Monday, January 28, 2019


     May •Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì• be the judge
 — what is uttered by man's mouth may not be true  

      •Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì has given many of His creatures intelligence to distinguish the Pharisees & Sadducee & other fibbers/fabricators\ef'ers et al, from the ones who truly toiled in •His Vineyard for no other purpose or reason
than to do •His Will as they knew it to be.
      Speaking confessionally in such seemingly obedient, self-effacing tone,  indicates a believer contrite; seeking forgiveness, attempting to sanctify past misdeeds - committed whilst arrogant & young - fired then by nothing but *self SELF & SéLF * & again.$ELF

as youth-filled folks, ego'd with unbridled-power almost always do 
         None will know if •Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì would forgive your transgressions
 »« some undeniably grievous,
 »« some grievously had denied many; opportunities to  live well: as equals.
      Man though are easily appeased ~
For man have little grasp of what 'evil' were hatched  by your conniving mind; then, 
as Head Honcho
 -«Eg0-full with smokey delusions of invincibility,
intoxicated by fearless dreams; visions 
of  immortality & vainglory-«
                 Thus your own intent, your own motives,  your own humility, your own contrition, your own repentance; remorse
                 »» are only your own «« 

•Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì• alone wouldst know the worth of your publicly uttered, muttered; contritious, remorseful, compunctious, confessions 
   ∞• Man with compassion might forgive •∞
                                                     •Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì• is not Man;
•Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì• share not Man's values         
Man is Nå†üré
•Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì• is SüpérNå†üré
   Being from "dir†", "dus†" "zér0" 
mere  ««creatéés»» here, by the Grace & magnanimi†y of •Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì•
one could hope, beg, beseech
, to know •Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì• fully.

Man need realize; ñøñé ever could.
  Hence, proper & right it is,
to  beg, beseech, implore, 
                                                         for mercy.

~yet •Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì• aloné decide~
Other creatéés, should rightly, respond

 ∞°∞May •Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì• have mercy on an antiquated (93) creatéé's plea∞°∞
It never is too late to beg pardon from
 •Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì•   ~~    
it is known 
•Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì•    ~~     
is Compassion. 

UNLESS  one;      
            adamantly unrepentant
                            too late,
                       already dead.                       
Let it be as Thou Wilst

whispered to:
Jüdå$$ î$çå®ø†:

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