Wednesday, September 4, 2013

On becoming a Muslim

If one is considering becoming a Muslim one especially need to be cognizant of the advantages one is going to derive from the conversion. 
Isn't that a very important and crucial consideration in such a dramatic life-change?
So here compiled from hands on knowledge of what one stands to gain vs what one stands to lose in opting to embrace Islam :
* One definitely becomes acknowledged HEAD of one's house-hold
This is an important plus as many Western families are ambiguous on who wears the pants in the family. Not just fashion preferences but due to a great confusion of the entire understanding of the institution of marriage. Same gender matrimonial nuptials, temporary liaisons like Friends with benefits, or Living together but not really sharing anything kinda arrangement prevalent in the auto industries - test driving a model before commitment & common in the decadent progressive West.

Now imagine in Elton John's house-hold, who would be giving orders to the Cook  or the maid, or to any house help, for instance? No one is the head as far as tradition  is concerned tho surely there is a  top and a bottom partner. but that is only in the Master, Mistress, Person, bedroom urggh!
See the confusion? 
    In Islam there is NO SUCH CONFUSION. 
The man (as in male i.e. the one who has testicles above the "tool" between the legs, who has a beard, & walks in front) Doesn't that make for much ease in logistics and everything else in family dealings? But the same head of the house not necessarily is the same as the main bread winner. That is another story altogether.

* As Head of the house-hold One commands and the rest will jump to it.
For instance in Western societies the "man" may "suggest" to go to the Strip joint for dinner and also after dinner entertainment BUT the rest of the house-hold is and surely would OBJECT!
Thus suggestions and actions are as far as the East is from the West. 
  In the Muslim house-hold if the MAN says let's all go to my mother's house for the week-end and my spouse does the week end housework there, NOBODY would say anything else except YES Lord!
* In the Muslim house-hold if The Man decides to get a second (3rd or 4th) wife. NO ONE says ANYTHING else except YES Lord!
Try that same tactic in the West. Try to sneak a quickie with another woman even!

Now from the above most would appreciate the pluses of a Muslim arrangement no?

Here now is a short list of CONS:
     * If because of one's curse good fortunes and blessings by Allah SAW one gets to hook up with 4 wives (MPVs Max Permissible Violations)
Imagine the horrors joys of such an arrangement!
Let's just say in the initial honeymoon months (note "months" instead of years, this is because : how long does anyone imagine one could carry-on with 4 demanding females ?)
Ok lets say from each nubile baby producer one is punished blessed with 4 tiny tots. That would multiply (woooa what a multiply that would be) to 24 tiny tots all from the seeds of one's loins (woooa what a loin :)
AND each tiny tot having ONE birthday a year; would work out to 24 birthday celebrations a year! 
And what about other occasions of significance like the Sunat ceremonies if male tots and the dowries when female tots come of marriageable age?
Just attempting to quantify the expenditure would make an accountant as BALD as the American iconic eagle!
And that counting only the crucial significant family events. 
What about the weekly transporting of 24 kids & 4 wives, to the Masjid on Friday for prayers? Week after week after week after week? Just thinking of that makes one WEAK - no??
Baby food, diapers, pediatricians' bills, pre-school fees, baby-sitters' allowances, the mothers in Laws X4, their entourage families X4, the food bills, the electricity, (and in the desert) - the water usage?
And housing all these off-shoots of one's seeds? - the kind of housing needs? The numbers of toilets and bathrooms  in the morning rush ?
The eating utensils even though Muslims usually eat with bare hands! The bedsheets, the mattresses, the laundry needs, the heating needs!!
Can one appreciate now why the bedouins live in the desert ? The word desert wasn't only used to describe a sandy barren area… It is also synonymous with running away from one's responsibilities.

And Bedouins is a combi of "Bed Do U Ins"  

Now need anyone wish to hear any other CONS??
Guess not!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

China made wine ....

    If justification of a false premise is based on an authority that was just as false and selectively imbued with authority from dubious sources, how then could the justification be considered acceptably authoritative.
      For instance a claim that through a recognized process gold can be made from stone. but that process itself is just as unproven, full of smoke & deception, how then can the original claim be authentic? 
Thus some reviews or testimonials are given by people with vested interest in the subject being reviewed giving the reviews a dubious reliability.
To claim 'legality' for a particular religion or faith group because of the infallibility of the holy book it churns out itself is akin to claiming the best college in the country is undeniable, from the rankings report  compiled by the same college.  
It's like favoring or providing proof from self decided biased authority.

Thus if a religion or belief is truly from the One true God:
* There is no need for any reliance on any man-derived source like ancient scrolls, or apparitions, to proof or authenticate.
* Any religion or belief unless of an academic nature need no proof- it only needs acceptance and faith
* There is only ONE TRUE GOD and it is up to every created being to find Him, best; by ourselves.
An almost impossible task. Which accounts for the myriad of short-cut-easier-less-exhaustive ways through faith groups, cults, charlatans and of course undeniably, well-meaning religions and mother church. 
No one alive (including priests, pastors and all other religious) has any significant idea of who or what or where to seek and very conclusively "find" Him, thus they might as well either make hay ($$$) from others blundering around in their quest & bask in the glory of being acknowledged as having the map! (Mother Church)

 It is a tough long, personal quest and whether one reaches near union with or understanding of Him is not the issue. 
Rather how far would one's trip take one along the route to knowing Him.
It is a very gullible guy indeed who is convinced of claims made by so many religious personalities now, before and in the future, of complete communion with Him, the great Designer. 

Guess you could call these the false prophets.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"Et tu, Brute?"

    Post September 11 the backlash against Muslims in general, the popular (& trendy) upsurge against Islam, promoted and added on by the western (DEMOCRATIC-as in uncontrolled?) media has fanned hatred, fear & at the least apprehension & suspicion generally against aliens, & particularly against Muslims. People should realize the agenda through which these efforts are trying to achieve. 

   Isn't it laughable that an Edward Snowden has to flee his own birth country to seek asylum in Russia before the citizens of the greatest nation on earth would wake up and be aware their leaders are not really working for their general welfare and does not at all give a tadpoles fart for most of anything the people of the great nation care about or aspire to?
   Similar attempts insinuate against China plus others nations which are not so oriented or 'yes-men' of the mighty democracies. (Is democracy the right word or would "opportunists' be more apt?)
  No one disagrees, at least those of right set minds & most would condemn, what happened in NY on 9/11 as evil, uncalled for taking of non-combatants' lives, unfair, uncivilized, barbaric in its conception of bringing of whatever issues these militants had to an innocent public via such murderous means. 
It back-fired severely & achieved more against than for their cause. And though the declared "War on Terror" with its subsequent tightening and loss of many freedoms of a civil society;  its now directed at Islamics might be in a way be considered 'serves you right"; in all fairness, do not civilized Man know better than an eye for another? 
And Christians in particular, should not we be more aware of this than any other faith-followers? 
Someone said it is not those of any religion who are promoting and doing evil acts against humanity IT IS THE EXTREME FUNDAMENTALISTS.  May it be also mentioned that extreme FUNDAMENTALISTS are in EVERY religious groups and is NOT CONFINED to Islam. Neither are extreme fundamentalists to be found only in religious groups. They are everywhere where unfair discrimination is practiced and promoted. They are everywhere where another man's rights are being trampled & denied because of differences in color, convictions, beliefs or ethnicities. Unfairness whenever practiced, & injustice due to whatever considerations be they religious (most justifiable since GOD said so?), political, racial, economical or just plain nastiness; that's where such destabilizers of good-will,  that's where extreme fundamentalists would be found - growing, thriving and FESTERING, promoting an agenda of xenophobic disenchantment.
God is REAL and He is NOT IN this.
Read on, make up your own mind to not be manipulated by a colored bigoted version of your godly belief.
Bias did not come from God! Definitely God would not condone the messages we see and read for or against any religious groupings. Battling evil acts & countering malevolent intents does not equate to blind injustice, unfairness, nor justifications for discriminatory actions against the entire nation or group of people from which the perps came. If this were correct by Him Germany, Japan and most other nations which ever lost any wars should deservedly be destroyed & completely be made extinct. 
The guy who said "Those who are not for us are against us" and should thus be destroyed or in the least disabled from doing us harm; need to go for rehab!

  On reading the content of this forward, it was scarey! Noticed after 9/11 there generally is such a SAD SAD SAD backlash to the Muslim community in general, & a trendy shift to intolerance and ill-will towards believers of most other non-Caucasian faiths even remotely linked to Islam. This ill-will, intolerance is now re-ignited more & more & perhaps the fanning of such has stirred anti-others' ill-will in many other heretofore benevolent faiths; resulting in an upsurge of dissention & with many such so-far 'docile' religious groupings resorting to open hostility, violence! 
    Are humans (generally) and Christ centered folks (particularly) who supposedly knowing better, & specifically 'commanded' to 'love thy neighbor as thyself' such vengeful-unforgiving-score-settling soldiers of the Cross?  Is there WAR  in the realm of an all-loving god's created creatures ?
      Given human nature to be what it is, that reactive anger and hatred for those responsible for an uncalled for ghastly murderous event on 9/11, is rather warranted and generally understandable; it would take an exceptional individual to NOT fall into that downward spiral of blind faithlessness of unreasonable un-LOVE. 
Being no sympathiser of any particular religious group, it is pathetic though to note some present day Christians, (perhaps trying to appear trendy or "patriotic" or to keep up with other Christian Joneses) on one hand declaring unstinting, caring LOVE, Charity & Concern for the downtrodden, sacrificing hearth & home going to all corners of the world to set prisoners free, console the sick and clothe the naked etc etc AND then without drawing breath pass such incendiary fwds with the same zeal that must also have fired the cloistered un-illuminated minds of the ancient Crusaders. Is every adherent of a faith to be tarred with the same brush when deviant believers do evil? Were there no evil done by those of a supposedly accepted faith group? Thus following what He did teach about those who being sinless to cast the first stone of condemnation, should it thus not be extrapolated that equally sinful, & equally evil we all are? 

Even if no person belonging to our (approved) religion did any megalomaniacal genocide or committed murder most foul; should we so-called creatures of a loving God, we who proclaim a great love for all, exclude and withhold that self same love from these who supposedly through no active wrongdoing were lumped together & condemned through 9/11? Thus it is not wrong to condemn an entire race or religion or an entire family or community and with one brush tar and brand ALL as evil doers to be annihilated because some or many of their kind did evil to others of ours?  
   This should be shouted from the top of Altars, the steeples and broadcasted as some 'patriotic Christian call to arms'? And we are all about God's Love?
Any better were we then from the snakes, the robbers, brigands & all other malcontents, who loved their own and who too similarly with held that love and consideration from others?
A dose of good sense and simple human-ness, from perhaps a modern day Moses (or Muhammad as the Muslims are not entirely sitting quietly, in the face of Islamophobia) or even a respected, respectable person of god, maybe a sage from some colorless race (more neutral?) might maybe restore mindful balance and divert the head-on-collision of antagonistic religious animosities.

BUT this is not to be, especially when religious exclusivity & spiritual arrogance rear its combined (PTL, ALLAHUAHKBAR, ALLELUIA, LOVING) heads  :( 

It is trendy too to bash others indiscriminately!

Do it to feel that thrill you've never felt before! 

The link below may cast some light on this particular article making the rounds  many years back & now being rehash to perhaps fan racial, religious, fears & promote unreasonable bias, discrimination etc. for an obviously anti-Islam agenda though guised as an appeal for assertion of civil rights, liberties, & the benefits even of our children's future well-being. 

This is only one of a concerted multitude of well orchestrated generation of propaganda by whomever for very obvious reasons to discredit cast fears & impart promote xenophobia..  

This website wasn't accessible, if you check the blogger's profile it would impress on you the nature of the guy who initially posted this.

You all travel a lot. One of these days, they will request you give up  your seat to enable them to pray in the aircraft. 

Cancelled Flight       


Cancelled Flight - Please Read!!
What would you have done?
Lets all start standing up for our rights! 

Please read entire story, we should be very, very scared about this!!!! 


 And to think that Fox News was the only channel that reported this. They 
 may be "politically incorrect", but at least they had the guts to report 

 In my opinion, the Muslims are all getting very brave now. Read Tedd 
 Petruna's story below. Can you imagine, our own news media now are so 
 politically correct that they are afraid to report that these were all 

 Tedd Petruna is a diver at the NBL (Neutral Buoyancy Lab) facility at NASA 
  Houston . Tedd happened to be on the AirTran Flight 297, from Atlanta to 
  Houston . Here's his report: 

 "One week ago, I went to Ohio on business and to see my father. On 
 Tuesday, the 17th, I returned home. If you read the papers the 18th you 
 may have seen a blurb about where an Air Tran flight was canceled from 
  Atlanta to Houston due to a man who refused to get off of his cell phone 
 before take- off.. The story was only on Fox News. That was NOT what 
 really happened. 

 I was seated in 1st class coming home. Eleven Muslim men got on the plane 
 in full Muslim attire. Two of them sat in 1st class and the rest seated 
 themselves throughout the plane, in coach class, all the way to the back. 
 As the plane taxied out to the runway, the stewardesses gave the safety 
 spiel that we are all so familiar with. 

 At that time, one of the men, in 1st class, got on his cell and called one 
 of his companions back in coach. He proceeded to talk on the phone in 
 Arabic very loudly and very, very aggressively. This activity took the 1st 
 stewardess out of action for she repeatedly told the man that cell phones 
 were not permitted at that time. He ignored her as if she were not there. 
 The man, who answered the phone back in the coach section, did the same 
 and this took out the 2nd stewardess. Further back in the plane, at the 
 same time, two younger Muslims, one in the back on the aisle, and one 
 sitting in front of him by the window, began to show footage of a porno 
 video they had taped the night before. They were very loud about it. 

 The 3rd stewardess informed the two men that they were not to have any 
 electronic devices on at this time. One of the men said "shut up infidel 

 The stewardess attempted to take the camcorder and the Muslim began to 
 scream in her face in Arabic. At that exact moment, all eleven of the men 
 got up and started to walk throughout the cabin. I guess that because of 
 the noise, the flight crew must have decided that there was something 
 amiss and changed the plane's directions to head back to the terminal. 

 The commotion and noise was reaching a feverish pitch, and at this point I 
 had had enough! I got up and started towards the back of 1st class, when I 
 heard a voice behind me, from another Texan twice my size, say "I got your 
 back." Then I grabbed the man, who had been on the cell phone, by the arm 
 and said "You WILL sit down in your seat or you WILL be thrown from this 
 plane!" As I "led" him around me to take his seat, the fellow Texan 
 grabbed him by the back of his neck and his waist and headed him back to 
 his seat. I then grabbed the 2nd man and said, "You WILL do the same!" 

 He protested loudly, but my adrenaline was flowing now and he was going to 
 go also. Just as I escorted him forward, the plane stopped, the doors 
 opened and three TSA agents and four police officers entered the cabin. 
 Myself and my new Texas friend were told to cease and desist for they had 
 the situation under control. 

 I was quite happy to oblige actually. There was still some sort of 
 commotion in the back, but within moments, all eleven Muslim men were 
 escorted off the plane. The TSA agents then had their luggage unloaded. We 
 talked about the occurrence and were in disbelief that it had happened. 

 Then suddenly, the door opened again and in walked all eleven Muslim men! 
 Stone faced, eyes front and robotic, (the only way I can describe 

 It) they were reseated. The stewardess from the back had been in tears and 
 when she saw the men, she was having NONE of it! Since I was up front, I 
 heard and saw the whole ordeal. She told the TSA agents that there was NO 
 WAY she was staying on the plane with the Muslim men. The agent told her 
 that they had searched the men and were going through their luggage with a 
 fine tooth comb. However, nothing had been found and that the men were 
 allowed to proceed on to Houston . 

 The captain and co-captain came out of the cockpit and told the agent, "We 
 and our crew will not fly this plane!" After a word or two, the entire 
 crew, luggage in tow, left the plane. Five minutes later, the cabin door 
 opened again and a whole new crew walked on. Again, this was where I had 
 had enough! I got up and asked the TSA agent, "What the hell is going on? 

 I was told to take my seat. The airlines and TSA were sorry for the delay 
 and we would be home shortly. I said "I'm getting off this plane". The 
 stewardess sternly told me that she could not allow me to get off. Now I'm 
 really mad! I said "I am a grown man who bought this ticket, who's time is 
 mine with a family at home and I am going through that door, or I'm going 
 through that door with you under my arm, but I AM going through that 

 And then I heard a voice behind me say "So am I!" Then everyone behind us 
 started to get up and say the same thing. Within two minutes, I was 
 walking off that plane where I was met by more TSA agents who asked me to 
 write a statement about the incident. I had five hours to kill at this 
 point waiting for the next flight to Houston , so why the hell not give 
 them my statement. Due to the amount of people who got off that flight, it 
 was canceled. I was supposed to be in Houston at 6 PM, but I finally got 
 there at 12:30 AM. If you don't believe this, look up the date and then 
 Flight 297 from Atlanta to Houston . 

 If this wasn't a terrorism dry run, I don't know what one is. The 
 terrorists wanted to see how TSA would handle it, how the crew would 
 handle it, and how the passengers would handle it. I'm telling this to you 
 because I want you to know. The threat IS real. I saw it with my own 
 eyes."   Suggest you keep this going until this incident reaches the email of all POLITICIANS and the news media! 

"Despite its enormous potential for good, some of the degrading and damaging ways in which the Internet can be used are already obvious to all, and public authorities surely have a responsibility to guarantee that this marvellous instrument serves the common good and does not become a source of harm." 
Pope John Paul ll. (only a man like you & me so who is he to talk huh?)

Suggest you keep this going until this blogpost reaches the email of all right thinking people; if Peace and Goodwill to Man can ever hope to be realized! 

Is this the END? - CRANKY OLD GUY

"What do you see nurses? . . .. . .What do you see?
What are you thinking .. . when you're looking at me?
A cranky old man, . . . . . .not very wise,
Uncertain of habit .. . . . . . . .. with faraway eyes?
Who dribbles his food .. . ... . . and makes no reply.
When you say in a loud voice . .'I do wish you'd try!'
Who seems not to notice . . .the things that you do.
And forever is losing . . . . . .. . . A sock or shoe?
Who, resisting or not . . . ... lets you do as you will,
With bathing and feeding . . . .The long day to fill?
Is that what you're thinking?. .Is that what you see?
Then open your eyes, nurse .you're not looking at me.
I'll tell you who I am . . . . .. As I sit here so still,
As I do at your bidding, .. . . . as I eat at your will.
I'm a small child of Ten . .with a father and mother,
Brothers and sisters .. . . .. . who love one another
A young boy of Sixteen . . . .. with wings on his feet
Dreaming that soon now . . .. . . a lover he'll meet.
A groom soon at Twenty . . . heart gives a leap.
Remembering, the vows .. .. .that I promised to keep.
At Twenty-Five, now . . . . .I have young of my own.
Who need me to guide . . . And a secure happy home.
A man of Thirty . .. . . . . My young now grown fast,
Bound to each other . . .. With ties that should last.
At Forty, my young sons .. .have grown and are gone,
But my woman is beside me . . to see I don't mourn.
At Fifty, once more, .. ...Babies play 'round my knee,
Again, we know children . . . . My loved one and me.
Dark days are upon me . . . . My wife is now dead.
I look at the future ... . . . . I shudder with dread.
For my young are all rearing .. . . young of their own.
And I think of the years . . . And the love that I've known.
I'm now an old man . . . . . . .. and nature is cruel.
It's jest to make old age . . . . . . . look like a fool.
The body, it crumbles .. .. . grace and vigour, depart.
There is now a stone . . . where I once had a heart.
But inside this old carcass . A young man still dwells,
And now and again . . . . . my battered heart swells
I remember the joys . . . . .. . I remember the pain.
And I'm loving and living . . . . . . . life over again.
I think of the years, all too few . . .. gone too fast.
And accept the stark fact . . . that nothing can last.
So open your eyes, people .. . . . .. . . open and see.
Not a cranky old man .
Look closer . . . . see .. .. . .. .... . ME!!"

From here hence; where to?
    "There is another ... not anything like a 'place', not an existence or a limbo; a holding/cleansing area, to prepare for an even further place afield. No, no!
  BUT there is somewhere 'ANOTHER', been known, retold in the tales of fairies, foretold, repeated in the stories of gospel, in the books of wisdom, shared at fire-sides with wide-eyed expectance

And the promise has been repeated, held forth, is reaffirmed, from time when Man could form thoughts. All spoke of such a "place"
If after all the wonders we have seen, the love, ecstasies, joys, fears, wonders & pain felt, the heart-piercing disappointments we've gone through; the tears we wept, the losses mourned, the anger ranted & raved against, the curses we swore, the roaring exuberances, the kisses we've blown;
 after all these & much more; you'd think, surely the One capable of
 all of these we've lived through, would He be less than He is, to tug the rug from beneath all of us & just say "the End"?

I don't really have proof BUT I don't believe He would !

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Mensa ? Pearls of Wisdom ? IQ ?

There are no Pearls of wisdom, as nothing is ever untrue, bad, evil or is anything ever completely good & perfect.

No one of correct mind with proper consideration, respect, etiquette, & decorum dresses like a whore (unless IS one) in a place of worship. Many do; perhaps perceiving it to be fashionable, glamorous, liberal broad-mindedness, or presumes an Eden-like justification.
At a sex orgy it is 'correct & respectful' to other orgy participants to dress like a whore and no one with proper consideration, respect, etiquette, & decorum  would dress like a religious person at an orgy. 
Notice absence of the phrase "correct mind" as attendees of sex orgies would likely be devoid of "correct mind"
If one wishes to affirm one's superiority in possessing acute intellect; vastness of knowledge; holy spirituality; strength; openness of attitude; infinite experience in life (at 35 or 53, or even 99), been-there–done-that-ness in every human, cultural, historical, visual, geographical  and whatever qualities one imagines one possesses; which one feels would benefit others, it is best if one does that through a platform or avenue where one is 'invited/welcomed' or appropriate. 
Try preach the Gospel @ a sex Orgy uninvited!
Or go to Church and display extreme sexual license!
Sufficient unto the situation the evil thereof.
Similarly, & as relevant: Sufficient unto every situation the Good thereof.
Evil as is Good, are not beneficial when imbibed/consumed to excess.
Heroin, & other mood altering chemicals used with prudence, proper considerations, understanding & intent has great "good'
Beneficial enriching foods or Vitamins when consumed to excess thus abused, cause great suffering & harm as well. 
We are neither saints (always DEAD) nor devils (mostly also dead but are still active nonetheless :)
Neither excessive Evil or Good is appropriate or beneficial in all and every life situation.
In a war or combative environment, aggression tinged with some 'evil-intent' is appropriate as the aim is destruction of the other. 
Would God decree we battle Satan by converting Satan to godliness? No! We were called to Destroy him - but that is not given a bad name i.e not an act of Evil to combat or destroy Satan.

Besides; Satan (Evil) is not an Entity external to our biological, mental, physical, spiritual, or intellectual 'body'. More on that ...The DEVIL's here.
In an atmosphere of harmonious peace-filled reaffirmation of human good - Evil has to be subdued, suppressed & disallowed to rear its head.
      When one casts pearls before 'swines', 'swines' know better cos one's pearls may be just a load of BS. 
Similarly a swine sitting in the Universal Library of Complete Knowledge is as un-informed as it would be in the sty, i.e. on the Knowledge therein the Library of Complete knowledge.
A wise man(wisdom Hahaha )would be as uninformed in the Knowledge housed in the Universal Library of Complete Porcine Knowledge too.

Cast no pearls to Swines or Men (both pronouns getting dangerously synonymous) 
If shoved down one's throat & eaten, one's self perceived pearls of wisdom (if God so decrees)might bear fruit. 
If not, your pearls of wisdom might just reappear at the other end, as so much BS which was what they were in the first place. (the possibilities are infinite)

In all things never ever presume superiority. 
The passage of Time and the living experience will unfailingly show the depth of one's shallowness.

"Ascribe GLORY to HIM alone" 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

'Noble' CRAP & Ideals perpetuated in God's Name...


HERE you'll find:  

BUT can any nation on earth, anyone, who don't have any firepower of any consideration do anything but RANT? 

Most nations (France, Spain, Portugal notably) are taking the self preservative way out - DON'T ever jeopardize national survival & prosperity, in particular, by trying to be a hero going up against Goliath the Global Bully.
It is a gone case, a foregone lost cause, everyone loses kinda shit we are living in today. 
Oh & as you know since life as we are living it, is good enough & no one is immortal, hey, let the next generation handle it ok?!
      Ed Snowden, Aaron Swartz, Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, many other brave unknown, unsung, probably dead with all references deleted people will all be overcome by the overpowering might of the 'king' State. 
The sacrificial lambs who stood in the way of, or attempted to thwart  the way of global domination; which nobly idealized as: advocating and implementing ONLY what all humanity aims for - the establishment of Democracy, of progress, of freedom, the empowerment of Truth.
Words of vulgarities and obscenities haven't been coined to enable a satisfying verbal middle finger response to such 'F'ing BS & A-hole rhetorics! 
One good e.g (perhaps misplaced as a 'good' eg.)of an individual who dared challenge the mighty Big Bro, & paid for that bravado with his life was Osama who was labeled a 'mass murderer' cos he was involved in taking out, killing innocents? 
Who are considered 'innocents'? What about the drones which took out forever civilian Pakistanis? Were these by-standing Pakis not innocents? Oh euphemize the unacceptable random uncalled for murders with feel comfy terms like 'collateral damage'!
Hello what if the innocent public bystanders for instance of Detroit, Liverpool, Melbourne, Cannes or any 'ALLY' cities are taken out by a Pakistani drone, would the then dead as nail innocent bystanders of Detroit, Liverpool, Melbourne, Cannes & other 'ALLY' cities be called 'collateral damage' ? Or would they be eulogized & praised & glorified & made into rallying cries as poor innocent victims of terrorism, martyrs of the war on terror?  The labeling of terrorists, of evil perps, of undemocratic miscreants is aptly on target when the shoe is on the other foot. It depends on which side you are coming from. Would you expect N. Koreans or Afghan militants or Communistic states not to label the great western democracies as the Axis of( "equally" as) Evil? And regard the great western Democracies as Terrorists non-godly devilish miscreants?
The line blurs daily as media takes the edge off these acts of cruelty, dastardly murders and criminal acts against civil humanities, against rights entrench in basic fair play in basic human (not animal) considerations all in the name of truth, freedom & justice. 
      More & more there appears to be a slide in media & news reporting standards, edging closer to school boyish pranksterism and puerile, pervert, pleasures in mocking, ridiculing & generally publishing irresponsible reports AGAINST those 'who are not for us" Perhaps another trend to stay viable as a commercial entity since toeing the establishment's agenda ensures financial viability and commercial sustainability.
The glorification of the fight against terror and the defining of evil as "anyone who is not for us" makes it hard for most to differentiate murders, criminality & the actual (more noble?) acts of warfare. 
What is war but the killing & defeat of another nation or some other parties that opposes one = the neutralizing of people 'who are not with us'?
       However no one is ever right. 
Even With no war being declared the world is now being made 'safer' by the unilaterally decided 'taking out' of 'undesirables' with 'malfeasance & evil' intent; by those nations with greater firepower. Does the ends justify every means ?! Spying eavesdropping snooping and other covert acts deemed illegal ungentlemanly despicable in days gone by are now the norm since 'no one can or dare go against us'!
    What rankles more is when some of these world leaders has audacity to ask for God's blessings & to mention divine justice in their clandestine acts? 
Please, don't try another con!
If God heard He would be real offended, insulted and vilified, reviled by the mere mention of His name in that kinda quest, that kinda shit , that kinda BS the great democratic nations are perpetuating in His Name. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Does EVERYTHING have to have a Reason?



Wasn't that in the Books. "He made this and that and those and these and He saw that it was GOOD"?


*The Holy Bible does not belong to nor was it exclusively crafted for Christians or any other groups of worshippers. 
  The so-called Holy Bible was not written by the Divine directly intervening to specifically target us Humans. 
   Please dispel such delusional thoughts that we mean so much or is of such importance to Him. Those of us still in that mode of ego tripping would only make their ultimate disappointed harder to accept.

And when He was done He made Man that we too might in our limited short life, enjoy & have as good an experience as we possibly could -  living in His Created place, doing all things that would bring us joy and not doing things that would bring us un-joy.. 
   As with God, these sacred writings on things divine has no religious colors! They were derived from deeply religious philosophers (divinely inspired or not, no one will ever know) who had no intention of starting, or condoning any religious groups or practices.
And if indeed Christ was divine & not a holy person, like many others, who devoted himself to doing God's Will, how then are we to understand the Gospel in Matthew 24:36  when He, Jesus said "no one knows the hour…..not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself…." 
How could the Son who is also the Father & the Holy Ghost not know something which the Father knows & which the Holy Ghost will know  & by the same extension the Son would know ?
The Church of Christ holds to many divine Mysteries, unfathomable because the Church logically claim we are limited beings. 

Isaiah 55:9 - "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts…"  Using the quote from a Prophet, Mother Church having no plausible explanation for or cannot completely answer from holy text many events regarding the Creation and of The Divine Himself, attribute the Mystery label to such unfathomables and logically explain them away as Divine mysteries which we being limited would never understand. Neat.

Being neither scholars of Theology nor students of religion, just common individuals who after almost an entire life of attempting to better understand and appreciate the Divine many have come to these simple conclusions:

•There is a God or a force called many names denoting a supreme One.
•He did not in the least decree we worship, glorify, or praise Him. If God had all those attribute of Divinity is it not simply ridiculous to imagine a persona like Him having a need for useless human adoration, worship, devotion? 
•The religions ascribed to Him & His Son are only Organized Religions' attempt to manipulate, control & leverage believers for the advantage & continuous relevance (livelihood)of the organizations. As any other human institutions or Organizations the essential goal or purpose is Self - Interest. 
God is not at all in - these Religious groups. And the trend of Religion is bearing nearer and nearer to very selfish intentions some of which are completely UnGodly!
•Religion has hijacked the Ideals of God as justification and authorization for its own earthly agenda. 
Of undeniable fact is some of the programs carried out by Church and its faithfuls do indeed have Godly values, though that does not equate the two, Church and God, as being in complete synchrony as far as Ultimate  purpose & Intent are concerned . 
The church is as fumbling and as bungling as any other human is on the understanding of God. It might know (perhaps)a little bit more of His nature due to the long years Church scholars devote to studying and attempting to understand His mind by pouring through holy texts. But as God is beyond any human's understanding it is a vain/futile attempt, completely irrelevant & unnecessary as we need only just know our purpose here :
•That the life humans have been given is for us to gather enriching experiences,  doing as much 'good' as possible, at the same time deflecting and doing no 'evil'. We have been simply commissioned to generally have a rich, diverse life experience going through and immersing ourselves in actions, in thoughts and engaging all spheres of human faculties, like  all other humans through history have done. 
•By our commitment to the Divine, in our doing of 'good', and in our quest to reach the perfection of the human spirit, any & such services acted out in the lifetime of the human creature, Man indirectly bring Him glory, though He has scant need for any. Nor does He require humans to so act.
This un-need on His part again negates the relevance for Religion in living out one's life as a good human person!
Simply put there is no necessity to do anything other than to consciously live a good life based on values sane people hold as Godly. At the same time being imbued with salient intelligence to differentiate right and wrong as well as universally accepted values of Godliness, we are to constantly avoid and deflect evil. 
We need only attempt to enrich our lives here and attain perfection of the human spirit.
GOD is neither caring nor unbothered. These are emotions and concerns humans only would have. A divine Creator would have no such concepts of 'Love' 'Hate' 'Evil' 'Good' 'Pure' 'Happy' "Sorrow"
as such are irrelevant in His system. Thus when great Natural disasters take place on Earth with great loss of human lives, one should not be troubled that a God is capable of doing 'BAD' things that are "Cruel" cos such concepts of Bad Cruel are not relevant with the Divine.
Neither could it be explained away as uncaring or plain cold! Since again uncaring & cold are again emotions relevant to us humans only.
If an analogy could be made one could perhaps better visualize this if one draws a parallel between say a beetle having its entire swarm wiped out by pest exterminators.  The surviving bug would just go on to another breeding place and restart his existence nonchalantly. Cos to him emotions like "Grief" "Sorrow" "Loss" do not factor in his 'emotional' psyche. The same kind of irrelevance can be associated with other higher forms of creatures. This is of course conjectural as who would ever be able to fathom the mind of the Divine.
If we commit to the Apostle's Creed  we need only do so up to the end of the first phrase. And we would be right on course to Salvation.
i.e. "I believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of All …"  PERIOD !
Goodness will by itself flow from that commitment …The rest of the Creed is superfluous un-necessities serving only Religion's not God's Will.
It is seeing clearly the basic, empirically simple reason for our being made by God. To share in His EXUBERANCE, JOY, EXHILARATION, & in HIS SUPREME ECSTACY to participate in the Marvel that is His Handiwork - the Universe.
The rest that Religion so desperately attempt to implant in Man, to make us feel ingratiated to what Religion says was tortuously worked out for man by God in the form of the ultimate sacrifice by His son, are all unnecessary attempts to inflict a guilt conscience & to evoke a sense of debt/gratitude. That after ALL that God has sacrificed for us we should at least be religious. Again attempts to manipulate faith believers for Religion's own purpose. 

Man can still be doing God's Will with no reference at all to any or the Entire Bible Story. 

ALL we need to do here is SIMPLE - live a 'good' Godly life of Joy, rejoicing in these wonders & find fulfillment in His Creation!

Even if we 'suffer' or have 'unjoy' life is still "rich' if we but attempt to attain a higher level of human spirit.
And what is 'attainment of a higher level of the human spirit'?It simply is: to 'live our life to our fullest capacity in all ways possible in all aspects of human faculties endowed by the Maker'!

All other concerns are unnecessary waste of 'good' 'rich' times to be had!

Look for and stay 'joy'ful