Saturday, July 14, 2012
Earth-Shaking Verbalizations...
Superior Intellectuals Verbalizing ... If one is unable to explain a supernatural being (or what is commonly referred to as God) & to provide demonstrable scientific evidence that such an entity exists it is not a logical given the unproven entity does not exist.
The level of technological development and scientific facilities available at the period one is presently at, may not present one with the skills or tools to make such evidence demonstrable, quantifiable or tangible.
The absence of scientific evidence alone does not confirm the non-existence of the entity.
Besides the sophistication & or incomprehensibility of the nature of the Entity (god) by human intellectual faculties/abilities may make that proof impossibly unobtainable.
Socratic logic plus a highly developed ability of analytical thinking & the gift to perform impressive Platonic mental acrobatics may imbue some with a heightened sense of intellectual superiority. Coupled with a verbosity and fluency in semantics may embellish one with a self perceived aura of extreme intelligence and knowledgeability but in the final analysis based on the universal common denominator of goodness, humility and charity one stand on a slippery slope of self arrogance mutually boosted and reinforced by fellow pseudo intellectuals.
By denying and ridiculing the idea of a supernatural being most call God, one might feel that one is greater perhaps than God himself. It is usually an insecure, childish attempt at self glorification, by destroying or denigrating a commonly regarded icon of greatness.
If one claims that inflicting a non factual premise on others is immoral what then is so moral about inflicting the opposite stance of not subscribing to the former non factual premise ?
A hypothetical situation :
An Atheist when in an utterly hopeless & desperate situation, eg. when an only child/loved one is dying of an incurable terminal illness, finds no help from every human facilities/faculties and intelligent HUMAN medical resources;
would call on :
° dead relatives vis father or mother presumably endowed with supernatural powers ?
°Albert Einstein ?
°Richard Dawkins ?
°Stefan Molyneux ?
°President of department of Philosophy at Ivy League University ?
°The Professor of Philosophy at their Alma Mater ?
°Their great thinker colleagues ?
°Obi Wan Kenobi ?
°The President of the Socratic Society of Rational Analytical Thinking
°Their own EGO ?-
for help ?
Or would he deep down wished then that there is a GOD?
Using words like 'inflicting' a belief based on faulty premises & accusation of planting a 'viral infection' in the mind of a person is analogous to a small boy gleefully running down an idea much greater than himself to boost his own self esteem.
If there is a God ('If' … since He cannot be, [actually need not be] proven) He would feel sad & sorry for the insecurity of the Atheist/philosopher.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Is Talking part of "LOVE" .. ?
Can "BAD" people from "very hard to say" countries make so many happy things in Walmart?
Are "BAD" people from "very hard to say countries" part of Love?
Is TV guy part of Love?
Is Charity giving money to Church?
Is Charity, giving away trash to the poor?
Why does TV guy kneel at Church?
Does TV guy work for Church?
Is God the cook at Soup Kitchens?
Are those eating at Soup Kitchens "Bad"
Are "poor" people eating at soup kitchens "sick"?
Is God part of Church?
Am I "sick" when I am angry?
Can I get "sick" watching TV?
Is it OK to be "sick" at Church?
Is TV good for me?
Does the "poor" need Love?
Do the "sick" need Charity ?
Is Love part of Charity?
Is Charity part of Love?
Does priest work for Church?
Is it OK to love the "sick", "poor", "BAD" people?
Is talking about "poor", "sick", "BAD" people, part of "Love"?
Is talking part of Church?
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Dare you do a "Calvary" ? ...
Well meaning friends tend to forward many 'good for our soul' mails, with inspirational messages, exhorting us to change, reverse our lifestyle, make sacrifices; calling on our higher values; to love unselfishly, to live unrestrictively, to strive unceasingly:
To attain THE NOBLE values Man are supposed to have in him.
In everyday living most people pray, help many others, addressing many concerns; material and spiritual.
Though trying to imitate Christ, striving to walk his talk, endeavoring to live a life worthy of Him, I doubt I can, as yet, do a 'calvary' as he did.
It is unimaginable to give one's living life up for some one whom one loves; beyond logical human considerations & completely irrelevant, if it's for someone not loved.
Many give money, many others services; some ‘imagine’ they give love; many ‘believe’ they give their entire lives to God when giving up their family privileges eg. taking oath of celibacy.
Some give life's blood; some leave organs from their corpses.
All 'SACRIFICES' no doubt. And being what we are .. human beings, Super human efforts indeed!
"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends" (especially greater if it's some one we 've never known or met)
Here we have "Calvary Complex" (how I love syndromes & complexes & such) where a person has an innate unreasonable drive/force/tendency/desire to want to do a Calvary...
Dare you, are you able to do a 'calvary'?
All other SACRIFICIAL "acts" be they small, medium, large, extra-large or even glorious by earthly human standards, pale in comparison to "Calvary".
Friday, June 15, 2012
Sent from my iPad ....
"From the desk of Sir Thomas de Laluie"
"From the pen of Lord Sukuharga Untungdiree"
"From the Department of Inland Revenue"
"From the Office of the Ex Prime Minister"
Many would have seen these signatures adorning some letters & correspondences received over the postal services in days gone by. By themselves they signify the epitome of ridiculousness. Every fool knows a desk, a pen, a department is inanimate, & being so, unable to initiate anything, let alone write and send a missive.
More contemporarily, we now see: "Sent from my iPad", "from my Samsung", "from my iPhone"
Funny how a simple "From Rev Fr. Pha Jip Khung" or "Fr Miss Beh Thar Hahn" or "From The Venerable Tiu Nia Seng" is never good enough.
The need for the Desk, the Pen, the Department and now the "iPad" or "Samsung" or "iPhone" is necessary to affirm oneself.
Is Man so insecure, so insignificant in his own eyes that he needs his office, his pen, or his iPad to ensure recognition?
Are we only SOMEONE if we have an "iPad" or a "Samsung"?
It is laughable how the need for an address in a high end Residence, a Ferrari & a Lamborghini (or 2), several Rolexs, or a married name of a much sought after ethnic group; is so crucial for many.
The process by which humans are assessed by the power they wield or the perceived wealth & affluence they own, has dehumanized us all.
Much is lacking if a man has need for self assertion and does it through reliance, not on his own abilities or strengths & higher qualities, but on flippant titles, worthless articles and meaningless things acquired by fair or foul means.
Thus is complete the Fall of Man … not only from Grace but from being human!
By this dehumanization we finally have arrived at universal equality .. ground ZERO.
Everyone truly is now 'same' as everyone one any greater or less than the other! Should be good; correct?
Not so ...
the need to not lose out, to 'appear' better than the next person, the compulsion to reaffirm the ego, the small-minded 'competitive' spirit; is never extinguished: thus we 'kill' (ourselves) acquiring Mercedes, an address at Beverly Hills (even if it's the maid's quarters), to marry (at all costs to any person who would have us, as long he has a particular epidermal pigmentation & has a foreign nasal twang), to send our kids to perceived 'renowned' Institutions (at risk of financial melt-down), etc. etc.
the need to not lose out, to 'appear' better than the next person, the compulsion to reaffirm the ego, the small-minded 'competitive' spirit; is never extinguished: thus we 'kill' (ourselves) acquiring Mercedes, an address at Beverly Hills (even if it's the maid's quarters), to marry (at all costs to any person who would have us, as long he has a particular epidermal pigmentation & has a foreign nasal twang), to send our kids to perceived 'renowned' Institutions (at risk of financial melt-down), etc. etc.
We jump through hoops, somersaults & more just to make sure we do not become universally equal to every other of our fellow man - i.e. a nobody.
To ensure we are not a 'Zero', (which everyone has now become in each others' esteem); and to indicate we are 'special', more 'equal' than the other nonentities, we have *to send it from my iPad*
This is "progress"
Friday, May 11, 2012
Happiness .....
HAPPINESS is not here
* Money
* Fame
* Power
* Sex
* Work
* Retirement
* Sports
* Entertainment
* Food
* Drinks
* Substance: weed, speed, crack, Meth, DXM, other shit
* Multitudes of FaceBook Friends
* Church
* Organized religions
* Single-hood
* The WWW
* Clubs
* Creativity
* Sleep
* Procreativity
* Charity
* Gadgets
* Hobbies
* Travel
* Golf
* Missionary work
* Love
* Surf, Sun, Sex, Booze
* Surf, Sun, Sex, Booze
* Philanthropy
* Pets
* Philosophy
* Politics
* Philosophy
* Politics
* Marriage
* Lover
& I hesitate to add:
* God - as made out to be by most religious organizations, faiths, etc.
It should be obvious by now, there is hardly any human "engagement" (other words: interactivity, enterprise, endeavor) that brings Happiness, not complete, permanent happiness.
Besides happiness is relative. (Sad is Happy for some ... but that is another 'weirdness' story)
The next best thing thus is transient 'happiness'.
A fleeting satisfying moment where non-Happiness is non-existent.
How sad : Not 4 Sale
All things being equal therefore it would seem there is a piece (or two) missing in almost every human life.
Everyone is seemingly hunting, scrambling, clawing, trying to get the missing pieces in their lives.
Don't think anyone has found it though, and if so, is able to possess it.
Thank the system (God is NOT involved) that non-Happiness is only for life … not for Eternity.
When this is over perhaps a place is there, where nothing is missing... happiness especially!
When this is over perhaps a place is there, where nothing is missing... happiness especially!
For that I am temporarily Happy enough.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Fallacy of never stopping ...
This might be workable for this particular Japanese guy, though it smells suspiciously like one of those myths/propagandas put forward by some autocratic employers/governments for the following likely purposes :
1) To deny ever having to cough up the collective retirement funds (which could amount to astronomical sum) at any time, to retirees, so the FREE money can be reinvested & derived benefits utilized by the employers/governments. Your guess as to the main beneficiaries of benefits.
2) There is a ready work force, professionally trained, adjusted to work conditions, non-dissenting, non-protesting, compliant/submissive to employers/governments' directives. (Regardless if undemocratic/unfair).
3) Old workers are mostly at maximum salary schemes, thus a win win win for employers rather than employing fresh employees, needing upped salary scales & added benefits.
Read whatever you wish into the 'benefits' of never retiring.
It is a fact, acknowledged by this Japanese doctor too: one has to keep active; mentally & physically; he does this by doing voluntary service.
One can be sure of ZERO benefits if one were to "WORK" till one exits life via the mortuary route direct from the office. What benefits anyone, who does a "JOB" which usually is not 'FUN' while physically capable of having a good time; then retiring at an age when one is physically/mentally/medically unable to 'enjoy' anything anymore - no fun eating, drinking, sexing, traveling, dancing, thinking, meeting people, breathing, not even sleeping?
When most days, of retirement, are spent trying to overcome or lighten problems acquired from long years of "forced" labor.
When most days, of retirement, are spent trying to overcome or lighten problems acquired from long years of "forced" labor.
When nothing at all; physically, mentally, or sensually is doable or enjoyable or interesting; is it then still called retirement ? Or is it called MEBEG ? (MISERABLE EXISTENCE BEFORE ETERNAL GOODBYE)
All this BS about dying if one stopped working is not dissimilar to what some sinister bosses used to tell government workers that their ultimate pension's calculations will be adversely affected when the accounts department considers the numbers of days off due to sick leave!
A load of CRAP to ensure one labors 24/7 all the days of one's working live.
Sick Leave is a basic employee's entitlement.
It is risky to living life happily if one were to gather so-called wisdom from self-professed "experts" in the Art of living life, from the Internet. There is no guaranteed Correct (or Incorrect) way to live life.
The only correct way is when one's life is mostly filled with "living" & the only incorrect way to live life is when one's life is filled with "no life"
The only correct way is when one's life is mostly filled with "living" & the only incorrect way to live life is when one's life is filled with "no life"
Why does anyone have to do a "JOB"?
Why is this word and not "PLAY" used ?...
This might be interesting vis 'job'
BESIDES one happy swallow means just that - ONE swallow's 'happy' story....NOT an entire spring at all!
Everyone knows Happiness is subjective -
"One swallow's route to Heaven may lead to another bird's Hell".
" A fool only is, if he so choses"
Saturday, March 24, 2012
unNATURAL behavior ...
If one observes the young, the way they do what they do; playing, eating, interacting with other children, as well as every other activity they engage in during their day; one very obvious and defining trait of the young's actions will surely strike the observer. That is - every act is performed with SELF as the main beneficiary.
The young, and many grown ups too, (who are only classified 'grown-up' due to having lived longer; not because by virtue of age they have gained any increased wisdom, idealism, superiority in morals, ethics or whatever better human qualities) act and do almost everything for the sake of SELF.
SELF gratification, SELF satisfaction, SELF enrichment, SELF-any and everything.
Name any human action, endeavor and enterprise and at the very root of it, the motive will be pointed invariably at benefitting SELF.
To enrich or benefit one self disregarding, usually neglecting, some times to the detriment of others, especially people of different ethnicity, color, nationalities, & therefore regarded 'alien'; is the NATURAL way to go.
It has been practiced over the entire course of human civilisation and perfected to such a high art form that the success level of any person, community or nation is determined and based on this ability ... to be able to benefit SELF.
Thus when some one does something out of the norm, like sacrificing for others, doing selfless charity, generosity, or any act that apparently bring no benefits or gains to self; doubts will arise in the mind of others. With doubts and unanswered questions, suspicion then fear usually will follow.
What about giving your life to gain benefits for completely unrelated aliens or strangers? Completely ABNORMAL !
If we only do things that come to us naturally, the direction we head for and destination we will arrive at, very obviously will be mediocre & undistinguished. We would be heading for and ending at a destination EVERYONE else would.
Thus when One suggests acting against the Natural, socially, communally, nationally accepted normal way of behavior, it tantamounts to incitement, fomenting revolution, at the very least, disruption of the public peace.
The result - hangs on the Tree on a Hill at Calvary.
Shall we all then continue to behave naturally?
Or should we all forget ourSELVES and start behaving SUPERnaturally, unNATURALLY ?
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Filial Piety & other thoughts ...
Please refer to Filial son
Don't know about others, but for many (including me) would be much more practical and better done with an Foreign/Indonesian Maid - you see why some countries are being held to ransom??
On another point - During the early days of BEC in our town when Church cleaning was proposed to be undertaken by BEC groups in turn, some one suggested making a collection to get professional cleaners for a better job done, as well as that many members are unavailable during the scheduled cleaning day/time. Of course the idea was shot down by those who (like to think only they) WORK for the Lord in His Vineyard ! Full of FIRE & FERVOR...never for ONE moment lukewarm!! The argument being "Would you pay someone to pray to God on your behalf too"?
Well, actually we do that all the time when offering Masses etc for prayers to be said for ourselves or somebody else, no?
Does anyone take attendance at Church cleaning days now, to see if ANYONE (especially those who Labor for the LORD) come to give a hand?
Other than some senior ladies of the BEC groups (the really devoted DEVOUT die-hards) not a shadow of the others are cast in the Church during these cleaning days now.
Talk may seem glamorous, but when not backed by actions it is not only cheap - it is downright despicable, hypocritical.
Moral .. if you don't think you are up to it or can do it on a sustainable basis, the next best thing is don't try to project a devoted-to-God image of yourself & attempt to gain religious mileage.
BE TRUTHFUL in your relationship with the LORD!
If you can't even be honest with yourself - Just shut the 'F' up! Don't pretend ! Don't you think the good Lord knows your heart. Who are these so called hot for God people trying to impress or fool? God?
Similarly being charitable only during LENT; cannot, will never wash away the things you have done or not done to blemish your records with Him. Don't even try :)
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast
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