Thursday, September 29, 2016

NatuNreALLY yours..

The giving, sharing, imparting
of anything at all, regardless if these
''Gifts, Sharing, Help, Assistance''
were all pre-loaded with positive usefulness,
 right-set unambiguous ''decent'' human values,
 are situationally relevant &
FREEly given...

is nowadays often construed as 

intrusive, & insulting 
to the intended recipient(s)

bloated sense of worth.

although the intended recipient(s)may be


Maximally SH•TT'd out


Pride & sense of worth
has risen so inversely disproportional
to real grounded values of decency
probably due to the gaining of pseudo-intelligence related abilities:



I need only LEFT click
ALL is Achievable.

It never fails to amuse, despite the myriad of ever changing patterns of social, political, lifestyle preferences that bust the 
chart-topping list of ''trivia-must-have-trashy-sh•T''
out there

ONE common denominator stands out
like a sore

oooooops Thumb
That is to seek;
to obtain 
if doable get 


over ALL others

And when that "must have" satisfactorily 
is set 

probably, perhaps, likely conceivably, maybe, a high chance, 

the common MAN in the Mall

the just as common MANÎ@© in the $eat$ of POWER


the common any other man in any other position


the also common LGBTW


the MAYBE not so common ''ambiguously gendered
POSSIBLY be satiated.
Completely & totally attain

------ ------ F. O. S ------------

 <-> Full Of Sh•ttiness SATISFACTION<->


÷÷¿¿ PEACE would †hen come on Earth ¿¿÷÷

HELLioooo yea yea yea

$împlé $îmÓñé



Monday, September 12, 2016

THE silent Divine EXPLETIVE


     A few, though not of spirit; are gifted with a disposition, a remarkable make up; a magnanimity of character; which disallows the expulsion of damning expletives in any audible, visible or offensive form at another.
       Swearing, the uttering or audible display of extreme emotions, which in most instances reference the copulation process.
        The few so unvulgarily inclined, are either in possession of extreme [inhuman] tight self control or has realized no significant difference would be achieved whatsoever in uttering damning vulgarity-filled verbiage at those seemingly so deserving of them. 

            The many POS's who dot, mar, deface the skyline of one's Sunny days & blue Skies :)

           The simple fact, all are hüman - hence mortal.
Damning another by hurling unCivil “barbaric” expletives - might be only worth the “vulgarity” expelled 
                      [as an escape valve] 

releasing one's bottled-up discontent, anger, disgust, etCîîs
          The subsequent ‘loss’ & ‘degradation’ of precious values of God-ness one has through great sacrifice, forbearance, managed to arrive  at

over a lifetime of restraint; 
                   regretfully are blown
                      as so much hot air/smoke.
       The loss is ''unquantifiable''
 not commensurate with the brief ""shiok"" of swearing/verbally lashing these POS"s Miscreants, D'genertes.
       If one were immortal hah! 

           un—human ~~~ hah!
            akin  somewhat  to da BOSS hah!
 one might  then anticipate being able to ‘live’ to ''see''
& perhaps ''thrill'' to the ‘deserved  Guantanamo Bay-like tortuous condamnation’ 
 of these POS when their desserts justLéé are served.

       If one were able to attain that level of of godliness & yet remain human, there would be little happiness, or sense of satisfaction to ""see"" such barbarians being  duly so served.
  No thrill, little pleasure, less joy would one feel;

likelier perhaps, one might feel sadness, remorse, recrimination, even depression ~ as to why HE saw it at all worthwhile, to allow us, this ''LIFE'' experience.
      Suppose one tries extraordinarily, to attempt non-human observance of Life ; 

make like one looking as if one were HE 
& from HIS view - ACT

~ many the occasions when events in 

 would be the visible manifestations of an inaudible
    devastatingly delivered, disastrous, deadly, silent, 

                      Supernatural Expletive

                 damning the """unfortunate""" 


          but deserving POS's to 

& beyond :)

     a kinda 


Jéålîü$ $éîzü®é
circa: 00o0

Divinity vs Humaness


The qualities required for the post of a Pope (Papacy) does not involve un-humaness.
A living non - human i.e. one who doesn't
have the "normal" urges - wine/women/men/song/SATISFYING to the max the usual "normal" common urges of sensuality: would probably be made more than ''Pope''

There are n0né of that sort - not in the world of living humans :- In the realm of spirits, incorporeal beings or the world of non-material virtualism vis "Superstition'' ''Myths'' ''Fables'' ''UniCornism'', Foreign "AID" - maybe ..
The Roman pope's position; being the "visible" leader/head of a multitude of everyday people, supposedly worshiping, honoring, paying homage to GOD via the tradition steeped Catholic faith, imposes a spiritual, moral, religious, "burden" on the "[un] fortunate" human being selected as Pope.
This 'load' is "heavier" than if one were

a barber,



F1 racer,

police officer,

sales promoter,

motivation speaker,

medical practitioner,

over-glorified mother,

Head Master

School of Scintillation Theory of Reflective Nonetity,

Prison warden,

Supreme Court Judge of Marital Disharmonics...

The implied characteristics of DIVINE purity & the perception by multitudes of devotees that Popes are the human representative/personification of a Divine God, make the human "pope" heavy laden - with an impossible load:

to deny his natural human traits; spawned from umpteen eons of the human DNA's mutative adaptation, for the preservation/propagation of the species: HomoS; traits that consider self; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, ad infinitum.

The single definitive difference between a "good" Pope vs a "normal" common, usual, run-of-the-mill, plain, ordinary one

†he ''good'' person attempting to fill the shoes of the great Fisherman; acts with complete decorum while in office; under the glare of the CCTVs & the public E¥é; keeping in check, denying, killing if doablethe "usual/normal urge-driven traits of a common normal (red blooded?) run of the mill pope -human being.

Hence only a person "gifted" with uncommon extraordinary, semi-super human abilities; or one with plain self imposed strong discipline, aware of the role taken on - make a "good" & effective leader of a religious group; [Catholics in this case].

Would make God glad He has such a one to not drag HIS name in the slime...
Sterling traits like such, serve well too heads of other similar faith groups/organizations/institutions be these SiNNé®s UnIncorporated, BanQué 'd La Rue, Islam, Makahaism, Taoism, Association of 6-GunTotters, Judaism, Oninaism, Hinduism, LééLamohinumbuLism, Bahaism, Christianity,

AlcoholicWhisperers Anonymous, Tuiniahmomoism

et al.

°°°Eunachism is a perverted practice irrelevantly out of context here - it does not involve self discipline & is not implemented for any ''goodly'' motive .

Of course if God is not relevant to one - all bets are DEFINITELY off -


Jéålîü$ $éîzü®é

circa: 00o0