Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Where ELSE to run..

.... anything Political in any human community has yet to evolve to a universally acceptable system.        not to mention good yet.
politics & the exponents of it; is necessary; as water & sunshine; to plants.
As Man, being not plants;  can manure be good for them?
Politics, & it’s practitioners; hence
   are necessary - as bad smelly - manure 
          to plants and other vegetathieves 
 not Man 
There being no other be††er system yet devised
  THAT smell just has to be got accustomed to.

the alternatives ::
                      Evacuate: Emigrate: 


CONfided to
Sir Lord S.A. Tan
circa 00o0

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Try harder....?

.. absolutely powerful Men --
make the here  ---- the wonderous now
the Living •HELL•
which the
wanted all his creatures
to not ever be domiciled in,
especially NOT forEVER
till endless TIME.
   The ñå$†¥ of huMan traits, manifested - inflicted throughout history; on less malvolent fellows  now & almost at every available chance;
makes invalid/untenable the presumed claim of any direct linkage, even remotely; between the DIVINE  & man.
That which never was an assured given, only an unwarranted presumed association; need no further sweat, nor tears, nor extra wasteful effort, to further emphasize..
to get
hyperTensed ~|~ hyperStressed ~|~ hyperDiluted
Arrogant, van-glorious, unrealistic presumptions, simplistically declared; even though with Religion.spliced fervor;
for the sake of a highly hoped for, instant acquiring of an eternal pass; would qualify 
----?? ----
To hope, though;
               & more
               to strive for:
               as LIFE's  GOAL itself
    ------  nurturing the god.ness -------
[present+dormant] in all & each one
would be viably less fraught with failure.
And a likelier, positive
act of choice.

leeked to
Jøm Leds péé
circa 00o0