>>>>CLAIM TO GAIN <<<<
The trending “Word” that describes
H O LL Y wood
appears to harp on rape &/or other related “acts, ideas” “(ideals?)” where anyone who is or wants to be somebody has to show this badge of having been
by a sex-tuned predator in the early {roll in the hay} days when the predator was as unknown as the predatee {payer - payee}
Now that the 'older’ predator has somehow achieved acclaimed status as a household name of SuckCess, representing EVERYthing many Americans would die for:
which contrary to commonly held ideals of a shining America; gleaming from sea to shining sea
don't include;
Nor Refuge for the Broken
or the Tired
Definitely nO† an arbor for the persecuted
marginalized or the oppressed.
NOT in almost every sense what the great CONSTitution of the US of AMerica so proudfully proclaim.
None of the flaunted idealized GOD-like traits Unattainable by human beings of every ethnicity
not limited to only AMericans but include
all HOMO Sapiens
Indians: Bhutanese: Australians: Nigerians: Chzechoslovakians: British : New Zealanders: Vietnamese : Congolese: Manchurians : Koreans : name the ethnicity & its included since all life is infected with that "spiritual DNA of fail"
Traits like::::
The now aged “predatee” being still an unknown, after sooo long of time passing him by, wakes up & realizes the potential, a kinda end of the rainbow 'glow' - from an imagined potful of GOLD - waiting to be capitalized on..
and into this WORLD is
The POTUS which chair is being filled now by hot-aired Trumpet Blowing D0nald McD0nald & the rest of the aptly named gang of clowns is heading where it can’t help itself from heading
a FALL (not Autumn) neither would the goelocation be very far removed from the outhouse specifically it's foul stench
So fallow AMeRICANs
Have a “gala time” anyhow. It is after all the Land of Plenty..
The past list of Favourite villains :
*Adolf Hitler & Nazism
*Chairman Mao & Communism
*G.W. BUSH & hunter of Axis of
*Hugo Chavez & Marxism
*All other Villains who ever stood against the U S of America
& other just as despicable villains, with their equally as weird ideas & “isms” and behavioral Malfeasance : a huge diverse plethora — all American defined - all specially sprinkled with assorted “nuts, lose “screws” as also ”raving lunatics” not crazy enuff yet to need isolation or Institutional incarceration.
(Is not the Presidency of the US an INSTITUTION?)
The “weird” which would dilute Quality of LIFE as well as bring almost everything to a BaaaD “START” probably leading to the “END" : shares that same mindset as these who must flaunt their childhood history - that “somewhere in their youth or childhood“ they been subjected to sexual impropriety.
Like if one didn’t get touched inappropriately or was not sexually done to with or without one's complete participation/enjoyment — one cannot be worthy enough to be on anyone worthy’s dinner invite list.
One becomes then relegated & branded as:
A “pariah” -
A “nonenity”
An “Unknown”
A Ne'erDoWell
no chance to be a SUCCessful person. In this the UNreal land of Make belief
H O LL Y wood...
THAT is a fate slightly less welcome than terminal illness
or perpetual poverty
or being an unknown
To claim having been molested as a child is great bragging rights;
a badge;
a battle scar of distinction — an honor.
Sometime ago being gay had that same extinction distinction.
Now perhaps the reason or how come Americans - particularly, the present POTUS, & his Team or Crew or Gang are such “characters” is becoming apparent.
The “Good” part is “if an unpolished contractor/builder/property developer could end up POTUS shows opportunities are LIMITless in the Land of the Free & home of the Brave?”
[what’s “Free”
who’s “Brave”]?
Be Afraid
Be very Afraid ~~~ When the separation between well balanced leaders of State &
deranged fringed
megalomaniacs becomes blurry
$îQmåññ Fraüd
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