Monday, March 30, 2020

Any ..


 rummaging through bins
might salvage stuff «» if of  any  worth
 when  days   are    gone 
in the dumps of history 
If  there  be

Dümp'd in2
Såam Par tüñg
circa 00o0

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

No ooooooo ...

Imagine ... these all were mortals .. great ones, each.. oh yeeeaaay GREAT indeed!

Yet -- after being dead, for so long the Sh•† Mess some of these greats left behind
long after their

passes were cancelled

account$ closed

numbers called

sparks extinguised


packed - bundled
despatched post haste
to OEM
[?] 😓 Home ⚰ {?}
their greatness aka MESS aka sh•T aka screw-ups aka HongKong's DuiLeiLohMoh
is still being managed/cleaned up
sanitized by those here present..
    May be why the WiseGuy aka Tua Peh Kong aka MuThisaktéé aka ApBA aka SaiBiebee aka Kew LOng Eah & other similar honorifics for the ONE who done initiated ALL this
««--- Whatyoumightwannacallit--»
did not include I.mmort.ality as standard specifications.
Imagine the quantum of Sh•t, the hugeness of the MESS, of the screws.unloosed, the unresolveable fück ups.. which could be generated if these great guys
never could
what horrors in odours awesome indeed; would the clean.up crew be inhaling/undertaking 
 Kind is the Power that be
•• €xpir¥ Date$ ••
°• $helf Life °•


in Dea†hly $ilénçe
†old 2 üñDér †ehkåhh
circa 00o0---

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Egg or Chicken..?


Other than to attempt being regarded as a brainiac; does it really matter which came first

The Egg or the Chicken?

Rather of more concern is that both do not end up on the same plate, together with cheese, beans, lettuce, fries etc ~~ served up as some Happy Meal for a degenerate first class criminal in a shady downtown joint..

cockoo'd to
Charlie Chickadoo