The distinction between one who fully trusts in Religion & all it's claims about god; and one who fully Trusts in God with a cynical askance ear to Religion; is the former has natural human naivete, not excluding an accepting attitude for the infallibility and 'godly' goodwill of human representatives of Religious Authorities supposedly representing The Divine; whilst the latter has the god given blessing of Discernment.
Few deny the supremacy and reality/authenticity of the Maker of this world.
Ask anyone who has the courage & humility to acknowledged utter lack & insufficiency in the understanding, knowledge & complete inability to humanly recreate a semblance of life of even the simplest single cell planktonic or microbial life-form. If the immensity, (inability) to 'create' a simple life form of such "simplicity"; the sheer impossibility to humanly achieve The Universe's realization would, based on the same premise, be a feat in-achievable even if given an eternity of a life-time.
Ask anyone who has the courage & humility to acknowledged utter lack & insufficiency in the understanding, knowledge & complete inability to humanly recreate a semblance of life of even the simplest single cell planktonic or microbial life-form. If the immensity, (inability) to 'create' a simple life form of such "simplicity"; the sheer impossibility to humanly achieve The Universe's realization would, based on the same premise, be a feat in-achievable even if given an eternity of a life-time.
Those clamoring for scientifically quantifiable laboratory proof of a divine entity are mainly approaching the subject looking through the self-inflating dark shadow of their own inflated Egos.
In human society the ideal of the Maker and His almightiness has become a struggle which having morphed into a spinning game, not only deriving benefits for those opposing the concept of Him; God also is a great source of 'revenue' for the camp which supports and evangelizes Him. Or supposedly projecting, implementing His Will for His creatures.
Not in the propagation, or practice of His ideals of complete subservience to His Glory through good works to Man, but in the eliciting and reinforcing of a guilt ridden mind-set among those who do not have the gift to discern between Truth and manipulative religion's spin. The ability to further imprison many Naive believers in an ever downward spiral that derives benefits mainly to the credit balance of Religions.
If anyone has the gumption to attempt peering through & deciphering the true intent of the mist shrouding religions' evangelical gibberish & exhortative imploration for devotional baggage via appeal to the debt Man supposedly owed for the Divine's unwarranted, undeserved Love & the Ultimate Sacrifice God made for Man; one would be sure to glimpse if nothing else, God's non-presence.
We are perpetually being made to feel grateful and indebted to a god who did SO MUCH for us; which he needed not have to do. Thus imprisoning our relationship through a guilt complex of having received an un-payable 'GIFT"
Doesn't that make one feel indebted? Feel grateful? Feel one was so undeservedly 'blessed'
NOW comes the pay back !! Yoked to a life of servitude - not to God but to Religion's agendas.
If God truly made all of these out of nothing but Love, He has NO need any of it has to be repaid! Neither in anyone's devotion, adoration or homage to Him. He is all sufficient would He even need any of these?
Exactly! And so too was this message being preached all over Religion. BUT in the same breath we owe god - BIG TIME!
Is the picture of a benevolent RELIGION appearing more and more distant from the 'planted' concept of a caring, benevolent, godly Religion - Church?
Doesn't that make one feel indebted? Feel grateful? Feel one was so undeservedly 'blessed'
NOW comes the pay back !! Yoked to a life of servitude - not to God but to Religion's agendas.
If God truly made all of these out of nothing but Love, He has NO need any of it has to be repaid! Neither in anyone's devotion, adoration or homage to Him. He is all sufficient would He even need any of these?
Exactly! And so too was this message being preached all over Religion. BUT in the same breath we owe god - BIG TIME!
Is the picture of a benevolent RELIGION appearing more and more distant from the 'planted' concept of a caring, benevolent, godly Religion - Church?
The God, be He of Abraham or Mohammed does not at all reside & assuredly does not condone the numerous widespread acts of human self aggrandizing not only in the material sense but in all other benefits which fittingly should be directed to the suffering, struggling souls of which each of us are. Most definitely NOT directed at Institutionalized-Religions.
No one denies the many good works and numerous admirably sacrificing acts endured by so many greats of religion. Should even a single inkling of misdirected intent for self or institutional gain was whispered, very sadly, the entire soup is contaminate.
Did He not so say through His prophets throughout time that :
‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth".
“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet.
"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world"
Thus very clear cut and precise; there is only one way to do right by Him. Anything else that mixes good with evil, Truth with half truths, nice feelings from deeds of real good human sacrifices used to justify human greed; would NOT be accepted.
No one is to gain from Serving God!
No one is to gain from Serving God!
If one has yet to awaken from that stupor of basking in the self generated warmth & good-feeling about missionary zeal, of good works done for Him, the self congratulatory back-slapping amongst His so called chosen priests who draw believers into a deep well tainted with pseudo truths & poisoned with deceit; one would do well to very urgently acquire the ability to discern between what is truth, what is hype and what is a mix of deceptive half truths and spiritual truths!
The devil is a Master SiFu skilled in deception & many are ready accomplices in the ranks of short-sighted Men.
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