Saturday, May 9, 2015

This just goto be more than ...

       Through the Life we received He shares HIS 
               Highest Happiness, 
                     the 'Everything' 
                we know as Birthday Joys
            Mom's home-cooked  specials, 
        Simply marvelous Sunsets Spectaculars
                         Socks ~ Smelly, 
                  yet pungently enticing
 clucking Baby chicks, fresh emerged from brow broken shells,
Drunken melees with passing strangers in shady alleys
        Broken promises ~ sweeter when made good,
Struggling starts with much hijinks, & painful goodbyes & tearful partings,                

   done & redone, ceaselessly but never- forever ending
                       °°                                    °

                          He shares the boundlessness of JOY
                            ONL¥ He alone  could craft                                                ONL¥ He alone could create
                                 ONLY for Him alone - to gift

N0 common-place ~ not any plain
                      'NICE' to frivolously                                                  like* (as in FB?)
                                        'Sugary Sweet'
to *cutely tease & tickle*
or only
 "fine, rich & velvety - that VULGARS would roughly temptedly try cop an Obscene FEEL*
  If precious JOY of LIFE from HIM 
were so easy
so free
throwaway bargain-cheap 
that any man at all 
not with any "extras"
could effortlessly describe, 
casually capture
trivially enact
& put together 
      LIFE  God's gift
might be as a 'B00K'?

If S0 ~ then, 

  what of we


                    f  oo  t  n 0t  es 
           in the trash can of disposed throw-aways 


Thursday, May 7, 2015

When GoodWill is in & to all Man - Peace is on Earth

The great Evil of man has to be borne not just by the Sacrifice of one single Lamb. 
The smoothly choreographed greatest LOVE story ever told complete with supernatural [unnatural] virgin birth, inexplicable resurrections, supernatural miraculous acts via plain human actions,  etc - to a right set God believer  is unnecessary & irrelevant.
Those who claim themselves as believers of God, such tales and claims happily are accepted & surrendered to and ascribed as True belief. 
It allows less personal involvement, lessening of spiritual burden for the one Lamb alone to pay for us all, no?
Sadly but true the entire human race has the inescapable burden of "perpetual" atonement. Man being concupiscent the burden is inherited by us all and remains perpetual until this human propensity to sin is unequivocally removed. 
It can only be effectively removed from us by a concerted conscious ongoing process of self denial.
Involving not only personal reformation, but a need  to undergo spiritual evolution towards increased propensity for good,for godliness. To actively devoid oneself from the focussing on 'self'
When a 'devout' believer supposedly enact godly sacrificial generous charity with (so one imagines) no intention or thoughts for self glory - in actual fact it is almost always THAT focussing on self which subconsciously unknowing to oneself, is motivating one's acts of Love Kindness Caring Charity, etc.
A truly striving believer would in almost every `act of speech, thought or deed place great conscious effort when actuating any 'good' ensuring genuine ZERO regard for self.
It is a tough more undoably impossible 'feat' in fact than climbing Everest = to deny one's 'innate self seeking' reflex in all things one does, even more impossible if doing good things for unknown 'bad others'.

No single human of earthly parentage however inspired, was or would be specially endowed to naturally make it a reality. There is need for awareness, there is then need for commitment,  there is need for perseverance & there is the humbling plea for the Grace from Him - for the strength - to unnaturally deny one's 'self'. 
Much as some love to propagate the ideal of a single divine savior, making 'payment', 'recompense' for ALL MAN's inequities, it still is a  burden 'a debt' borne by all of us. 

Only in succeeding to naturally, by reflex, being able to completely deny SELF would there be lessening of conflict, spiritual strife & hence the avoiding of accompanying  evil. When that happens - when all God loving creatures naturally do godly deeds genuinely, without thoughts of SELF - then perhaps Angels would sing on high and Kingdom would indeed have come.                                    

                                            With goodwill in & to all Man
                                               Peace would be on Earth!