Sunday, June 2, 2019

Monkey Sense..

      There was speculations once that given a keyboard-typewriter, and an unlimited length of  Time 

 .. a chimpanzee, baboon, ape or monkey - due to it’s similarity to humans and an  conjectured presumed equal in intelligence to a human - would be able to come up
 with a  BEST SELLER  novel or 
--  a  Script of Shakespearean eloquence & poetic artistry.
IF that self same baboon were to 1st reassemble all these keys together, 
then craft that Script of Shakespearean stature, many, for sure, would claim they were that monkey's uncle
to associate with such sheer genius: ape or no ape
That premise, though, has not been tested. No superAPE had been located to be appointed Poet Laurette Extra0dinaire.

   Certain nations are fond — to extremes — of opinion polling..
to the extent, that every move, choice made in any individual decision, even in the buying of toothpaste, is hinged on the results of Polls..
   If the number of folks of this particular nation were asked to select a national LEADER would it not be as impossible as a Simian Shakespeare ever being found?  
   What with the sheer numbers of individual opinions, personal biases  & criteria, idiosyncrasies, likes, political leanings & other preferences of tastes, cultural ethnic religious - even alma mater loyalties?  
° the more the given numbers of disparate criteria 
° the more the numbers of opinions of  selecting individuals
for the same one objective
 - in this case a National leader.
° the more the impossibility of a unified consensus that would make sense, being ever arrived at.
   The Ape would as unlikely be able to reassemble the diverse keys AND craft a prize winning novel
 as would a National Leader be unanimously agreed upon and chosen..
           »Both near impossible«  
Thus polling census and other TV time hogging entertainment revenue generating commerce - activities are just only that 
    -•--•---huge waste of time-•--•---
 as huge as that never going to be crafted Monkey’s Novel 

but the LEADER was selected

insider traded with
åLéé ben Bårbér

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