Saturday, May 9, 2015

This just goto be more than ...

       Through the Life we received He shares HIS 
               Highest Happiness, 
                     the 'Everything' 
                we know as Birthday Joys
            Mom's home-cooked  specials, 
        Simply marvelous Sunsets Spectaculars
                         Socks ~ Smelly, 
                  yet pungently enticing
 clucking Baby chicks, fresh emerged from brow broken shells,
Drunken melees with passing strangers in shady alleys
        Broken promises ~ sweeter when made good,
Struggling starts with much hijinks, & painful goodbyes & tearful partings,                

   done & redone, ceaselessly but never- forever ending
                       °°                                    °

                          He shares the boundlessness of JOY
                            ONL¥ He alone  could craft                                                ONL¥ He alone could create
                                 ONLY for Him alone - to gift

N0 common-place ~ not any plain
                      'NICE' to frivolously                                                  like* (as in FB?)
                                        'Sugary Sweet'
to *cutely tease & tickle*
or only
 "fine, rich & velvety - that VULGARS would roughly temptedly try cop an Obscene FEEL*
  If precious JOY of LIFE from HIM 
were so easy
so free
throwaway bargain-cheap 
that any man at all 
not with any "extras"
could effortlessly describe, 
casually capture
trivially enact
& put together 
      LIFE  God's gift
might be as a 'B00K'?

If S0 ~ then, 

  what of we


                    f  oo  t  n 0t  es 
           in the trash can of disposed throw-aways 


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