Thursday, May 26, 2016

Speed KILLs -

  A view of The Theory of relativity 
        from the TURF CLUB


 ".. A race horse's speed may already be as fast as lightning;  the trainer though has expectation from it of 'GREASED' lightning speed 

due to & fueled by his barrel full of impatient monkeys of irresolvable life-depriving pecuniary concerns that hinges on the equine specimen doing  better than "just" lightning..."

The RAINbow

                         One man’s laws

never are for everyone;
nor 'law' are they to ones who never could so be guided.
Are such then to be destroyed,
taken out,
put inside,
done in,
so to toe one man's LAWs ?
 hence enabling one man happily ever after to live

 to die ?
       >< ¿ if these do still not heed, or bend ? ><
              apply then               
 extreme coercion ?
dry the well from whence
they draw strength?

 sustains them ?
squeeze their LIVING dayliGHT$ out 

in any which way 
TILL one man's LIGHT
is their soul ILLümîñé?

Thus enabling one man then happily ever after to 





of more than one single hue
is the RainBOW composed



  too feeds,


gives life

to they who

are “blind” to




Before it's too late - Let the Hate climb in...

  .... simple-simon-like recasting of criminals of HATE crimes with a BIASed religious overtone/tag. 
Which would impress the ignorant who attend McDonald Trumps campaign conventions full of anxiety, haste & racial righteousness to see justice dun to The "OTHERS" - the "INFIDELs" the "UNbelieving HEATHENS" ..
  Hence in a way the days of the glorified, thrilling noble tales of 'he Crusades' were only put on hold. 

Upto & until the entire "world"  i.e. the unfree world  

-People's Republic of China, NORTH KOREA, Asia (despite the delightful undeniable damsels ooops morsels of voluptuousness) is CONVERTED 
               [to WHAr ? - rhymes with "F•r"] 

he "Crusades" of nowaDAZE are undertaken by a concerned (but still a gang) of rebranded King Arthur & his knights in shiny armor - 
in the Red corner vs Lebai Ahmed bin Gheehard & his raving band of {definitely guilty beyond any doubt} murderous jihadhists in the Green corner 

- each championing  a preferred, enforced, biased, one as equal to the other in DIScrimination way of Life

he RED Corny oooops Corner:
...promoting democracy, freedom, free will, Kluless Klucking Klanism, slavery in the Southern (un illuminated) Rebel states" -


çhe GREEN Corner:  
...Arabian nights' of faked 'magic' flying carpets, $exotic belly-aching dancers & harems of conked-cubed-bind teenage brides, females circumcised, plus every horror tale ever unimagined by the honorable folks of the RED corner ...

EACH wants & will have their well received/regarded champions
he knights in"shiny" armor
will deny
the unwell & unregarded çheeHARDist in w/o any doubt dirty, surely smelly goat fragranced Jhubahs.

Both RED & GREEN corners:

attempting to:

  enforce individual will; 
criminally, terroristically, religion-ly, democratically, politically, propaganda-ly, subversively, life-style trend-ily, foreign aid-ly, by Scholarship-ly, grants-ly & etc so to in any which way at all possible or impossible, achieve the "goal" of world dominance,
of global hegemony.

Trying to achieve what DEAD as door nail megalomaniacs, notably the (portrayed as CRAZEd) Hî†Lér & other 
                     (just as CRAZEd)
   & as "dead",  hence silenced 'villians'
who lost the 'wars' with the "ALLIES" were attempting in the far off murky dark daze of ancient history.

For the enslavement of the mind, the hijacking of the pocketbooks, the subjugation of  the freedom of every other created being's mind to form intelligent(?) individual & original thoughts   -   'animals' not included

All these above youtube spewed rhetorics, especially effective as in he CRUSADERS rabble rousing WAR cries 

"for King
 for GOD (why is HE always maligned so?)
 for Country"

as well as the 

Blood Curdling 

when as uttered by renowned 'leaders' as in the clip on youtube > HEROes & MADman

who instead of recognizing & assigning the right labels to pure and simple criminals, trying to get away with hate crimes, 
& advocating & agitating to put these miscreants & their proponents,  (evil backers & financiers) - behind bars  away from all decent human communities  

as the criminals they truly are regardless whatever religious affiliations.
A long established Standard Operating Procedure everywhere in civil communities/societies/nations/tribes/families  
even in these UNITED States of MoreisBetter/Merica-                                                  !!!SURPRISE!!!
Instead blowing up a straight forward  issue of law enforcement & neutralizing CRIMINALS 

using it as a WEAPON OF MASS indoctrination labeling/tagging  it with EVIL religious overtone and  veiling it as a threat to Western - he only- Civilization to make political capital & gain other ? benefits ---

    †he devil is rather  conversant & quite able (thank you) misquoting the Holy Koran, the Holy Scriptures, the  Holy Torah & other Truths from GOD
to convincingly misguide every other ignorant gullible xenophobe to the ethnically insecure nations trash cans & the political schemers city dumpsters ...

Thus all who 'love' FREEDOM, HUMAN RIGHTS, JUSTICE, Capitalism, other West is Best-ism, BlueEYED BLonde-ism have to before it's too late take a stand 
                                      -> against <


Hahaha have a great anti-jihadist day.

Just ensure one is able to recognize

°raving wild eyed LUNATIC  jihadists


 °common CRIMINALs trying their luck at Hate Crime

AND most critical
from the even more sinister

°raving wild eyed LUNATIC glib-tongued politically    ambitious Schemers.

So help us God.


Friday, May 20, 2016

Cynic's Theorem

All MEN never are BROTHERS

°MAN is no more than an intelligent creature.
°MAN will never rise above the $LîMé.   
°MAN above the $LîMé, unerringly return to Bå$é

Any Man above the $LîMé all his living life is not Man.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Bar Mitzvahahaha...

are you
getting up so
late go
earlier to bed why
must you stay up so late you forgot to
your teeth again this morning
wash behind your ears take more plain
water less coffee tea colas fizzies put less sugar
in your drinks make
your bed when you’re
up no one’s picking up after you
take more fruits &
veggie cereals not that greasy up
sized Burgers with
fries @ McBees - KayEds stay
away from iced drinks eat
slowly chew not gobble your
food the
chicken fish's all cooked
can’t up & run away with the dish or
spoon no one’s going
to snatch
from you don't speak when your
mouth’s full what's
your hurry don’t rush through your chores one thing at
a time pay attention to detail finish 
what you started before 
going to the next remember to 
not leave your keys behind in
the public toilet use the correct
zebra crossing lane no
spitting on the ground pay
attention be alert when paying 
at check-outs follow the
queues when 
boarding the bus make
sure your wallet is safe in 
your pocket
bla bla bla bla bla blih blah blih bla bli bla bli bab bli bah bla bih blah blah blah 
bli blah blah blah bli bi bibi blai bai bla bla bla blah bli bla 
bi bila bba    

HOI get dressed up now
in an hour.



ProgressED report

…Whether you take the 2 tablets 3 times a day: 
before meals
after meals
3 hrs, 

2.025 hrs before meals, makes little significant change in your final disposition.

It may make the 'destination' a little better less exhausting to attain - you being in better 'shape'.
         Paying attention to details has much implications, much to re-look, reconsider.
This very helpful character attribute so often makes a person excel in most undertakings :(

         If one were to adopt an attitudinally Obsessive Compulsive-zoomed-in-focus with regards  DETAILS - per se; 

not a nånãñøøñøø  of progress, anti-gress, motion, émotion; in any direction; physical, virtual, spiritual 
would be initiated.

°° One would be probably contemplating one’s navel &    
    the contents within it thereof?
°° Staring on the speck of dust in da brother’s eye over     

°° Coagulating on the pimple next to the dimple of one’s   

    neighbor on the opposite block?

    Unless critical as in an ER life & death scenario - all this paying of  particular attention to ‘insignificant superfluous’ details makes for a situation where the nitty gritty, would clog, cloud, block up the FLOW; has to given a back seat — for the while.

For a fact though: 
each speck of nØthing, every bit of zerº, every teenîe wéénîé grain of dîr†, each particulate droplet of disallowed, every unFumigated flotsam, each insignifican† ignoblé - has a place in this 

                                                                                        Every living, unit that ever was LIFE’d will have it’s day, have its say   

                                        •• every ••

 Sparrow dropped to earth:
   Worm ever enmeshed within the earth:
     Fish that salin'd the seas:
       Tigers striped suits, dried:   
          Spot of the d•ts, off the Leopards hide:           

be it:
Capacious, Ginormous, Gargantuan 


insignificant, nonentity, micro-nullé

Grey hair of anyMan -   

will be wove into the Tapestry.

When all’s said, done, acted; each, every & all fibers entwined into the MAINframe of life,
each would have the center stage, the rostrum, given the mike; 

to relate each's autobio•tales:  
to satisfy, satiate, hand in the log books 

                so love to    ‘know’   how we did,
