Monday, September 12, 2016

THE silent Divine EXPLETIVE


     A few, though not of spirit; are gifted with a disposition, a remarkable make up; a magnanimity of character; which disallows the expulsion of damning expletives in any audible, visible or offensive form at another.
       Swearing, the uttering or audible display of extreme emotions, which in most instances reference the copulation process.
        The few so unvulgarily inclined, are either in possession of extreme [inhuman] tight self control or has realized no significant difference would be achieved whatsoever in uttering damning vulgarity-filled verbiage at those seemingly so deserving of them. 

            The many POS's who dot, mar, deface the skyline of one's Sunny days & blue Skies :)

           The simple fact, all are hüman - hence mortal.
Damning another by hurling unCivil “barbaric” expletives - might be only worth the “vulgarity” expelled 
                      [as an escape valve] 

releasing one's bottled-up discontent, anger, disgust, etCîîs
          The subsequent ‘loss’ & ‘degradation’ of precious values of God-ness one has through great sacrifice, forbearance, managed to arrive  at

over a lifetime of restraint; 
                   regretfully are blown
                      as so much hot air/smoke.
       The loss is ''unquantifiable''
 not commensurate with the brief ""shiok"" of swearing/verbally lashing these POS"s Miscreants, D'genertes.
       If one were immortal hah! 

           un—human ~~~ hah!
            akin  somewhat  to da BOSS hah!
 one might  then anticipate being able to ‘live’ to ''see''
& perhaps ''thrill'' to the ‘deserved  Guantanamo Bay-like tortuous condamnation’ 
 of these POS when their desserts justLéé are served.

       If one were able to attain that level of of godliness & yet remain human, there would be little happiness, or sense of satisfaction to ""see"" such barbarians being  duly so served.
  No thrill, little pleasure, less joy would one feel;

likelier perhaps, one might feel sadness, remorse, recrimination, even depression ~ as to why HE saw it at all worthwhile, to allow us, this ''LIFE'' experience.
      Suppose one tries extraordinarily, to attempt non-human observance of Life ; 

make like one looking as if one were HE 
& from HIS view - ACT

~ many the occasions when events in 

 would be the visible manifestations of an inaudible
    devastatingly delivered, disastrous, deadly, silent, 

                      Supernatural Expletive

                 damning the """unfortunate""" 


          but deserving POS's to 

& beyond :)

     a kinda 


Jéålîü$ $éîzü®é
circa: 00o0

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