Saturday, January 28, 2017

Brudder 0f God indéé∂ --

If only we could look at ourselves from outside our prideful EGO...  what a laugh we would truly enjoy....

Faith will work only :
 when fiery religion based rhetoric & oratory eloquence, 

     using, calling on & claiming {with no licence}
     the Authourity of HE, the DIVINE; 
are doused by recognizing : 
S. Korea, †oo;
is peopled by ‘creatures’ {as equally created} & given life by  HIM;  GOD 
without the label 

Faith will work only :
when JAPAN †oo

is recognized as
peopled by ‘creatures’ {as equally created} & given life by  HIM;  GOD 

without the label 

Faith will work only : 

are viewed as peopled by ‘creatures’ {as equally created} & given life by  HIM;  GOD 
without the label

Faith will work only : 
when The People's Republic of China †oo
is viewed as peopled by ‘creatures’ {as equally created} & given life by  HIM;  GOD 
without the label

Faith will work only : 
when peoples of EVERY, RACE, COLOR and CREED †oo
are viewed a ‘creatures’ {as equally created}
& given life by  HIM;  GOD 
without the label
XYZABC*ƒ••÷π¢¶ª**  {Expletives deleted}

Faith will work only :
when CHRIST is recognized as the embodiment of  

                                                 - G.O.D. -

     whose  ‘Name’ ‘Nature’ ‘Kingship’ ‘SUPREMEness’
creatures such as we CITIZENs of Earth magnanimously  endowed  with LIFE 
       has zero divinity
           zero regality
             zero eligibility
  & NO qualification, rights nor     
              permission whatsoever to even murmur under      bated breath.

Faith will work only :
       when CHRIST is recognized NOT as the sole PROPERTY, nor as
a Patented Trade Marked Licence;
nor bRUDDER,
of Christians   -  
of COMMIes
of  XYZABC*ƒ••÷π¢¶ª** {expletives deletd}
nor of any & all Faith groups

BUT as    the ONE true GOD 
- enfolded within the HUMAN ‘biological container/body,  
              < ---- come DOWN from on HIGH ---->


degrading, corrupting, marring, contaminating                   
                                HIS REGAL DIVINITY -
 <------------ via the DIVINEly unimaginably unacceptable 'degrading  process of 'human' birthing'
                     to step into the swill here 
we glorious CITIZENs, magnanimously   endowed with LIFE claim existence -------->
so that  we ---

great CITIZENs magnanimously  endowed  with LIFE
 - not an iotic picocentimeter higher on the scale of DIVINE regality & purity than the left 32.45th heel of the millipede; as it crawls over the dirt & slime & corruptibles of the sewage...
--- could see, touch & encounter 
 in the flesh -

Faith will work only :      
          when folks who could only see how great WE art : truly see ourselves clearly & correctly as minuscule, miserable, despicable  pieces of organic matter, given LIFE by HIS divine magnanimity.

Faith will work only :
           when we ''great'' CITIZENs magnanimously endowed with LIFE   

 wake from our slumber 
   & know we
   were NOT, 
     is NOT
       & NEVER at all will be 
                        on par as BRUDDERs ever 

                                             - G.O.D -

CHRIST is NOT our BRUDDER as like the male sibling; 

born of our earthly father’s wife. 
is not,
can not,
never will,
 analogously, spiritually, metapherically, religiously or in any other weirdly CONCOCTed link, 
excuses or 
holies† justification ever be our


till we realize from which 'unglorified' ‘heap’ we truly did come. 
Digging into roots of our murky ancestry would uncover almost unreserverdly the same heap of our same common origin 
--- none greater than the other  'Select group'
    each FooLY Ego Filled : each claiming divine kinship ---

There is NO GLORIOUS divine  KINship 
associated with any special select GROUPs 
with G. O. D.

before being stopped on becoming CHICKEN soup; 
CROWS after grand-standingly humping the hen$.
before being stopped on becoming the Lion’s Supper: 
grand-standingly THUMPS his chest after humping  it's monkey-mate$.
ONLY we CITIZENs magnanimously endowed with LIFE
has yet learned  to stop CROWING & THUMPING & laying unfounded claims to divine endowments 
& exclusive BRUDDERhood with 

    Pray G.O.D in HIS OMNIpotence
      would overlook  
          would allow
would spare us
             CITIZENs magnanimously endowed with LIFE
   God - our brudder..             
   must be something real potent, smoked.


Jéålîøü$ $éîzü®é
circa 00o0

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Blame ALL on udders; sweetly --- milk & honey will flow


Poverty, hunger, inequality, wars are 

not because of, or despite  
not because of, or despite
not because of, or despite 
      religiosity .  
not because of, or despite   
 lack of RELIGIOnS 

not because of, or despite
N. Koreans. 
not because of, or despite    

             Easterners,                 Southerners,
       Dick Nixonians,
       or Peeps from the 
       dreaded PRC-
       Peeples Repugnane & CRUDé

The list is inexhaustibly, boringly, inclusive, of every  creature, MAN especially; who ever scratched, marred, SHtted on the surface of this place called Home.
  The pangs of sufferings, plus other seeming 

     “nasty unhappiness” 
are the obvious most evident, & visible consequence of ‘wars' & other acts that result indirectly from nøñé in the above list.

Rather, ----Poverty, hunger, inequality, wars & the accompanying pangs of nasty unhappiness----
  are consequence of one inavoidably built in highly self destruct trait of the group dominant in this place called Home ---
       “human failings”

which when allowed to be transHogg®îFriedickally  expressed   ---- wars, armed conflicts, & other killing processes happen & are often perpetuated on 
SELECT group of creatures who though are of the same species called Man; are yet NOT of THE select group -----
THEN "suffering”, “misery”, “extreme unhappiness” 
& “death”, 
are the outcome.

The root from which most, if not every color of sufferings originate, is that particular characteristic unique to human beings:
   °presumed possession of higher intelligence, often maligningly claimed to be related to the Divine;

  And self ‘manured’ with the  conviction of possessing higher nobler birth, ancestry & lineage gave life to Trendy arrogance - expressed as “been there done that” by the ones who exactly been nowhere & done naught.

All for the aim to be ‘Knowing’ & ‘possessing’ 
more, greater, & holier assets.
That sense of  UNIQUEness,
the competitiveness, from the mindset based on

the zero-ness of never wanting to be less than the next guy 
That ability to NOT be able to accept one could  naturally  be  'lesser'        


   ––––“Pride in nothing”––––
 is in reality what makes the entire ‘huMan experience’ the "SUFFER" it is.

IT need NOT, should NOT 
be so...
It though cannot be otherwise until & unless that peculiarity unique to us humans 

that SENSE OF [greater than the next guy's] worth, is removed or reduced & subdued.. 
Made wrong [?on purpose] this handicap (NOT GOLF) is that to be overcome to determine who the wheat ..who the laff ... ooops chaff 


Sîqmånn F®åü∂
circa 00o0

How the world got 'laid'.


 Your pet Dog a MONGRéL???
NO pedigree?

You wear THAT brand perfume???

You mean it’s OK to send your kid to THAT school???

What on earth made you embrace THAT Faith???

You sure you have NO health problems eating THAT cereal for breakfast daily???

You get advice from THAT consultan†???

You NEVER heard of the multi-bladed shaver, still using single bladed???

Your fiancé is from WHICH church???


You said your son is a college trained TEACHER, only???

You play golf at THAT club???


You can drive THAT car - non Automatic???


You mean you are NOT American???


Your Nation’s  President is THAT real estate developer/contractor ???


  AND the world plus almost every 



 got happily UNknowingly

     L A I D  

Chasing that MUST have rainbow

so to be seen 

& recognized 

as Successfooled.

And the psyLEN† observer at every huMan misadventure sniggered gleefully, rubbing it's arthropodal front appendages in joyful anticipation of the greater increase in menus at the impending feast  




$îQmåñ F®åü
