Monday, November 28, 2011

LOVE is...

*LOVE is giving a helping hand, yours, to an amputee.  {replace  'hand" with other functioning appendages},  

*LOVE is giving your last meal to a cell mate on death row.

*LOVE is giving your other functioning (HIV-free) kidney to an unknown ESRF patient. {substitute other paired organs, eg left/right testicle, for kidneys}.

*LOVE is carrying highly illegal 'death-by-asphyxiation' contraband through customs for the little old lady next door, so she can pay for her only grandson's life-saving medical procedure.  

*LOVE is going against instructions (of cabin assistant) and putting the O2 mask on your fellow traveller BEFORE yourself; when the plane is making an emergency crash landing on water. Not that it makes a difference.

*LOVE is not taking legal proceedings against your political opponents & completely destroying them, when the judiciary is in your pocket.

*LOVE is adopting the bastard, orphaned baby of the executed hood, who killed your best friend, and raising him as your own. 

*LOVE is chatting at least 4 secs with the person you are giving up your seat to in the bus, so your Butt's warmth don't pass him/her/it your hemorrhoids.

*LOVE is owning up for your Rev. Fr. even though you were nowhere near that altar boy that dark and stormy night.

*LOVE is loading your rifle with blanks when you are chosen to be in the firing squad for the 'worm' who once beat the crap outta your favorite nephew.

*LOVE is keeping the 'gas' in, on an over-crowded bus, on a hot rainy Sunday afternoon, till you reach your stop, five miles down.

*LOVE is giving the last seat available on the rescue craft, and the only remaining life vest, to a terminally ill woman, making the cross channel trip to meet her pregnant daughter-in-law at the execution of her only son.

*LOVE is borrowing from a loan shark to bail out someone you don't even like, who's in real disastrous, deep financial shit with the Mafioso.

*LOVE is giving a free banquet to all your former down & out ghetto friends and NOT gloat over your new found success.

*LOVE is getting yourself crucified, knowing you will not resurrect after 3 days.

LOVE is not saying "I love you" if unwilling/unable to attempt any of the above.

*LOVE is being able to LOVE only the MAKER

*Loving anything/anyone else who's ;

# biologically, spiritually  or legally related;
# animal, vegetable or mineral; 
# living or dead; 
# real or imagined; 
#carnivorous, herbivorous, or omnivorous;
# male, female or ambiguous;  
# fully  employed, temp or a bum; 
# fully clothed, half naked or nude, 
# of sound mind or stark raving mad; 
# white, black, yellow, brown or just plain colored ....... is a load of self-delusional CRAP

Hitler, Idi Amin, John Wilkes Booth, Pol Pot, Kim Il Sung, Genghis Khan, the Joker, your boss, {add names of your favorite villains} do that everyday.

*LOVE is still being able to like me a little after going through the above BS :)

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