it's the same motivating factors; which run in the veins: flooding the pipes, powering the drives, juicing the joints, oiling the cogs, spinning the wheels; propelling the intents of the lowly earthworm;
as the crazed ambitions of any psychopathic megalomaniac.
Whilst the earthworm’s focus & impact is below a tiny plot of earth - at the roots of that though so HUGE majestic tree ;
the megalomaniac's involvement could well extend beyond National boundaries, transcending huMan existence.. beyond even their own timely demise.
To counter, & prevent such detrimental death dealing contamination, vileness from flowing along the passage of Time .. muddying up this Entirety — countless measures, take downs, removals, deactivations of these favored/evil/great/honored/reviled/criminals/heroes/glorified/condemned/esteemed.. had been worked out & enacted... all maximally ineffective.
Seemingly uptil the 23rd day of the 18th month of Zyuexîx : without the total annihilation of both the humble earth worm & it’s entire genus; and the [deserved]crazed maniacal psychopaths & too their entire genus..
plus the wiping out of other associated life-forms : -- cobblers, warthogs, K9s; mallrats, c4s, Ducatis, AK17s, Pineapples, M16s, Ex-peedM, Teslas, martyrs, fruitBats, PalmOil kernels, Jihadists, tinkers, Taugehs, jailbirds... and their separate and individual genera. etc. & etc & etc,
there has never yet been any effective solution concocted ... earthwise i.e.
so help us Lord.
$îléñ† måjøré
circa 00o0