HERE you'll find:
BUT can any nation on earth, anyone, who don't have any firepower of any consideration do anything but RANT?
Most nations (France, Spain, Portugal notably) are taking the self preservative way out - DON'T ever jeopardize national survival & prosperity, in particular, by trying to be a hero going up against Goliath the Global Bully.
It is a gone case, a foregone lost cause, everyone loses kinda shit we are living in today.
Oh & as you know since life as we are living it, is good enough & no one is immortal, hey, let the next generation handle it ok?!
Ed Snowden, Aaron Swartz, Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, many other brave unknown, unsung, probably dead with all references deleted people will all be overcome by the overpowering might of the 'king' State.
The sacrificial lambs who stood in the way of, or attempted to thwart the way of global domination; which nobly idealized as: advocating and implementing ONLY what all humanity aims for - the establishment of Democracy, of progress, of freedom, the empowerment of Truth.
Words of vulgarities and obscenities haven't been coined to enable a satisfying verbal middle finger response to such 'F'ing BS & A-hole rhetorics!
One good e.g (perhaps misplaced as a 'good' eg.)of an individual who dared challenge the mighty Big Bro, & paid for that bravado with his life was Osama who was labeled a 'mass murderer' cos he was involved in taking out, killing innocents?
Who are considered 'innocents'? What about the drones which took out forever civilian Pakistanis? Were these by-standing Pakis not innocents? Oh euphemize the unacceptable random uncalled for murders with feel comfy terms like 'collateral damage'!
Hello what if the innocent public bystanders for instance of Detroit, Liverpool, Melbourne, Cannes or any 'ALLY' cities are taken out by a Pakistani drone, would the then dead as nail innocent bystanders of Detroit, Liverpool, Melbourne, Cannes & other 'ALLY' cities be called 'collateral damage' ? Or would they be eulogized & praised & glorified & made into rallying cries as poor innocent victims of terrorism, martyrs of the war on terror? The labeling of terrorists, of evil perps, of undemocratic miscreants is aptly on target when the shoe is on the other foot. It depends on which side you are coming from. Would you expect N. Koreans or Afghan militants or Communistic states not to label the great western democracies as the Axis of( "equally" as) Evil? And regard the great western Democracies as Terrorists non-godly devilish miscreants?
The line blurs daily as media takes the edge off these acts of cruelty, dastardly murders and criminal acts against civil humanities, against rights entrench in basic fair play in basic human (not animal) considerations all in the name of truth, freedom & justice.
More & more there appears to be a slide in media & news reporting standards, edging closer to school boyish pranksterism and puerile, pervert, pleasures in mocking, ridiculing & generally publishing irresponsible reports AGAINST those 'who are not for us" Perhaps another trend to stay viable as a commercial entity since toeing the establishment's agenda ensures financial viability and commercial sustainability.
The glorification of the fight against terror and the defining of evil as "anyone who is not for us" makes it hard for most to differentiate murders, criminality & the actual (more noble?) acts of warfare.
What is war but the killing & defeat of another nation or some other parties that opposes one = the neutralizing of people 'who are not with us'?
However no one is ever right.
Even With no war being declared the world is now being made 'safer' by the unilaterally decided 'taking out' of 'undesirables' with 'malfeasance & evil' intent; by those nations with greater firepower. Does the ends justify every means ?! Spying eavesdropping snooping and other covert acts deemed illegal ungentlemanly despicable in days gone by are now the norm since 'no one can or dare go against us'!
What rankles more is when some of these world leaders has audacity to ask for God's blessings & to mention divine justice in their clandestine acts?
Please, don't try another con!
If God heard He would be real offended, insulted and vilified, reviled by the mere mention of His name in that kinda quest, that kinda shit , that kinda BS the great democratic nations are perpetuating in His Name.
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