Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Speak no Evil..

 every blessed grandkid would be taught by doting Grandies,
 : a time worn tradition :
"..Don't say anything, if there's nothing NICE or GOOD to say.."
Excellent advice indeed.
yet every moment of everyday; 
loads of
  social connectivity messages
•spoken• spewed •preached •taught •vomited  
             •excreted •released •spoken 
loosed into the ether
  drowning  out even Thunder.
just cos it can be done -- easily, simply with little effort,
even less thought.
Going by Grandies' advice 
                      that Nice & Good only be told, those Zazaboomillions of Messages should be about
             Nice & Good stuff.

God has yet been heard ..
    would HIS silence 
HE has nothing 
Nice or Good 
to say

What then that's BAD  or  Un-Nice 
is quiet


psssst to:
Soh Såî Lern
circa 00o0