Sunday, July 24, 2016

Eulogic; is there ...?.

                    < To the Memory of a dear friend >
|||||||||||||||||||||There SURE is  a place all set for you in  HIS HOUSE |||||||||||||||||||||

   As one before oñé "treasured gems" of oñé s life --whom  oñé did not chose but were by designs or plans of HE yet unknown,  thrown onto the same existential era, same path, each  one  a tiny "Spark" on  the similar  diverse  route "HOMé"
               -- has gone out  - before  oñé self -  
each  'light'  unconnected, yet essentially "pieces" of  oñé
              - "family"  separate biological parentage
                                   > brethren <

 If timely, now is that period before the final call for  oñé 's boarding, sounds; that oñé should truly peer, deeply into the till now irrelevant depths;
 of the immense lake 
                                         •••< LIFE >•••

  to immerse oñé self; 
   know that "murkiness",  
     deeply to savor;  
        intoxicate oñé self of the elixir therein 

- neither for attainment of eternal unreal  "Non-death":
- no† for "wealth  unimaginably inexhaustible; illogical-: - neither to know TRUTH; surely never attainable here; irrelevant; as oñé's Receptacle is so  



               BUT only to perhaps be assured                ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| «for oñé's own saké »||||||||||||||||||||||||||

= that after all = 
** there is sense     
    ••   if not meaning
     ** there is order                          
         ••   i f not meaning;
             ** there is balance=
                    ** there is beauty=
             •• if not meaning;
               to these many risings of the Sun
    & the as many  settings of Same
 each  &  almost everyone
   witnessed had we together
as fellow kindred "sparks" 
once  light'd , 
now need flicker, dim; 

you before 

after one 

    °°having dove deep, drunk full, of 
the VAS†ñéss
•• LIFE••
would the too brief Transience, 
 too fleeting Impermenance

 of the  now dimmed 'spark' 


 who on the same HOMEward trek before
 is gone now
Would the ENTIRETY
 appear less 
a happenstance
less a cipher,
 a jigsaw,
less a maze,
as an impossible mind numbing nebulous expense of zeroes & almost intangible non zeroes, 
just as nebulous, as the sum of  life's  breaths exhaled - 
as elusive as the beams of Sun - set?

Would these all been exhausted in total incomprehensible  futility? 
A shared flickering  of N0ñé?

as Noñé 

Or would the KNOWing to come 

  after the here?

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