"Beggars can't chose - givers can -
is CHARITY then the giving of what beggars can't chose to refuse"
To give, 'donate' stuff cluttering up one's life & space, (trash) to others one imagine might welcome them with open-arms due to their marginalized social or economic situations, then gleefully congratulate one's generosity as charity; is self delusional, misplaced, flawed ! Not NOBLE
Very few practice charity with complete altruism. Other than Love being the nature of God few by the very nature of being human can do true charity or practice Love - i.e make sacrifices; loving another (especially a completely unrelated person) without expectations whatsoever of self gain.
At all if one wishes to be a convicted doer of charity, one has need to first kill self!
First to subdue instinctive impulses for ego affirmation,
for self-satisfaction
for gratification in the giving of oneself !
In killing expectations for benefits, gains, material or imagined; one might then (perhaps) come closer to the practice of true loving.
"A Lover is utterly selfless - has no regards other than to give all to the Loved.
Do we really Love anyone?
Happy Ramadan...
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