Sunday, September 3, 2017

Please DON'† H E L P or The LEFT hand does not know what the other hands are COMMitting

     Early one morning before the COCKéral has crowed longer & harder than it normally feels happy enough to take a breathér, the mobile  sounded;
Hello good morning, is this MR XYZ? : I am Miss JKR from CøñB Bank, Fraud Prevention Dept. May I verify it was you who logged in to the CøñB Bank online banking just now?"                       

XYZ: "Yes that was me."                       

Miss JKR from CøñB Bank, Fraud Prevention Dept : “May I verify  your ID sir ? Would you mind giving me the last 4 digits of your I/D number sir.”                        

XYZ : “I tried several times to log it to check if my pension has been credited & was directed several  times  to re-LOG-in. Does that constitute fraud ?” [if this how FRAUD is done, it should be simple to  fraud no? *&%^%]                       

Miss JKR from CøñB Bank Fraud Prevention Dept: "No Sir we just want to verify it was you; that’s why we want your ID number, Sir"                       

      XYZ: "Great! Awesome good job miss, trying to PREVENT fraud; I am not sure you are who you say you are;  from CøñB Bank Fraud Prevention Dept. though"

Miss JKR from CøñB Bank, Fraud Prevention Dept : “You can call this number "xxx yyy zzz" to verify it’s from Fraud Prevention Dept CøñB Bank.

  XYZ: "Why would I spend telephone time (& money) calling the CøñB Bank; which used to give its clients free calls, now CøñB Bank clients have to pay to call the bank. 

Am I supposed to pay TELECOM$ to call the CøñB Bank to ensure you are genuinely from the FRAUD Prevention Dept; when I have not fraudulented anything or anyone? 
May I suggest Miss JKR from CøñB Bank, Fraud Prevention Dept, you please check with CøñB Bank Chairman, CøñB Bank CEO, Head Honcho of the ConB Bank, not forgetting his sibling; President of the Crew of Happy Robbers Ooooops Rovers; to confirm if "FRAUD" is being attempted, had been committed or was  already DONE to the CønB Bank.
But you, Miss JKR, is doing a real great job  --  AND my pension is assuredly safe, with Fraud Prevention EXECUTIVES  like you. 
Please do CONfirm, though, the tree is the right one you are barking up at?
Have a great, awesome, good day, in trying do the impossible; …prevent fraud i.e.

["executives’’ have been adopted by certain institutions to placate & ‘glorify’ clerks, in lieu of higher remuneration. At the same time “EXECUTIVE’s” used to lull clients into a fake sense of self importance, being attended to no less than by an EXECutive & not a clerk (as the post actually is)]


$îQmaññ Fraü∂
circa: 00o0

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