Saturday, March 24, 2012

unNATURAL behavior ...

If one observes the young, the way they do what they do; playing, eating, interacting with other children, as well as every other activity they engage in during their day; one very obvious and defining trait of the young's actions will surely strike the observer. That is - every act is performed with SELF as the main beneficiary. 
The young, and many grown ups too, (who are only classified 'grown-up'  due to having lived longer; not because by virtue of age they have gained any increased wisdom, idealism, superiority in morals, ethics or whatever better human qualities) act and do almost everything for the sake of SELF. 
SELF gratification, SELF satisfaction, SELF enrichment, SELF-any and everything. 
Name any human action, endeavor and enterprise and at the very root of it, the motive  will be pointed invariably at benefitting SELF.


To enrich or benefit one self  disregarding, usually neglecting, some times to the detriment of others, especially people of different ethnicity, color, nationalities, & therefore regarded 'alien'; is the NATURAL way to go.
It has been practiced over the entire course of human civilisation and perfected to such a high art form that the success level of any person, community or nation is determined and based on this ability ... to be able to benefit SELF.
Thus when some one does something out of the norm, like sacrificing for others, doing selfless charity, generosity, or any act that apparently bring no benefits or gains to self; doubts will arise in the mind of others. With doubts and unanswered questions, suspicion then fear usually will follow.

What about giving your life to gain benefits for completely unrelated aliens or strangers? Completely ABNORMAL !

If we only do things that come to us naturally, the direction we head for and destination we will arrive at, very obviously will be mediocre & undistinguished. We would be heading for and ending at a destination EVERYONE else would.

Thus when One suggests acting against the Natural, socially, communally, nationally accepted normal way of behavior, it tantamounts to incitement, fomenting revolution, at the  very least, disruption of the public peace.

The result - hangs on  the Tree on a Hill at Calvary.

Shall we all then continue to behave naturally?

Or should we all forget ourSELVES and start  behaving SUPERnaturally, unNATURALLY  ?

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