Monday, April 27, 2015

Immortality ….

Would that 0ne is immortal

AND as 0né is living forever 

& ever & ever & ever & ever

& ever & ever & ever & ever

& ever & ever & ever & ever

& ever & ever & ever & ever

& ever & ever & ever & ever

& ever & ever & ever & ever

& ever & ever & ever & ever

& ever & ever & ever & ever

& ever & ever & ever & ever

& ever & ever & ever & ever

& ever & ever & ever & ever

& ever & ever & ever & ever

  a country
a village
                    a hole in some wall :
     0né might imagine LIFE as Joy filled Bliss?
                      when all the lifelong while:

* inhuman acts are legislated, enabling the ones in power to rape, pillage, plunder & compromise the nation & deny every rights a human being has...

* corrupt acts are regarded 'legal' depending who the perps are, & multiple versions of 'legal' avail to suit the national 'good'  -  with JUSTICE sightless, toothless, mute ...

* police & enforcement agencies, in enforcing law & order & ensuring public peace & safety act on personal biases, ethnic-based priorities & total disregard for Law & Order...

* representatives of the voiceless, instead place personal agenda & self centered motives foremost, abusing entrusted elevated positions to polish the apple & suck up to the rich & famous & influential; championing self gains & pecuniary advantage...

* the Mighty, Powerful & Rich employ coercive force via sanctions; shock & awe + overwhelming fire power to win the day, silencing, 'take out' - like a MacD trivial food item? an entire civilization (of dissidents, infidels, malcontents, communists, red Indians ?)…

* & if that don't do it for these grown up miscreants school yard, spoiled-brat bullies, armed with illegally culled  sensitive, national, personal data- comprising vulnerably exposé of all and sundry, gleaned via spy programs like PRISM, & GOK whatever else,  covert actions are initiated 
to effectively do the rest of the non-compliants into oblivion...    

* Organizations & Institutions tasked with the duty to ensure the establishing of divine righteousness, with imposing & maintaining   a sense of greater Divine good, is so human as to bring ridicule & irreparable disrepute to the name of HIM, through events & agendas motivated & driven by RAW greed & power hunger ...

* every one is frantically 'screwing' all & sundry, aiming for immediate gains to ensure the attainment of personally defined, generally accepted  (misconceived) 'values' of  Success, Happiness & Joys, Achievements, Integrity, Respectability ...

* and while oné shares space with other fellow human beings who are NOT beasts, who yet do not at all lack in beastliness, immodestly unashamed we claim ego-boostingly to have been made in HIS image, claim vainly unabashedly this glam association with God, & immediately we continue clawing, posturing, jostling aside weaker ones, screwing each other, contrary to that claimed divine link, in vain attempts to be top dog.

 * typically we surrender to trait, that frailty, so irrefutable & indelibly dominant, that urge which drives man's need for recognition & affirmation of  superiority, for increase of self-worth, for self assurance one is the irrefutable best of every other  so indistinctly similar creatures.

It is so obvious : 
n0né is HAPPY
n0né feels GOOD
n0né has SUCCESS
n0né feel COMPLETE  
n0né has no HUNGER  
n0né no longer Thirst
 While even the very envied, well to do, deemed by man's standards as very successful, are fully EMPTY.
And all this while -- AS IMMORTAL & never can dié 0ñé cannot get out from this GRIND via the usual normal death ~
AND the relentless GRIND, ENDLESSly 'Kill'
  Like a  nightmare that recurs  

 a nightmare of repeated BAD stuff increasing in   severity with NO END - AD INFINITUM 
   would oné wish never to die?

 be grateful & thankful instead
     the Almighty is infinitely wise     
NOT to allow immortality
to 'live' forever
  ◊ in abject misery ◊

     UNLESS to share LIFE 
        with HIM         
in perpetual Peace


Sunday, April 5, 2015


   Regarding this dread, or fear of the 'Big C' as referred to by the late king of cowboys John Wayne, it in reality is one of the many Natural culminations of a creature's walk, stroll, run, romp or skate boarding trip through this, present existential situation to the 'other'. 
  Religion would term that 'other' as Heaven whilst those more inclined to a less spiritually restrictive understanding - Afterlife.
Death {blandly} is the way back - it just is unfortunate that death is regarded, built up into the ORGRE it has become to man.
  If one an intelligently-aligned creature (man is a created being after all thus - creature) were to regard the end of this present condition called 'Life' & the 'other', when there is no more life; as 'Death' - the associated dread & fear as well as horrors  embedded in the subconcious psyche over the millennium of our existence, with the non knowing, non life, non sensation-able, non hedonistic, unfeeling status of 'death' - would bring fear, loathing, revulsion, rejection plus a host of other unpleasant, extremely unacceptable gut churning emotions, all of which swamping one dreading psyché, would insert, revoltingly impact & remain embedded in one's memory banks for a long long time - or till death perhaps do they then part :) 
   In reality this has been "ON" from day zero when Man realized his mortality, his impermanent nature. 
  In a daemon sort of way that imprinted mind set on 'death', wears one down, discoloring one's outlook & regard for this present, and extremely blessed period of existence, of living, of being - of (crassly) - the Pursuit of Happiness-however HAPPINESS is defined, to one's requirement. 
  So fulfilled, happy & thrilled with life now & here, most of us find it impossible to imagine NOT being here. We 'fear' abhor that 'end' when all this present pleasant is 'switched' off  '0'
 Yet if one were to try dwell on this perhaps salient point:- were we apprehensive, fearful or dreading BEFORE we were born to the 'now' while we were 'thence' to 'whence' we return on 'death'?
  This (?warped) logical and spiritually established reality - the unreasonable over-'regard' that prowls in all living thinking creatures, who ponder with a sense of destiny, focussed morbidly on man's demise, might inadvertently has been evoked & stitched into our psyché by unanswered, unanswerable questions, queries, & musings as early man philosophized on what is death, afterlife, or heaven - and what he is our would assume when he no more is in existence, bodily, here.
  And as far as popular culture go, the biological processes that are involved in that dreadful act of 'dying' reaffirms & re-enforces that bad,  that dread & we almost to a man ~ agree:
Death IS VERY unNICE..
Growing Old involves
Losing All our Marbles - Sans eyes, ears, teeth, Sans Hard-ons, most crucially Sans 'Security of the Now' the firmness of the Earth we stand solidly on- that unfounded self-reassuring feeling of PERMANENCE. 
  Thus man though similarly crafted like other created LIFE, ('appear' to be the only being) 
unable to accept that Finality. (most weep, grieve at death's occurrence whilst other 'lesser' creatures apparently do not) Yet clearly cognizant of life's IMPERMANENCE in irreconcilable desperation we all attempt to work around, escape & circumvent the unpleasant - that INEVITABLE - death.
From this very inescapable indelible DREAD, FEAR, APPREHENSION of MOST humans sprung, evolved, & mutated with avarice, & viciousness  & pecuniary gains as bottom line -  'malignant organizations' that feed and thrive on that desperation of us all, that not wanting to leave this 'present'. 
Professions,  entire industries, commercial enterprises specializing in providing vain in-attainable HOPE of prolonging,  even preventing, the transition into that other - non body existence - DEATH.
 The ridiculous need of wanting to perpetually 'look' youthful, & from that, to feel good, deluding oneself from the reality of the END, a less potent form Dorian Gray syndrome - the wanting to escape or side step the inevitable, by itself a huge waste of useful human resources,  which always present, generates an industry that cashes in to consumeristically capitalize on the Vain Cling to Youth, its associated ?virility, viability & other presumed pluses  & perhaps; against all likelihood  against Nature; keeping THAT day at bay. 

 Perpetual Youth-promoting related industries linked to Medical, pharmaceuticals, as well an endless host of enterprises (almost all PROFIT oriented) evolved grew & thrive on that entrenched dread of the INEVITABLE
   In order to retuned, re-enable oneself to re-occupy, seize again that most balanced harmonious mindset, of accepting & recognizing the EVENT of the end  as a benign NATURAL process, one should revert, remove & erase the embedded imprint of a very negative False regard for the passing into the next stage of 'life' .
That packaging of DEATH as BAD has to be revised.
What pop culture and the associated media propaganda blasts, over the radio waves, via audio-visuals & other subtly crafted innuendos which had promoted & reinforced that Natural Event, as an evil to be avoided at costs need to be re-formatted.
   The adopting of a balanced therefore un-biased regard for LIFE it's 'end' (transition) & subsequent SEQUEL (after-life) is what would bring to rest the unfounded unnecessary dread of the INEVITABLE  


Therein lie the hugest personal challenge any living man with a capacity to grasp his eventual destiny has to grapple with..
  The solution is NOT in prolonging 'living' or to avoid dying or to try escape that fact through perpetuating youthfulness...

To see the 'INEVITABLE'  - death
as what it truly is,
recognizing it NOT as END,  knowing with total acknowledgment, acceptance, fully convinced that Life never is killed by Death.
 When life  - seemingly ends -  in reality it transits to that next being-ness;  it does NOT finish at that point..
LIFE - assumes a different existential being-ness.
Transition to a new LIFE   


    The distinctive difference between one who fully trusts in Religion & all it's claims about god; and one who fully Trusts ONLY in God, with a cynical askance eye & ear to Religion; is the divine gift/burden of Discernment. 
    There is no denying the supremacy and authenticity of the Maker.
 Any one with the humility to acknowledge Man's utter non-superiority & zero power 
in as far as recreating a semblance of even the simplest single cell plankton or microbe is concerned would realize the sheer immensity of the Universe's creation with its UNIQUE GOD signature  - and would know the making  of spontaneous LIFE is an Undoable FEAT - especially with Man's self assumed superior insufficient intellectual and other talents - it JUST cannot be humanly done!
Thus despite many renowned scientific claims of break through technologies and other seemingly super human near god attainments NOT a teeny weeny beety Sh°°†¥
 'ø' of LIFE has any Human ever been able to CREATE!
Other than the illegitimate 'results' of infamously random hedonistic reproductive couplings which obvious even to imbeciles cannot be counted as CREATING 'life' 
through all these millenniums NOT ONE scientific endeavor has produced LIFE!
Should scientific enterprise be given an eternity of time, it still is a given that Man would NOT be able to achieve THAT.

 Thus if one clamors for scientifically quantifiable laboratory proof of God, in all reality one is blindly looking from the dark shadows of misplaced Ego.
     In society the ideals of the Maker, His almightiness, Holiness, Agape & other man-determined divine attributes have been "garnered for private benefits" 
Does anyone really know what attributes GOD possess, other than the qualities Man has conjectured as His ?
 This tussle having morphed into a spinning game assumes a 'genius' in the Almighty DIVINE being harnessed to derive benefits - & almost everywhere, in more ways than mere men can discern, God is exploited as a source of revenue. And - RELIGION - which purportedly evangelizes Him, & rightly should be a venue for the honoring of HIM become the foremost device for milking others via the persona, GOD
That power most UNDENIABLE by humans - god - is manipulated & employed for very mundane human ends.
Though woven into that fabric of earthy cheap self serving intents, are countless excellent threads of personal human sacrifices that admirably, truly propagate & reinforce godly ideals with total subservience to His Will, via good works to others, via charitable & unquantifiable initiatives solely for HIS glory, these sacrifices by men & women of God, get high-lighted, show-cased as THE agenda of RELIGION - as the path it should (but do not) closely walk with Him, manipulated & turned to further authenticate the deviousness, and evil of some religious groups very human agenda. 
Through eliciting & reinforcing a guilt ridden mind-set among those who are unable to discern between truth and manipulative spin, many who truly want to be with & in God are imprisoned, caught in an ever downward spiral, which compounded by an unquestioning simple-faithfulness, get chained to a romanticized idea of a god they needed for security, protection & consolation in a hostile, unfriendly world. A world filled by these self same vicious humans serving a very human organization purportedly serving Him.
Benefits in units of pecuniary values are mainly to the credit of Religion & examining this heavily misted & fogged-up balance sheet of Religion's undertakings :) held up as resources to propagate a romanticized God, one would be sure to glimpse god's complete absence.
     God, be He of  Abraham or Mohammed, does not at all reside & assuredly do not condone the numerous timeless acts of aggrandization, material-wise, as well in all other benefits to Religion. These gains if at all  fittingly should be directed NOT Religion-wards but man-ward for God's glory. 
While acknowledging the many recognized  great works done & the countless unimaginable personal sacrifices endured by the many greats of Religion, should even a single inkling of misdirected intent for self or institutional gain be conceived
 & successfully transacted, the entire soup of religion's Right-set-ness is contaminated, it's thrust for the DIVINE's diluted beyond acceptance, credence. FAILED..
 Did He not so say through prophets 

"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world"
   Thus very clear cut and precise; there is only one way to do right by Him. Anything else that especially mixes good with evil, Truth with half truths, nice feelings from deeds of real good personal sacrifices to justify human greed; would NOT be accepted. 

If one has yet to awaken from that stupor of basking in the feel good about one's missionary zeal, (& the accompanying warmth of good works truthfully done for only Him) plus the self congratulatory back slapping from so called "chosen" priests of His, who unknowingly draw believers into a deep well filled with pseudo truths, poisoned with conceit, deceit; one would do well very urgently to acquire the ability to discern between what is TRUTH, what is religion's hype and what is a mix of deceptive half truths and Absolute spiritual truths!
The devil is a Sifu skilled in deception.
AND the DEVIL is MAN, cloaked in many guises not least the 'Cloth' of God's 'chosen'. 

Fish unaware it's in sea, bird unaware it's in air.. Man unaware he's in HIM..

     The dimensions one could exist in are many yet one is not aware of them;  & rightly so, as one discerns only the predominant dimension one is presently in.
 Time is a factor in the appreciation of one's present "situation" or "beingness".
Much is yet to decipher on Time & Space in reference to Man's cognition of his present.

  A situation, described by a learned philosopher, on a creature's oblivion to itself with reference to HIM, is  likened to a fish or bird in its natural environment, the sea & the air. Until that fish or bird is one i.e. completely immersed, absorbed, dissolved or 'fused' with the water or the air, the elevation to that level of Spiritual awareness of the TRUTH is not to be realized by that creature.   The creature fish, bird (Man) would never be aware of being in TRUTH all this while when alive.

Thus in body form, even though embedded, immersed in HIM - the fish in the sea & bird in air & Man living, in all actuality though are in HIM,  yet, find it unnatural & without extra efforts unable to recognize or be aware of HIS Presence.  
                            GOD  truly IS everywhere!
 BUT Man above all other creatures, especially  has lost that awareness  of HIS presence. 
Beasts (which is beast, which Man?)unbeknown to Man are able to discern HIS presence, & an unquantifiable fact, not thus given credence. 
In essence, is one even interested or inclined to engage one's limited time allotted to live of 80 or more earth years, to forego more enticingly pleasurable pursuits of popularly entrenched romanticized ideals of Happiness, Comforts, Success, Achievements & so forth to truly attempt to connect with & be immersed, (as one already unknowingly is) with HIM? 
The immediate gains are completely non apparent as is the fact of our oblivion to HIS OMNIPRESENCE.
     Besides the denial of carnal urges, the ego of man, especially those self elevating base instinctive ones of avarice, hate, jealousy, pride, sensuality, greed, competitiveness, (& other divisive exclusionary crappy values ? necessary  for nation -building viz. patriotism, loyalty ) make man even less inclined to "dissipate" 'dissolve" , become truly one in HIM.
Thus the "game" from start, is loaded against man being inclined to naturally, effortlessly, as a given, progress & arrive at complete oneness  with HIM  - the  PERFECT
From this therefore Armageddon would be inevitably a foregone sure thing!?
Or is it?

Saturday, April 4, 2015

alive = 'LIFE' ?

There is no way for the "Lotus" to remain a  "Flower" yet attain any level of spirituality.  
The ability as well as doability to achieve that level of "Nirvana" so sought after & reputed to be attainable even for a "Lotus", is an illusionary goal, not achievable - like the romantic quest after the well spun Holy Grail or the Shangri-La, & of even greater ridiculousness -  the Fountain of Eternal Youth -
  These ideals are just that - ideals - romanticized, made popular by media-hype & by Idols,  Icons personifying the fashionable over-hyped trendies (Again?)! 

When repeated long enough, often enough, especially by people of reknown credibility, with acknowledged authority i.e. those well set-up financially with obvious man-rated  'success" viz. money, positions, 'good' looks, glam factors, take on factuality becoming an attainable doable by any man so inclined. 
  The truly "wise" has cognizance of that "impossibility". 
 But impossible isn't totally correct.
 It is unattainable - only & if the "Lotus" maintains it's  Self, a floral entity.  

If & when that pretty flora dissolves, dissipates, becomes un-material -   it might then be enabled to begin the long trek to (perhaps ultimately) realize  - Truth

For most the only other "easier" way is - to Die -  the equivalent to being immaterial.
But then death as viewed by most is End 
 again another well spun generally un-real but accepted 'fact' - 
 It is not so - that this entirety, this reality, life, is finished, done, ended - at or by "death"
How isn't that true since none who's died ever return to refute the seeming "finality" of death ?
That non return of any deceased, imputes an earth-based truth, a certainty to death's finality.
  Until resurrection is an everyday occurrence "death" remains, and is - "END"
Viewed this way it seems irrefutable.
    "Life" as one understands it seem the antonymous alternate to "death".  As "dark" the antonymous, alternate to "light"
 When viewing death as the end of life one has to take account of what defines & constitutes Life.   Is life synonymously equated with activities, acts, viz motions,  sounds, acts initiated & every presentation associated with a physically present materially constituted being?
Could a being devoid of a physical materially substantiated form ever be considered alive? Therein lie the consideration of the 'other' of "life" where no material form, where "life" need not a body or form  factor.    
A virtual or as some would, spirit form. 
Words like supernatural, mysticism, voodoo, shamanism, ghosts would come to mind. 
   Reflect deep, go immersively, dwell transcendently on HIM ! 
Is it not now apparent HE has none of the attributes one would associate with "life" as we know?
There neither is Form
nor sound nor any of one's so limited so human criteria for LIFE being displayed.  

Yet would a true believer in GOD even ever doubt HE is LIVING, HE is ALIVE?

And if HE is ALIVE thus, would one then, ever die?

purposeless PIETY ...

     The "Lotus" after considerable time & effort expended would "think" it is "insulated" from all 'temptations, distractions, & base-instincts".

It "thinks" it has attained a nearness to a higher plane of spirituality after such taxing 'devotion' of time & efforts. 
In actuality, it, like any other created entity is being consumed by it's own as yet undenied, unbridled urges.  
 It is status-wise similar to any other man in the Malls. Wishing to gain a high level spiritual discipleship for very carnal human intention.
 The fact of its self acknowledgement of having attained "enlightenment" confirms its non-attainment.

In psycho talk ~ the "Lotus" is undergoing a "feel good self delusional" sense of false content... 

   The ONE, HIS goodness, & philosophies derived from His Divinity is being "used" being manipulated in a sense by the "lotus" & those with such very human intent, to assume (?false) position, and acquire an external facade.(of piety). 

   Only HE would know the nature of each created being's earnestness, devotion & true intent in attempting spiritual discipleship. 

   Only HE is sure if one were dabbling for self gain or were ONE a true seeker after - TRUTH 

  By itself the Dedication of one's total life efforts to attaining that Spiritual discipline, then lifting that DISCIPLESHIP to the highest Spiritual Level any mere created being could possibly attain, through shear self denial, strength of character & merciless extinguishing of the very 'undying' very human cravings for sensual hedonisitic pursuits-would rightly be for gaining that unique near-ness, that Joyous 'intimacy' with HIM. 
The endeavor would assuredly involve much more than the comparatively trivial exercise of simple self denial of our human sensual & hedonistic urges. 
It definitely is also neither the superficial mouthing of some phrases, "mantras" sourced from renowned books by  illuminated gurus steeped in the practices and philosophies; nor is it acquiring & perfecting deep meditation techniques. 
These only scratch the surface. 
   Other lesser adherents' awed display of obvious admiration & misplaced regard for that "lofty" spiritual guru-hood seemingly attained by such "Lotus" (Lotuses) would reinforce the "Lotus'" delusions. In a way the wayward practitioner "Lotus" who in reality is only superficially circling the Central Purity would be distracted by such adulations, & unless able to disregard that unnecessary unhelpful adulations & useless admiration, would be stumbled on his quest for true spiritual enlightenment - If that in fact was the goal he sought in the first place... 

    Peace of the Buddhas be near as you try to trek toward the Light of TRUTH...  

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Happy EASTER -

   Offering help spontaneously has become a bad word : 
Long gone dead & buried is the dictum of a daily good deed.
The other guy in most cases will respond with prejudice, suspicion; the act becomes taken (wrongly) by the intended helpee as patronizing, sometimes viewed as attempt to exploit, could be even regarded as manipulative; in other words  - negatively. 
This kills: ~
-everything in relationships 
-every try at meaningful human interaction
-all initiatives to do good, 
live well together as brethren in a community.

Human interactions become IMPERSONAL.

There result of adopting of un-trust, of seeing no good intent in any human act.   

The sad part even in personal family relationships, family members fall victims to that sad emotion, a defective hang up; of mistrust, fear of being exploited.

The trend being unchecked has parents & children going through lives with no strong building of  family values & ties. 
The unwillingness, reluctance to act or demonstrate spontaneous love or goodness since there are no returns. 
The loss is very sadly apparent in urban  families, in crowded business-ey cities of bustling nations...

Breaking News on live transmissions show unprovoked random expressions of haplessness, "screams" of "complete frustration" ~ emotionalized via random gun-related as well as other extreme acts of non specific unprovoked violence.

NO ONE is to blame except ourselves - we don't want to stop NOT doing anything freely, happily, out of  spontaneity to show care, love, & a natural  raw goodness & kindness of heart; acts undefinable definitely non-profit with no self-gain just to increase 
that feeling of kinship, 
of real human ties, 
of one-ness to another being. 

Why did we stop doing acts that bring joy to anyone at all regardless?
How come we who are grown & supposedly guiding & setting examples to better the world, the society, the community, the peoples of our own habitat YET are reluctant to show that spontaneity of non-return non-profit selflessness?

The initial crack in the wall which let in MISTRUST, SUSPICION, APPREHENSION can never be traced to source.

(YET the FF*ing 'wow' glamor associated with caring for rights of animals like sharks & their fins & Whales & Ferocious Man - eaters is so given star stature)

 Young kids not as yet contaminated with adult 'sophistication' & professionalism' easily spontaneously act this way. It comes to them without prompt, without hesitation as they simply express their NATURAL spontaneity.
 Thus we having 'grown' only in chronological age, having unlearnt that primal predisposition to spontaneous love, sacrifice, care, concern; that ability to disregard consideration of selfishness - the I-Me-My only syndrome being implanted in us replacing our instinctive naturally embedded reflex to just give, share, do LOVE!

Now no one wishes to be regarded as MAD do-gooders ??

Clearly if the prophets (in particular Jesus) should be reborn re-crucified re-resurrected once every 7 months there would be little change.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Growing Farther ...


 The way tools used by humans has drastically changed over centuries might indicate progress to many.  Man got smart; cleverer & is advancing in technological abilities - no doubt. 

Users of the basic hammers now employ hand gestures & touch screens to 'operate' 'tools' or equipment. Some instruments or equipments are operated by 'voice'.    

    The ability of the worker to 'fathom'  & 'interact' at a basic level, with the equipment, tools & other instruments he used in earlier days, now is slowly being lost. 

It was not at all complicated about hammering a nail into the wall or chiseling off a rough edge with those basic 'relatively straight-forward mechanical tools'

  We can see, feel & know what & how they were put together. We even can repair & maintain these tools we used should the need arise. We could take apart the lawn mover, clean its innards, the laptop computers, the mobile phones even can all be stripped or torn down and redone, reworked!
The autos, the many & numerous 'tools' which service us can all be comprehensively 'reached'.
   With mechanization & especially electronics increasingly going higher-tech, we now pride ourselves on having  complex 'tools' that require other even more complex tools,  operated by specific, technically enabled personnel (not necessarily human) to maintain, recalibrate or even to plug into, so to scan "internal circuitry" to 'access' functions & reach processes men used to (manually) 'lay hands on' -

"There are no consumer end-user serviceable parts on this appliance. Please refer to service personnel or distributor for technical advice & or services.
DO NOT repeat DO NOT attempt to repair unit.
WARRANTY void if seal is broken"

    That transition  (~progression?) from a palpable, tangible interaction between man & tools/machines to an "invisible", 'virtual',  'very separate' 'disconnect'ed association between a visible hammer to an instrument with 'unseen inaccessible innards' might analogously provide an insight (punned:) to what has taken place in the 'growing farther' of us 'created ones' from the divine - ONE. 
More & more the physical palpable, 'natural' link that was there between Man & the Perfect ONE has grown further, distanced, now inaccessible. 

ANIMALS though, those beasts (urrrgh) they still are connected..

 AND now, HE cannot be seen, heard, felt, smelled, or at all detectable with ease, with unease or even with extreme 'effort'.
         The link, that missing connect which is necessary for re-establishing, reinstating, reinstalling primordial relationship between us, the 'tools', & The MAKER CRAFTSMITH need to be re-bonded, re-calibrated, restored that we 'images of HIM' could then be returned to the original EMBRACE of ONEness, & be enfolded in the COMPLETEness of PERFECT INTEGRATION

The lost  spirituality: 'Innocence of pre-Eve-Adam' disabled under TIME-less layers of pride imposed   distancing Self-Shining
vain-glorious,  -'worthless chest thumping Manliness' has to be dug up, allowed to resurface.
That false heroic manliness of human uniqueness the perceived special status associated with the Divine i.e. "Proud Spirit" almost always blamed on a divine originated cause & sold as 'RELIGION', has to be discarded, stripped & torn down, expunged from every spiritual psyché before that re-connéction of a cléar signal of any significant spiritual effectiveness can be established - with the LORD & MASTER 

