Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Settling of Scores --

There being a season for almost everything - 
it’s human to jeer, to gloat, to celebrate “victory” for defeat of an opponent, 
be that opponent opposing “Good” & supporting “Bad” : or opposing “Bad” & supporting “Good”
for it requires one who is not in this system to arbitrate as to  one's goodness or to determine if one is "bad".
  Man's version of these values varies depending on one's cultural, ethnic as well as  personal perspectives.

For instance, to one who subscribes to 'different' ethical/moral values there is nothing "bad" or 'evil' to help oneself to others' belongings. To certain folks it is OK to even use someone else's personal belongings without requesting permission. Carrying that further is sleeping with another person's spouse (which of course, unless done forcibly, need the wayward spouse of the other person to be consensual) 

Again, all aberrations of how Man's values of
other 'shades' in between
making it impossible standardizing such values good or bad, whilst here..

Universal  "Good" & "Evil" - is Completely non-negotiable.
In that system there is no ambiguity & there is no different shades to confuse RIGHT from WRONG


WHITE is white

In an "absolute" system, 
grey ~ a lighter shade of BLACK 
is non-palatably regurgitated, 
 with indignant Force  
if/when forwarded as supportive credentials seeking Approval  for 
é†érnal Åbødé


But putting the 'confirmed beyond reasonable doubt' - 'evil' 
(regarded by normal human standards as so i.e. "evil") 
and ensuring such acts of “bad”  perpetrated by the “wrong” evil-doer/doer$,   
do not become the norm in human communities; is laudable, logical &amp from which only G00d would flow.
This is different entirely from an act of revenge:
 “an eye for an eye”
in retribution to whatever act done by whomever as long as oneself is the “victim” 
The story before the coming of 
He - God (as man embodied in human flesh) to institute an even more unattainable goal for us Man - a goal where one is expected to be unHuman - to do unHuman acts of adopting god-like “divine” modus operandi
 of giving the other cheek; in response to BAD done to one;
 is  SO  contrary and anti human-NATURE
so alien to how common petty minded humans, 

of which most are; would act.
  In contemporary life, Happiness is thus,  a gift that enables one to retain Sanity, maintain  Direction & Purpose & persevere with Goodwill, 
despite being swamped, in an ever populous world filled with every ~ UNiQUe ~ creature of different stripes of :

 bladabladibladaaaa &amp more other kinds of UNIQUEness.(countless) ...
most of which make "life"
an extremely tough call for many whose entire living intent & direction is to lie on the fresh

bloomed weeds/the rejected trash HillocK$/the weighty gold bullion/the glitzy diamonds

                      bearable if regarded as





       for consideration
          a better beingness 

            after the "now"

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