Saturday, September 16, 2017

Cü† & Dried

             Christianity  is not THE only nonsense;  it is like many other worship systems constructed, devised, distilled by Man, over the millenniums, to worship honor & acknowledge G O D. 
Christianity like other religions; is one of the multiple versions, worship systems, each with their distinctive, {sometimes shared} prophets, their celebrated, highly theologized Imams, Pes†ors,  rich traditions & cultural history of interactions with the Divine {whether such contacts are true, contrived, self instituted mind warps, via chemicals, herbs or other hallucinatory procedures; Gok} 
  NO religions, none at all; have any proprietary claims on being THE religion which should be or has received Divine sanction; as the distinct  group … which is the accepted authorized FAITH to honor, worship HIM; The Creator of this HERE 
in which we, Man & other living life; has being.
Hence like many believers or devotees of a god based faith, many faith-filled,  from the first day of accepting Jesus as lord & savior has been guided, molded & some how by association, by familiarizing by the countless subtle (neither wrong nor evil) influences; moved into the mindset of a christ worshipping faithful and Christ is then assigned in the minds of Christians that unique ingredient and given status of  “DIVINE” (NOT at all erroneous — but “that” is another longer convoluted tale)  & worshipped as god —— ONLY via the unique “faith” group; Christianity.                        

«» There is an urgency for the populations of this world, to make distinction between Religions & GOD «»

A man who wears no religious colors need  not necessarily be one who does not hold GOD dear. 
°°He does NOT hold any religions dear.

A man who pays tithe - charity, gives alms, assists those he knows, feels, recognizes has more needs than himself; does these even to those of religious faiths & colors he supposedly by religious edicts, should not “love” ; does NOT hold religions dear. 
°°He holds GOD dear.

Untold multitudes of peoples; every-where, every-when, every-way, who never partook of any bread nor drink - tainted, flavored, blessed even,  of the many religious faiths,
they did not hold religions dear. 
°°They held GOD dear.

THE antiChrist, so fairy tale’d  — oversold  as the entity, that supreme ULTRA EvIL, was long created when ‘Lucifer’ supposedly rejected God; that same eVIL, has been embedded in the psyche, soul, in the innermost longings, & niches from where spring the primal urges of Man; emanating from Man’s undetected, unprotected unaware-ness. 

The ‘tragedy’ is when every thinking Man [“thinking”, presumed] becomes the faith-filled yet blinded (nose-ring'd) buffalo,
from the 1st instance he could understand thoughts 
-his mindsets, values, belief systems, cultural norms, plus every other precepts ---- including the original God set values ---- are continuously, moved, maneuvered & nudged,  remolded and milked from him & being separately ’edited’,  ‘REmade’ by those who actually were calling the shots. 
These forces of our worldly life -{not same as Nature - which is unblemished, True] - do all these manipulations, mindlessly: as reflexes necessary for “life”.
They act with no conscious intents.
These themselves are unaware their very acts or insinuations (or non actions) help move others, who are equally unaware; into the spot where god & religions/faith groups, loses the distinctive difference
           FAITH & GOD  -|-  become synonymous.

Though GOD is the center of many faith groups, in more than one {or twelve instances :} faith groups 
                                         is not, 
                                      should not,
     be represented in the minds of worshipping faithfulls; 
                                     as GOD.

Instances of how mindsets are daily, monthly, never-ending-ly being twisted, subtly thwarted from true North 'clarity':

You mean your daughter attends THAT  University?
You drive THIS kind of car? 
You go to THAT place to honor GOD?
You can buy & use THOSE kinds of dresses,  accessories? 
You playTHAT game @ THAT club ?
You swim with THOSE fellas?

and ----
by the age when you supposedly should have become an adult, supposedly imbued with all right set values of good, of not so good, of which religions you should place your faith in instead of placing your faith in The ONE true god

• What you eat, what you pay heed to, what you consider unacceptable, what you sanction as correct,  incorrect - all these values, mindsets, preferences which comprise your innermost “psyche” ‘soul’  are NO LONGER unblemished, neither pristine, nor even of your own decide. 
—— you have been "made" into one of many ‘issues’ ‘end-products’  though not entirely mindless, you now bear the distincive stamp of a common similar attitude & acceptance of value systems, religious convictions,  societal norms, of every other than the pristine, unchangeable DIVINE will which has been lost through your (mine, our) growing - {up}

How did this happen?
How could the young adult w/o his even being aware of it has been nudged into that set ‘sad’ path? 
You that young person at the brink between an unthinking kid & a thought filled adult, are dead sure; you sense & is more than CONvinced, certain, your own abilities, values, et al;  are self acquired & derived — 'all' done; assimilated; under your own volition. 
                       They are most undeniably NOT. 

Short of having no human parts, you, [me] & almost all the rest of the thinking (or so we thought) population of Man; are no better than mechanical automatons — having been brought to - that position, which the "agenda" has been dragging us to, would want us all to be in.
And the best part is - we all (most of us anyway) thought it was our own personal choices. 
Thus even though of flesh & blood, we have all been robotized. 
We feel great about our INDIVIDUAL uniqueness.
We each rejoice like that famous tune declared :      
      "..I did it MY way..

Are you sure? That you (& all else) did in our own unique way?
Nøñé is criticizing, nor passing judgements nor is any a††emp†ing  contrariness, to assume a higher status.

This non awareness of one's non direction as also one's being under-towed into the desired spot
(undesired if one is fully CONcious)
 is obvious, undeniable maybe, unrecognized maybe;
all the same 
 ~~~~ A fact ~~~~

FEW potential robo†s, manage to NOT become automatons,                 
 succumbing, unknowingly, unwittingly, unresistingly 
rather fast-ly

{"fast-ly" used in memoriam of an old friend dépår†éd}

Nåpåløñé Bø®ñåp宆


Monday, September 11, 2017

DIArrhea ---- Aka ----- MANure

   Ever since the opportunity,  ability, was handed  to the general public to express whatever it wanted via the WWW: there's been a plethora of "talk", "chatter",  "vocal",  ethereal "diarrhea" 
-- no topic or subjects, any & all opinions, personal group hang-ups, bias, anger, hatefulness, discriminations, badmouthing,  and of course too; noble uplifting thoughts 
- in short - 
is now placed at anyone's DISposal (synonym for sewage -no?)
 -------- an"online" store of "Collective Verbiage" is "freely" available ---------
the ENTIRE universal [or almost universal] - cos there is little & if any, weak impotent constraints by governmental or other enforcing authorities. 
    This moving mobile "in the cloud" library, has hit the ethereal space -  in a vengefilled frenzy, every person of every inclination, motivation, intelligence [or lack of] has not held back on adding to the "pool" (cess?)
Be these be good, bad or plain idiocy/genius.
This is not just about getting heard; or keeping in touch with each other conveniently & comparatively cheaper over vast distances as in days of the postal mail.
»»»» If any good is at all extricable from all this 'noise' it would probably be the ability to be 'seen', 'heard' & much akin to the innate need of the  K9 ~~~~~~
to indiscriminately; release it's (should be withheld) bladder bounded "freedoms" AND gleefully mark every vertical structure it stumbles upon, with its pee, & peace piss,  
as it perambulates down the sidewalk; homing in on the pheromones of the female K9 {the females being always less regarded than males hence aptly Kesevan or K7?}
WHY does the K9  & too the homo S's do this verbiage?
Just cos it can --
just cos it has to --
just cos otherwise in a few short "tick tock"s

the chance & the creature itself is gone ?
after which the created creature can do nought but to forever hold its piss

so Happy Merdeka?
     Happy independence? 
       Happy 'freedom' ------------ from what? who?
 Oppressive regimes? 
Or is it 'freedom' 'release' from one's own innate instincts, smellier, more despicable than the 
poop & pee of the K9s,  K7s & similar others?

Many celebrate with little care, or concern nor do they nor would they trouble selves to get deeper more immersive meanings / innuendoes of the events of which they 
 never will be in the spirit of, 
the gory guts, sweat, blood, tears which The Nation's True Founding patriots, sacrificed, & spilled  




||||||||||||  |||||||||||| |||||||||||| |||||||||||| |||||||||||| |||||||||||| |||||||||||| 
"Tanah Tumpah-nya Darah Ku"

     »»»»»»»»»»»»but who cares ««««««««««««

any chance, any little leeway open, folks get to leggo, let go
 they ---   
      "Ot" i.e of unspecific gender 
         the LBGTWxyz+more
       will waste NOT, the chance, to GRAB it so be in the public; eye   <•>
To be the COA [center of attraction] for the briefest moments -
- even if what these COAs' 'expressed" may stink like that which emanates from the cess-pool & the rectal orifices of the K9s, K7s, & others

 »»»»»»»»»»»» but who cares ««««««««««««

More of relevance & in reference to the welfare & true Happy-ness of the long suffering, patiently tolerant common MiM (man in malls or Public)  [tolerant as there seemingly is no recourse to be otherwise than tolerant] is who, which group is 
fanning the flames of Patriotism, 
of  {?} Love for Nation 
of extreme emotions  
wHEN in REALity ~~~~ MaNipulating the unaware public in the direction mos† conducive to the 
Happiness, PROSperity, Cash-Kush Life - of these maNIPUlator'$' them$elve

Thus it is more like "Happy Murderka"  "Happy $trLIFE"Happy Birthdaze to me, mine & ours"

"H A P P Y" is a 'position'  always sought -  
never on life's agenda, 
never part of life's specifications,
never the promise ever delivered.
 ----- much as most people try to attain the "Happy" - as an attainable, an achievable, an objective doable aim in "life"
[if one puts one's mind to it one can do anything?] 
~~~ any what'thing' ~~~
when more often than can be counted, mostimes one becomes psycho'ed into cattle for the abattoir 

so in memoriam of that fatal fateful day 
"May the Farce  Force be your constant guide/companion/life's spiritual GPS.
May the Go0d Sense of celebration never be lost from you.
May you be always hopeful for a total make-over; of self, & by honorable acts & non-acts of others, 
  Of  u†Most criticali
may THE denying of the UNreal from attempting to transform men into abbatior bound buffaloes ---making MAN believe their unworthy agenda is REAL  & crucial for National well-being & HAPPINESS.

««««that 'mindset'- to be alert against such MañîpüLATHIEVE$ is very essential, crucially critical for a  Go0D "LIFE"»»»»

NåpAløñé Bo®ñApar†

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Please DON'† H E L P or The LEFT hand does not know what the other hands are COMMitting

     Early one morning before the COCKéral has crowed longer & harder than it normally feels happy enough to take a breathér, the mobile  sounded;
Hello good morning, is this MR XYZ? : I am Miss JKR from CøñB Bank, Fraud Prevention Dept. May I verify it was you who logged in to the CøñB Bank online banking just now?"                       

XYZ: "Yes that was me."                       

Miss JKR from CøñB Bank, Fraud Prevention Dept : “May I verify  your ID sir ? Would you mind giving me the last 4 digits of your I/D number sir.”                        

XYZ : “I tried several times to log it to check if my pension has been credited & was directed several  times  to re-LOG-in. Does that constitute fraud ?” [if this how FRAUD is done, it should be simple to  fraud no? *&%^%]                       

Miss JKR from CøñB Bank Fraud Prevention Dept: "No Sir we just want to verify it was you; that’s why we want your ID number, Sir"                       

      XYZ: "Great! Awesome good job miss, trying to PREVENT fraud; I am not sure you are who you say you are;  from CøñB Bank Fraud Prevention Dept. though"

Miss JKR from CøñB Bank, Fraud Prevention Dept : “You can call this number "xxx yyy zzz" to verify it’s from Fraud Prevention Dept CøñB Bank.

  XYZ: "Why would I spend telephone time (& money) calling the CøñB Bank; which used to give its clients free calls, now CøñB Bank clients have to pay to call the bank. 

Am I supposed to pay TELECOM$ to call the CøñB Bank to ensure you are genuinely from the FRAUD Prevention Dept; when I have not fraudulented anything or anyone? 
May I suggest Miss JKR from CøñB Bank, Fraud Prevention Dept, you please check with CøñB Bank Chairman, CøñB Bank CEO, Head Honcho of the ConB Bank, not forgetting his sibling; President of the Crew of Happy Robbers Ooooops Rovers; to confirm if "FRAUD" is being attempted, had been committed or was  already DONE to the CønB Bank.
But you, Miss JKR, is doing a real great job  --  AND my pension is assuredly safe, with Fraud Prevention EXECUTIVES  like you. 
Please do CONfirm, though, the tree is the right one you are barking up at?
Have a great, awesome, good day, in trying do the impossible; …prevent fraud i.e.

["executives’’ have been adopted by certain institutions to placate & ‘glorify’ clerks, in lieu of higher remuneration. At the same time “EXECUTIVE’s” used to lull clients into a fake sense of self importance, being attended to no less than by an EXECutive & not a clerk (as the post actually is)]


$îQmaññ Fraü∂
circa: 00o0