
    nor FINAL 
      nor END.
        it rather is the NATURAL necessary progression 
          that culminates <NOT> terminates with 'dying'.

Visuals & multiplééééé$ of feed$ from the first day most living created life could assimilate, see, form thoughts with some intelligence, DEATH & the dying process has been made to appear °°so awesomely sh°††y, so scarey, «so to be avoided at all costs‘», 
so bamn unplalatable,                                                            
                  [so final? especially when one takes out one's nemesis/enemies]
               that it really need a reIMAGE.

  To demystify death one need only regard it as a transcending, a redirection, a return to the being-ness within HIS eternal EMBRACE; the CRADLE/BOSOM/ROCK/WOMB/HOLE/BAY/COVE/HARBOR/SHELTER ~ [whatever] ~ wherein all mortal life were enfolded before taking being 
                           »» BORN««

Many 'mis'using HIS name honor & authority,  under the guise of providing strength, help, comfort, or "salve" : turn this’ 
       ~HIS most wondrous GIFT~
   into crass commercialization, capitalism
into vain-glorious religious pomposity, posturing, jostling making $ounds/sermon$ based on zero DIVINE authenticity/authority/relevance - for earthly esteem.
Endeavoring a quick route to $AINThood without dying. As Sainthood requisites nonAliveness, it is a futile attempt, works only for the attaining of self SHIOK {pitifool}

    So-called $AIN†$ in 'heaven' could give a Tåtur®å†ooié's arse on †heir canonization/sain†HooD.

 There IS wholesomeness, worthwhileness, purposeFULLness, goriness, (yes, no mispell), UNprettineS$ & moré; 
to this 
»»seemingly«« meaningless
  if one would only divert from the 

  almost undoable

Jéålîøü$ Séîzü®é

Friday, November 4, 2016

Sîmplé made Dîffîçül†..

  Life's goals should be simplicity    
   Life itself should be a breeze;
    for attaining of ~
          : CONTENTMENT
            : JOY
              : SATISFACTION
                 : FULFILLMENT ~
   Most definitely it seldom is.



why & how come NOT?
All one would need, to attain ALL of the above & more, are already provided where one draws breath & live out one's allotted days                        
            : HERE :
°°° This might help clear certain inaccurate misconceptions  embedded in the psyche of  people who would just cruise along and  

                                 “..let the leaders do the navigating..’’
   Such folks, which makes 87% of all free (?)thinking people,
partly confounds the ease of getting F00Lfilled for acquiring HAPPINESS :-
    AND by allowing the other 13% of all (?)thinking people,  who supposedly has THE Map - to Juck  [“J” is replacing ”F”] around with one's life, as they see, think, or feel free to do, the difficulty level to reach HAPPY is Unnaturally increased manifold.

AN ANECDO†E  to illustrate how easily simple things can & often get Completely sCREWed:

Once upon a çÎime, a Tinéé Discipleé; the most junior in rank; of 
The Order of Real FAITH COñseparators


  "What is our Religion’’ ?

MS{G}FC - Most Senior {Gold level} FAITH COñseparator answered:

  "We are Røµåñ √ßTÓ¬îçS"

The  Tinéé Discipleé impertinently insistently persisted,:

  “What’s the difference between us Røµåñ √ßTÓ¬îçS & the √ßTÓ¬îçS” ?


  "We Røµåñ √ßTÓ¬îçS pay homage, & honor La∂y preFORMer Mü∂∂ér Â؉Á through whom GøD so MAGnanimously CONdescendingly descended from on HÅîGh, to becume like us -Hoîomåñ-
     to muddle,
       to meddle,
         to mudislime with us,
           THE SELECT RACE.
These √ßTÓ¬îçS however do not pay any heed to La∂y preFORMer Mü∂∂ér Â؉Á  & her honored role of birthing our Go∂.
Not only do they not honor or homage La∂y preFORMer Mü∂∂ér Â؉Á  they ridicule our special regard for her since she is an ordinary creature like us"

Tinéé Discipleé : 

"Aîyøøøø LøQd, so complicated wan arh?             
      “Can we Jüs† believe in Go∂” ?

The ease to attain COMPLETEness “HAPPîñéé” in this our world is simply to zoom out from an overly focussed view 

 —— of one’s TOTAL bloated zero-ness ——


SîQmåññ F®åü∂ 