Monday, November 28, 2011

LOVE is...

*LOVE is giving a helping hand, yours, to an amputee.  {replace  'hand" with other functioning appendages},  

*LOVE is giving your last meal to a cell mate on death row.

*LOVE is giving your other functioning (HIV-free) kidney to an unknown ESRF patient. {substitute other paired organs, eg left/right testicle, for kidneys}.

*LOVE is carrying highly illegal 'death-by-asphyxiation' contraband through customs for the little old lady next door, so she can pay for her only grandson's life-saving medical procedure.  

*LOVE is going against instructions (of cabin assistant) and putting the O2 mask on your fellow traveller BEFORE yourself; when the plane is making an emergency crash landing on water. Not that it makes a difference.

*LOVE is not taking legal proceedings against your political opponents & completely destroying them, when the judiciary is in your pocket.

*LOVE is adopting the bastard, orphaned baby of the executed hood, who killed your best friend, and raising him as your own. 

*LOVE is chatting at least 4 secs with the person you are giving up your seat to in the bus, so your Butt's warmth don't pass him/her/it your hemorrhoids.

*LOVE is owning up for your Rev. Fr. even though you were nowhere near that altar boy that dark and stormy night.

*LOVE is loading your rifle with blanks when you are chosen to be in the firing squad for the 'worm' who once beat the crap outta your favorite nephew.

*LOVE is keeping the 'gas' in, on an over-crowded bus, on a hot rainy Sunday afternoon, till you reach your stop, five miles down.

*LOVE is giving the last seat available on the rescue craft, and the only remaining life vest, to a terminally ill woman, making the cross channel trip to meet her pregnant daughter-in-law at the execution of her only son.

*LOVE is borrowing from a loan shark to bail out someone you don't even like, who's in real disastrous, deep financial shit with the Mafioso.

*LOVE is giving a free banquet to all your former down & out ghetto friends and NOT gloat over your new found success.

*LOVE is getting yourself crucified, knowing you will not resurrect after 3 days.

LOVE is not saying "I love you" if unwilling/unable to attempt any of the above.

*LOVE is being able to LOVE only the MAKER

*Loving anything/anyone else who's ;

# biologically, spiritually  or legally related;
# animal, vegetable or mineral; 
# living or dead; 
# real or imagined; 
#carnivorous, herbivorous, or omnivorous;
# male, female or ambiguous;  
# fully  employed, temp or a bum; 
# fully clothed, half naked or nude, 
# of sound mind or stark raving mad; 
# white, black, yellow, brown or just plain colored ....... is a load of self-delusional CRAP

Hitler, Idi Amin, John Wilkes Booth, Pol Pot, Kim Il Sung, Genghis Khan, the Joker, your boss, {add names of your favorite villains} do that everyday.

*LOVE is still being able to like me a little after going through the above BS :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Measure of a Man

*  A man is not measured by:

How much good he did, nor how many he  helped.

Rather, he is measured by how much evil he prevented from happening.

*  A man is not measured by:


What worldly heights he scaled in achievements. Not by what great inventions he made, nor how many the universal truths he uncovered.


Rather, he is measured by how deeply immersed is he in the sufferings, sorrows and pain of his fellowmen;

And the extent he would go to sacrifice for those in misery.


A man is not measured by:


How great the earthly wealth, property, and possessions he gained…


But by the goodness he bequeathed when he lifted the faint-hearted to great heights, freed those bound to earthly woes, gave sight, purpose and direction to those blinded by earthly follies.


A man is not measured by:


How many knew him.


Rather by how numerous are those sent from the Prince of Darkness, he refused to know or to befriend.


A man is not measured by:


How much praise, honor and accolades the world sung to his glory and his achievements. Neither is a man measured by how much the world loved him.



Rather a man is measured by how much praise, honor and glory, by his life’s example, he brought to the name of his Maker.


Are you a man?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Dead bury dead ...

The man says: "Let me go back, bury my father then return to follow you rabbi" 

And He asked the guy to "Let the dead bury the dead"!

Would not you as I had, be really 'wowed' by that! 
To my mind as would to any other who seek after Truth,  it is 'confusing' 'irresponsible' and not least, impossible to grasp. He whom we were taught was 'FULL OF LOVE' was making a statement that made neither earthly nor spiritual sense. And is seemingly rejecting an enthusiastic follower.
On the earthly dimension, how in heaven's name can the dead do that... ie. bury itself? 
On any other dimension, it makes no sense!

After deliberating for 'centuries' it occurred: He might not be addressing the statement to that particular person who wanted to go bury his dad. He was speaking in a metaphorical sense, referring to not a particular dead person burying itself but to more than one "dead'. 
We are 'dead' because of our unbelief, our sins of every shade and color, intransigencies; We are to bury these 'dead' practices; acts, habits, urges, thoughts, waywardness, ill-intentions, uncharity, unkindness; EVERYTHING that caused our dead-ness. 
These acts/thoughts, which make 'dead' true belief, which bring death to trust, which kill holiness, destroy purity, create dead-ness in us; that work against the basic tenets of the Commandments, that which defy "To Love only God with all our hearts and minds and souls", need burial ... by us the 'dead'.
Thus when we (who are DEAD), bury (discard) the DEAD (Sins that disqualify us from being true believers) it'll enable us, the 'reborn' to walk with Him to Life Eternal.

The weird part about Jesus is he does not speak plainly. If he had there would not be enough words to encompass all he wanted us not to miss.

Please tell me I am not wrong?