Some know what LIFE is about. Many think they know. As for me - Life is NOT :
*A Business,
*A Job
*A contest
*A race
*A trial
*A task with compulsory modules
*About getting even
In plain speak the precious commodity given to each of us … LIFE, is an opportunity, a one time offer with an expiry date, to experience what it is to be a human person!
Living is not about getting somewhere before others do as in a race or contest. Eg. If one's friend has 3 sons who are world renowned physicians, should one feel any less if the only daughter one has is happily working at mothering one's grandchildren? Or should one feel lousy if one has to yet have a child?
It is NOT a business where the beautiful experiences to be had only once during one's prescribed years are abandoned in the pursuits of profits! There are no balance sheets to add up at the end of days; living is not to acquire gains & stave off losses. Even if one should amass an impossible amount of earthly riches, the question that one should next be able to answer should be "What do I actually own"?
Life isn't about how fast, how high or how strong one is.
It is not a performance sport for entertaining others or affirming personal prowess.
It is not about who gets more of whatever or who gets to wherever first.
There are no tests to pass - (contrary to religious beliefs) No one does better or worse in life.
It is not a journey where the destination has to be arrived at in the shortest possible time, with the most possessions before everyone else; especially those one feels are the competition.
Life is about all those happenings also know as experiences, that are going to take place from the first instance one becomes sentient; till the day the 'offer' reaches expiry date.
The experiences one endure, the emotions, the agonies, the ecstasies, the passions that incinerate, consume the soul, that elevate the spirit above that of the animal. It is about the sensations; sensual, spiritual and intellectual that envelop and immerse one as one lives life.
It would be a fruitless, wasteful, ineffective spilling of the precious cup of life if one were to use up the the years given, fulfilling mainly carnal purposes, intent on achieving what one thinks is successful living.
More wasteful and 'criminal' if the life one lived destroyed more than built, hurt more than healed, inflicted more anger then peace. If one lived indulging all urges (mayhem & anarchy) to the detriment of everyone else; that might not be 'wrong' (right & wrong being subjective); but one would have wasted a precious commodity.
Has one in spending of the privileged years allotted brought about anything 'good', 'worthwhile','true', beautiful', 'noble', 'right', 'honest', 'admirable'?
Or did one do everything with every fiber of one's gifts & abilities, to affirm one's 'ego', to ensure one's transient presence in this life was etched indelibly onto some self satisfying template? Or was one's existence all about fulfilling/achieving a list of immature glamor seeking goals, destinations or tasks?
Most definitely Life is not about GETTING EVEN, apportioning Blame, recriminating missed opportunities.
SH*T is it so hard to live right?
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