Friday, May 11, 2018

Minds Shaped Awry...

     Plastics, sugar consumption plus many other 'noe  noes' thrown at consumers usually are the result of BODIES having agendas of gains, axes to grind, promoting these ideas, rather than any real harm from plastics and sugar. 
    So if dolphins choke on plastic and die, what about the countless human beings dying daily from a myriad of causes. 
      Death is a natural part of living. So is plastic and other inconveniences, almost all of which cause or are instrumental in making one die, Automobiles, petroleum products, declaring WARs all over the globe just to name a few, which evidently cause more death of man and beast.
    BUT are accepted tolerated and pushed under the rug of 
  'no attention need be taken'. 

Coffee drinking was and still is BAD. Anything in excess is bad.

    Hoi in fact if one fears dying which is silly cos it's unavoidable then everything IS ~~~~~~ BAD ~~~~~
 Hence to be a sanity inclined person with some thinking ability, take a little of everything and keep a good balance, is all.

An expatriate ENT professional from a fourth world nation, confided his wisdom : 

A little bitty poison is vitamin.
Too much VITAMINS is POISONous. 

Sîmplé $îmøñé

The LIVING is good...?

Now that i am an elected MP   ̶z̶i̶l̶l̶i̶o̶n̶a̶i̶r̶e̶

who would dare
get in my hair
now that i am an elected MP  
where are my (necessary) mares
who'd be the 'actors'
in my next 

orchestrated 'nightmares'

is there any place else
where anything is new
or real
or unfeigned?

is there anyone
that's true
or real

would i find ever -
clean of hidden intents
free of suppressed urges
with aims 

not for free cruises?

now that i am an elected MP 

who could care enough
truly be blind enough
to see not 

           the cash, 
             disregard the power, 
               un-note the luxurious wow of potentials 
                glorious affluence ?

who could be

  real enough
    unconcerned enough
       unaffected by the snooty pomp, 
         to not fake respect,
            not bow nor scrape around,

oh my ~!~ the saluting, 
                  the hollow honors, 
                  the oh so 'special' faultless fawning

WHO could be,
just be,
                               a friend  ~!~
             nothing less  ~!~
                              just FRI•END  ~!~

now that i am an elected MP  ̶z̶i̶l̶l̶i̶o̶n̶a̶i̶r̶e̶ 
                    i wished i were not elected 
                                nor  MP  
     »»»»»»»  i could not even be  ««««««« 
     »»»»»»»     a friend to me       «««««««
              without the Zillion$                                                       
                            of me
                     the  Zillionaire.

 $împlé $îmøñé