In many ways; nationalism & patriotism, tribe based pride...
often lead to isolationism & exclusivity, resulting in a segregated outlook, a closed mindset - a festering ground for extremism, discrimination & injustice.
There was a Presidential hopeful in the US during the 60's who advocated racial segregation vehemently.
Even now such instances of a misplaced & oft violent sense of supremacy based on whatever ideals - be they religious, race or nation-based is evident almost every where Man is.
It is such failed righteousness, tainted by a sense of selectivity i.e. of belonging to an exclusive or higher grade creature or group; that festers rejection of other similarly created creatures as equal humans with similar "rights"
Often such 'ideals' of "superiority" lead to violent & deadly altercations.
When exploited by motivated elements i.e. malevolent humans skilled in employing manipulative psychology emphasizing non-essential but such seemingly righteous VALUES of Religiosity, race based rhetorics; violence & the taking of lives & the termination of entire ethnic groups, often result.
Such acts are often dismissed & justified as a "religious duty - an obligation that is nobly conferred Divinely sanction".
What BULL Sh«»†
What COW Dung.
Yet no one who would have an effective impact on turning this tide around; i.e. respected rational world/INTERnATIONAL leaders; those to whom the mostly 'LOST' citizenry,
look to for leadership - for pointers - for Clues, for guides, for centering, for tips :
No one who effectively could make a profound change; has found it in his agenda to campaign, to promote & seek, to achieve this ideal that All Man be given EQUAL regard
It sounds 'nice', is 'comforting' to read of these noble Values, & highfalutin Ideals
And carved or embedded [NOT in the hearts of Man] but in places like
the Walls of impressive buildings
look so reassuringly NOble
When Audio'd in speeches, exhorting propagating such noble ideals again warms the cockles & Mussels of the heart
BUT as quickly, are dissipated by the chilly wind of
Reality, Popularity & Public Rejection, practical survivalism.
Even before the echo stops reverberating in the Halls.
In any case what's the BIG [i]deal in the instilling of PRIDE based on one's CITIZENSHIP
~ Nationalism ?
~ Patriotism?
And when one's country is in a war or armed conflict with another, invoking the oft effective manipulative emotive Battle Cry ~~~~~~~~
"For GOD, for king, for country"
Hoi Hoi stop..
GOD - of all reference, IS the most maligned justification for man's personal ill-intent.
YET the most effective as none alive would dare refuse to comply ~ & be perceived as going against HE G O D.
But it is NOT NEVER G O D, who would make such rabble rousing calls/sounds.
After almost 2000 years of western (?)Civilization is Man to still view and regard one another as antagonistically separate creatures?
Or should Man not have progressed to more nobly view each & everyMAN - as equal & noble in his own right - based on nothing less or nobler & worthier than the geographical location in which one has citizenship;
or what skin pigmentation was ones parents colored with;
or which religious group one swears allegiance to?
Should we not discard all these irrelevance which links to divisionisms AND become truly a RACE of created ones of HIS?
One Race of 'Life' [Humanoid or non humanoid]
Such proposals IS a confirmed liability
in every sphere of HUMån commerce, industry, ENTERprise
More especially in military supremacy & dominance.
It will be never achievable when minds see only as far as the:
next "profit"
next "gain"
next "higher ground"
next "opportunity"
next 'opening' to change the game in order to
Man & animals differ
in that, only in Man are values
justified, rationalized, admired & promoted as qualities of optimal for a grown MAN -
unwarranted desire for more acquisitions than is necessary to attain ***HAPPINESS***
Then again does anyone truly know what Happiness is
& similarly -
what TRUTH is ?
how these could be attained.
The unchangeable fact of human mortality precludes anyman's quest for answers.
If one can live immortally perhaps then one migh† seek that TRUTH.
As otherwise after a number of existence MAN.years;
when one cannot remember even
where to Pee, Poop,
who or what one is, where one is ...
the rational mortal person's right set objective while
still sentient & capable would be to do ALL the possible doables
E. N. J. O. Y.
M.A.X. O.U.T.
WHATEVER that is needed
to attain
highest THRILL
Does one, does anyone, care, be bothered:
how great the negative fall-out to other
felluus would be when one live with no communal, national, public concern or regards for anything everything ~ since one being MORtal one would be looooong gone ~ rather [dead] sure, the STENCH could never catch up into the realm of the
"uuu" "eee" "ooo" "aaa"
~none has resurrected to tell about~
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There IS a FINAL inescapable. ACCounting.
May one facing Such
..ensure correctness as advocates & solicitors not included..
instigated by:
ñåpAløñé BørñAPAR†