Sunday, October 25, 2015

No Time ..


   This may be an overstatement but I would think the most used and abused excuse in this Age is: “I have no time”. Between most individuals in every relationship it is almost always the most often cited reason for our inhuman inertia to relate. We are not committed to promoting bonding. Whether it is between people we love or between friends, acquaintances or relatives, there is a tendency to let things slide... “No time....”

What then have we time for?
Countless other pursuits, concerns and activities.... mostly  centered on “SELF”.
We do 'important" things to ensure survival of self; acquisition of personal, material assets and wealth, power;  ensuring the status quo is not threatened; advancing personal agendas. In the process we “Have no time”.. for anyone else especially those whom we feel more for,  since “they will understand” our “busy-ness”

I remember the days when to tell someone what you feel you had to use a marking tool (pencil, pen) making your thoughts legible on paper, then sealing that into an envelope and posting it by dropping the stamped missal into a post box The concept might be foreign even alien to  many  alive today. We do not have such laborious processes nowadays  to send someone our “mail”. Just key your thoughts in on your keyboard, some can even “speak” it in, click with minuscule physical effort and “voila” instantaneously your  “letter” is delivered by the digital postman electronically to your intended mailee.

Yet the ease and convenience has instilled a reverse sense of reluctance or dis-initiative to get in touch …rather we recycle “forwards” (by the way …how come there are no “BACKWARDS”) mainly irritating your contacts, clogging up the bandwidth and polluting the electronic airwaves.

We seem to have developed a talent too to “talk” about ourselves, “blogging “it’s called. This is like the good old diaries of our personal life events, kept in some cozy, closet in a corner, recorded dutifully, daily, faithfully. BUT only for personal consumption.

The huge difference among many, is the Blogs now are for public consumption, everyone who so desire can just freely intrude into the most personal, private and oftentimes intentionally made seemingly, titillating, dirty details of the blogger.

People tend to bask in the dubious glamour of self publicity. They feel they are somebody important, whom others admire or crave to know more of; thus this burgeoning of websites offering such facilities to all and sundry. 
The beginning days that we read about had peoples being able to communicate easily with each other leading to grand plans devised to reach for the Heavens.....

And He “Babel”ed us all. We lost the ease to make ourselves known. Language became both a communicative as well as physical barrier between humans. Over time necessity enabled humans to devise a Lingua Franca, through which, once again different peoples are able to make themselves understood. The application of human intellectual ingenuity to develop world shrinking technologies in communication has given us the WWW, and repossession of our interconnectivity lost via BABEL.

Yet no one is getting in touch, no one is interested in anyone but themselves, no one has the time!
And if we have the time……. we talk about ourselves.

Not only do we NOT talk about anyone but ourselves, we also DO NOT wish listen to anyone else.

ONE is trying to make HIMself heard… 
sent many messengers through the ages….

even came as a lowly human worm ......

No one has any time...

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Can't LIVE other than in GREENER pastures ---

Is that greener pastures necessary ...

What would anyone want to risk anything/everything to have a child  be a citizen of any particular Nation? 

If anybody ever tell you it's so intolerable to be where seemingly the air conditioning is set to an un-liveable degree it might be simple to just reach out & reset.
This case where a childtion is birthed in a 'choice' setting - as in a particular nation -  (if  the real motive is as prejudiced true by media) one might permute that mind-set peculiar to us contemporary humans. 

What about, how about, 
the present scenario - where  all living creatures are in?
Is there a choice which by one's initiative; [in this case by one's parent's initiative] one can take a ride or a 'flight', then by being 'birthed' one is able to assume permanent residence, take up Citizenship of a 'better' country where the (artificial) grass is pruned neater, greener, where every (supposed) happiness, joy, pleasures, satisfaction, fulfillment, in fact ALL positives in creature comfort, in human good-life, are just waiting to be had?
  Seemingly this is the prevalent mind set of many peoples of the [?civilised] world.

WE have a choice
The choice  :
°        I want it  NOW
°°      I want it with ONE  (1 ONLY) Klick
°°°    I want it with NO effort from me 

I just need to lie back, klick AND every possible  comforts, anything AND everything which IS my birth right being a higher Created idiot ooops intelligent sentient being is fed into me..

You mean no?
That there is no such contract?
All that Happiness, Success, Fulfillment, Joys are NOT assured? Not part of this deal?
That there is to be BACK BREAKING 
W - O - R - K?
That it involves more than clicking with the touch screen mouse or voice activation ?
BUT isn't that PROMISED?
In the Holy Books?
"..As Long As I Put My Faith To Work Even Mountains Can Be Moved To The Sea..?"

Does one truly have need to live THAT life where no less than the BEST is expected & presumed one's lot, which would be acceptable, tolerated, or adapted to?
Does one need to compromise on NOTHING except that which exclude everyone else's considerations, than ones'?
Does one even have any inkling of any difference  - that presumed BAD - in the pot, in the deep, dark, dank where one is - is any lesser, any [always] lousier, lower, badder than on another cloud  the #9?
Is there ANY cloud  #9?
And even if there is a CLOUD #9 does one need to BE there in order to find a BETTER LIFE?

ExXxPETIVES (mine) not included.