There are folks out there who actually do not deserve at all what they had been allowed. And indeed it is tragic the good they so undeservedly were granted seemed to have affirmatively been a huge error in good sense & judgement.
More than that it is truly SAD when people with the same 'ancestry' i.e. all human beings made or brought into this place by the same seed from similar forebears, think it is greater to be identified with a special ETHNICITY & feel that we are of THIS race or THAT group of Superior descent.
Basically other than viewing another person through religion-tainted eyes -
all men (women of course too) are actually no different, no better or worse than another. Regardless of upbringing, status, regardless of high born or Pariahs, it is man's own insecurity as well as deep seated sense of competitiveness that take all these unnecessary considerations to the level of worthless comparison & distinction with its accompanying snootiness, witnessed all over the tapestry of human enterprise.
History has taught nothing to Man, than to continually affirm Man's nature of violence, aggression & most conspicuously the 'win at all costs' attitude inherent in all.
all men (women of course too) are actually no different, no better or worse than another. Regardless of upbringing, status, regardless of high born or Pariahs, it is man's own insecurity as well as deep seated sense of competitiveness that take all these unnecessary considerations to the level of worthless comparison & distinction with its accompanying snootiness, witnessed all over the tapestry of human enterprise.
History has taught nothing to Man, than to continually affirm Man's nature of violence, aggression & most conspicuously the 'win at all costs' attitude inherent in all.
Has anyone asked or gotten satisfactory answers on what is anyone or any ethnic group securing when their race are considered to have WON? Does winning (or not losing) mean getting to a higher level of self 'shiok' that we gave the others the middle finger? Achieving a so called plus in our social racial ethnic standing? Our race has beaten the other (thus lesser) group of humans?
Or our ethnic group has shown how great we are, as compared to the other ethnic races?
Exactly it is this misplaced DNA of (false) pride, (pointless) competitiveness for no reason other than to 'win' at all costs, to 'beat the others' - that destroy any good, any feeling of camaraderie, any sense of sharing, any caring concerns, any expressions of true superiority as a Man; that we humans otherwise are very capable of.
Exactly it is this misplaced DNA of (false) pride, (pointless) competitiveness for no reason other than to 'win' at all costs, to 'beat the others' - that destroy any good, any feeling of camaraderie, any sense of sharing, any caring concerns, any expressions of true superiority as a Man; that we humans otherwise are very capable of.
No, no, no, talk is cheap! YES a resounding agreement if one is only concerned with paying lip service & pretends to be praising their Lords over every little seeming 'great' deeds their Lord has done through their interventionary prayers & petitions.
Oh my DOG, surely many has seen such 'hypocrisy' that makes one wish there had never been such a 'thing' called religion.
The same thing called ethnic pride, the same thing called patriotism, the same thing called racial integrity, the same thing called nationalism, the same thing called elite, the same thing called superior, the same 'monster' with many names - all meaning only a misguided ideal i.e. a SILLY MISPLACED PRIDE in nothing, signifying extreme failure to recognize & acknowledge a common (insignificant) ancestry.
Oh my DOG, surely many has seen such 'hypocrisy' that makes one wish there had never been such a 'thing' called religion.
The same thing called ethnic pride, the same thing called patriotism, the same thing called racial integrity, the same thing called nationalism, the same thing called elite, the same thing called superior, the same 'monster' with many names - all meaning only a misguided ideal i.e. a SILLY MISPLACED PRIDE in nothing, signifying extreme failure to recognize & acknowledge a common (insignificant) ancestry.
MAN attempting to be more, to excel, beat, better, win, put down the next - man; when in all essence each is NO DIFFERENT.
*Oh no we of XYZ race will rather 'putih tulang than putih mata'
*Oh never will our race take humiliation at the hands of these sub-intelligent race of miscreants.
*Oh how can we with such great glorious ancestors, who brave the seas in tongkangs, ever stand for the humiliation from ignoramuses like these uncivilized savages?
*Oh no we of XYZ race will rather 'putih tulang than putih mata'
*Oh never will our race take humiliation at the hands of these sub-intelligent race of miscreants.
*Oh how can we with such great glorious ancestors, who brave the seas in tongkangs, ever stand for the humiliation from ignoramuses like these uncivilized savages?
Please do wake from such HALLUCINATORY DELUSIONS.
Do ask .. is one really so different, so much better, so distinguished just because one were of a certain descent or ancestry or race or ethnicity? Which different tree or branch of tree did one & one's bunch jumped down from to distinguish one from these others whom one so despise; who probably jumped from a branch of the same tree too?
So just in case Mr Alvin Tan has anything in his thoughts when he wrote the 'anger piece' to so encouragingly exhort CHINESE to rise to the abuse, face up to the humiliation, & to move to another geographically (western) location, and the indignation he vomited, it seemed rather apparent it might be just his wanting to sound heroic, patriotic or mistakenly racially proud.
What a load of unnecessary Chinese chest thumping crap!
If Mr. Alvin Tan can say with true conviction that one by just having a CHINESE ancestry was a creature of a different species i.e NOT human i.e. NOT having the same genetic make up as other homo sapiens on earth and thus not same as another man screwing around on this shit-ball, then maybe he has something to shout about when he proclaimed the awesome GREATNESS of CHINESE.
Do not tout the great achievements, the endurance, the courage, the daring, the bravado of Chinese (or any other ethnicity)
Do ask .. is one really so different, so much better, so distinguished just because one were of a certain descent or ancestry or race or ethnicity? Which different tree or branch of tree did one & one's bunch jumped down from to distinguish one from these others whom one so despise; who probably jumped from a branch of the same tree too?
So just in case Mr Alvin Tan has anything in his thoughts when he wrote the 'anger piece' to so encouragingly exhort CHINESE to rise to the abuse, face up to the humiliation, & to move to another geographically (western) location, and the indignation he vomited, it seemed rather apparent it might be just his wanting to sound heroic, patriotic or mistakenly racially proud.
What a load of unnecessary Chinese chest thumping crap!
If Mr. Alvin Tan can say with true conviction that one by just having a CHINESE ancestry was a creature of a different species i.e NOT human i.e. NOT having the same genetic make up as other homo sapiens on earth and thus not same as another man screwing around on this shit-ball, then maybe he has something to shout about when he proclaimed the awesome GREATNESS of CHINESE.
Do not tout the great achievements, the endurance, the courage, the daring, the bravado of Chinese (or any other ethnicity)
He need not justify or even attempt to project how great, how brave, how impossibly intelligent, or superior, this race or that is, over the others. The fact he even needed to pit one race against another showed the distinct narrowness of mind so common to every other common man in the Mall, another indistinguished human being displaying learned pettiness.
The bigger picture of a ONE race, a ONE group of beings, a true 'nation' of ONE Man - ONE created Beings, is more enticingly superior a vision than a ONE CHINESE gang.
° Has anyone smelled trash in different nations?
° Has anyone smelled the rotten carcass of a human being from different nationalities?
Try it - one may be enlightened, enamored by the similarity of one's so claimed superior uniqueness, the complete insignificance of one's perceived GREATness.
The bigger picture of a ONE race, a ONE group of beings, a true 'nation' of ONE Man - ONE created Beings, is more enticingly superior a vision than a ONE CHINESE gang.
° Has anyone smelled trash in different nations?
° Has anyone smelled the rotten carcass of a human being from different nationalities?
Try it - one may be enlightened, enamored by the similarity of one's so claimed superior uniqueness, the complete insignificance of one's perceived GREATness.
In case & for the benefit of those filled with squeamishness - they all smell exactly the SAME, bad smell like shit - trash and dead copses - all over the frigging earth!
So despite the shabby treatment handed out, the discrimination, divisively imposed by the BN government on other ethnicity in Malaysia than the Malays,
know it is NOT about ethnic superiority or racial inferiority or Chinese or Indian or XYZnian special characters of inherent greatness!
It is NOT about being born of a certain descent or ancestry!
PLEASE WAKE UP & recognize the complete irrelevance of racial or national superiority of any RACE in the Malaysian context.
Recognize too the non relevance of perceived evil intent of any different Religious Groups !
For no reason but to get fat without having to sweat for it.
And here folks like learned ALVIN TAN falls flat into that trick, (or did he?) reacting as planned, by swearing at & cursing the Malays & perhaps by extension, Islam too.
Raising unnecessary anger & fueling unneeded revulsion, poisoning 'wells' from which much good could potentially be drawn.
Sad case of a Chinese with (presumed) ethically acquired, naturally endowed intelligence, apparently applied irrationally.
Oh well thank Confucius we are fully aware of such that distinguishes a MAN from a man (or a mouse).
It was never about race or color.
It was never about race or color.
It is about being able to cut through the crap and seeing the shit for what it is.
The intended Hallucinatory 'enemy' the BN manipulators want the rakyat, the people to 'see' so to continue perpetuating their strangle-hold on the Nation to ultimately suck it, bleed it dry for their own selfish agenda.
The many Alvin Tans out there ranting & raving about CHINESE superiority are as misdirected as
Orang Hutans beating, thumping their breasts at monyets, apes & chimpanzees claiming superiority of one monkey from another.
Laughable to say the least.
Sad & tragic, the inability to see the real issues.
Of crooked, greedy lowly motivated people in political power, ripping-off, giving the middle finger to an entire nation, enamored, enraptured, with heads in their individual butt-holes, of their superior ethnic pride.
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