Saturday, March 12, 2016

MøñkéYing around

      "... the seeming ease of scaling greater than humanly possible heights (with less than human efforts) & plumbing deeper than inhumanly devilish depths, through computer enhanced or generated interfaces, CGIs, has spawned an untapped pool of potential organ donors or harvestees, insofar as the maximising, extending of normal living human "functionales' are concerned.

Appendages & other human organs vis brains, hearts, lungs, 
vocal chords [especially], 
ears [more especially] 
now more often lie dormant, in idle mode, left on the shelf - so to speak.
    Once very value add-ons to our human anatomy & function which in days gone by (not always good Oldé Då¥s) increased human bonding as well as helped make life a truly worthwhile pursuit.
are now used & coordinated, preconfigured  to unerringly, [contrary to OEM's intent/design]
be centered, focused on what, how much, can be GAIN'd, be EARN'd, be WON, be PUT OVER on the OTHER Homo S{hole?}

HomoS (pronounce HomoASS), considered the greatest created Being since Alley Oo00ps
 -now cos he could click with one mighty left thumb, & mightier forefinger & could change perhaps redo the ENTIRETY?
 should be re-designed or in the least have these various useful (if as CREATOR intended) appendages/parts/attachments: translocated, transplanted, transposed - to folks who really needed these.
Many might prefer an Adopting Angel from a resource-rich nation to be made an Adoptee &  then flaunted as exhibits, of LOVE, of CARE, CONCERN for less fortunate, deprived udders ‘OTHERs’.
Perhaps that has already happened cos we might have translocated the human ‘thinker CPU' to be the next door neighbour of  Da BOSS 
& each time boss makes a break for the outhouse a little of  our 'thinker CPU' gets "fire'd into the °hole°

"...Man has almost (hope N؆) lost opportunity of attaining TRUE greatness,  expending God-given resources, Exhilarating, Gratifying, Obsessing  on zero return benefits via vainglorious  attempts to increase selfworth :- 

"Jéålous Seizüre - circa 0000"

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