Sunday, June 18, 2017

Rémîñî$cé îñ Trå$î† Løüñgé

When life’s taste's gone drab

what JOY once held dear

now reduced

to painful longings

for days long gone

~~ LOS† ~~

in misty nights

of solitary aloness

Suffocatingly entombed deep

in depths filled brimmingly full

with misty recollections of transient highs actuated whilst in youngeR irreverance

Blandness topped, exacerbated by tha† endlessly served daily die† of drudgery;

†hat which made 'LIFE'

†he B L A N D

I† now is


Imminent permanence as in

"LIFE"'s demise

takes on a craved for

Welcøming ~ Beckoning ~ Glow.

~~~~ A 'wished-for' ~~~~

which "LiFE"
    once dread
ye† from whence †oo       

    once cåmé

A Re†urn to †he Embrace within †he bliss-filled Enfoldmen† of CREA†or

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ 

$åmplé $îmøñé
circa oo0o

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