Despite the DotxiLion nos of systems of governments man labor under:
Despite the EocktiLion nos of theologies Man embrace to give honor to Him:
Despite the Fü†øzLiion nos of faith groups Man belong to, so to DIFFerentiate HIM
(:)- one from the otHER-(•)
Despite the Gii†mone¥Liøn
nos of Banking systems Man utilizes for Trade, Commerce & other $ini$ter pecuniary Covertism$:
Despite the HaHihüIøßåLîîon nos of Languages Man utter as Communicative Innuendoes & Misrepresentations:
Despite the IdüªñéîmLLion nos of LifeStyles, Cuisines, Entertainment, Thrîll$, Challenges Man find pleasure indulging in:
Despite the Jü∆rhiniLLion nos of Medical/Scientific/Knowledge-based DisCOVERies Man employ for Comfort, Protection, Offence, Healing & other self benefitting UNsavorie$:
Despite the KîkøøkåkåkåîLlion nos of Means/Instruments Man use to give vent via Melodious Expressions to his Innermost TurBoil, Emotive Deviousness & Sensual Diversions:
Despite the above & other nos of systems; too innumerable, too mind-freezing to itemize
There is ONLY 1 (øñé) nos
of way Man invariably terminate
where Man… would have to “Flame off”
back to whence Man was
before here.
But what the Høî Hé¥ Hîø¥éG Heck!
as long as Man is alive, is strong, is capable, is ARSEnalled, is Fø$;
Man will do HIS uTMO$t best to ensure, every & each Man - other than the ones Man has no malice or fear of - would be made to ShîT his pants
choicest opportunity
rears its stinGing head.
That the purpose Man was given life(no?).
that others’ LIVEs are made unliveably MISerABLE {no?}.
if A lesser Man misFORTUNately, KarmaNegatively crosses the path of a more enable,
more armed,
more biceps-full,
"more" in every way the former is
"less" of;
he the former, would be made to SH°† his pants by the more'd man
Who, which Man truly gives a Sh°I°† to ensure
a Life well lived
so to gain
’‘ D E A T H ’‘
died well?
N0† When so MUCH MORE misery is available/waiting to be inflicted, sadistically,
thrill-fully; ripé & réåd¥ to be unleashed on every other
which in $o doing {would} make one feel worthy of one's insignificance.
claiming justifica†ion in the name of HE/$Hé ~
whom one calls the
Almighty ?
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