Tuesday, January 24, 2012

It was just an itch ...

It’s a disturbing thought, me a believer in the Ultimate Divine Creator, when sometime in my meandering mental excursions it occurred to me –

“Is it likely that our entire existence, the physical Universe with it’s unending,
incomprehensible grandeur, as well as every other natural processes; life, death, human endeavors, achievements and every other “living” activities, was a random act done by a very Supreme Being, one we call God"?

In an instant of creativity the entire “creation” was formed.

Being a product of that ‘forming’ we will of course be unable to decipher how, when and what He did; though we have and will spend our entire existence trying to figure that.

My ‘peace’ was impinged with that it just might be “something” done, as an artist would, when feeling a great urge to do a piece, did a masterpiece, and having done it, left it hanging on a wall to take its natural course.

Just that… a random spurt of “creative fervor “ with no other preplanned destiny for what has been ‘made”!

All our piety, monoaethism, sacramental homage, faith diversity, inter-religious dissent/violence, obligatory worships, so-claimed irrefutable-from-God proclamations, pompous tradition-laden mega Masses, divine miraculous occurrences, etc would be nothing but just a load of unnecessary devotion to One who did  a random  “Creative” act, which to Him/Her/It has no other significance than to fulfill an urge. (not unlike scratching an itch).

And  we, imbued with human superEgo, thought: “Woow how important and crucial we were that a Divine One would hold us in such high esteem as to "CREATE" us for some grand purpose...and in HIS own image too!
Making us the "chosen people" !

Scared the sh*t out of me  - it did.

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