Regarding this dread, or fear of the 'Big C' as referred to by the late king of cowboys John Wayne, it in reality is one of the many Natural culminations of a creature's walk, stroll, run, romp or skate boarding trip through this, present existential situation to the 'other'.
Religion would term that 'other' as Heaven whilst those more inclined to a less spiritually restrictive understanding - Afterlife.
Death {blandly} is the way back - it just is unfortunate that death is regarded, built up into the ORGRE it has become to man.
If one an intelligently-aligned creature (man is a created being after all thus - creature) were to regard the end of this present condition called 'Life' & the 'other', when there is no more life; as 'Death' - the associated dread & fear as well as horrors embedded in the subconcious psyche over the millennium of our existence, with the non knowing, non life, non sensation-able, non hedonistic, unfeeling status of 'death' - would bring fear, loathing, revulsion, rejection plus a host of other unpleasant, extremely unacceptable gut churning emotions, all of which swamping one dreading psyché, would insert, revoltingly impact & remain embedded in one's memory banks for a long long time - or till death perhaps do they then part :)
In reality this has been "ON" from day zero when Man realized his mortality, his impermanent nature.
In a daemon sort of way that imprinted mind set on 'death', wears one down, discoloring one's outlook & regard for this present, and extremely blessed period of existence, of living, of being - of (crassly) - the Pursuit of Happiness-however HAPPINESS is defined, to one's requirement.
So fulfilled, happy & thrilled with life now & here, most of us find it impossible to imagine NOT being here. We 'fear' abhor that 'end' when all this present pleasant is 'switched' off '0'
Yet if one were to try dwell on this perhaps salient point:- were we apprehensive, fearful or dreading BEFORE we were born to the 'now' while we were 'thence' to 'whence' we return on 'death'?
This (?warped) logical and spiritually established reality - the unreasonable over-'regard' that prowls in all living thinking creatures, who ponder with a sense of destiny, focussed morbidly on man's demise, might inadvertently has been evoked & stitched into our psyché by unanswered, unanswerable questions, queries, & musings as early man philosophized on what is death, afterlife, or heaven - and what he is our would assume when he no more is in existence, bodily, here.
And as far as popular culture go, the biological processes that are involved in that dreadful act of 'dying' reaffirms & re-enforces that bad, that dread & we almost to a man ~ agree:
Death IS VERY unNICE..
Growing Old involves
Losing All our Marbles - Sans eyes, ears, teeth, Sans Hard-ons, most crucially Sans 'Security of the Now' the firmness of the Earth we stand solidly on- that unfounded self-reassuring feeling of PERMANENCE.
Thus man though similarly crafted like other created LIFE, ('appear' to be the only being)
unable to accept that Finality. (most weep, grieve at death's occurrence whilst other 'lesser' creatures apparently do not) Yet clearly cognizant of life's IMPERMANENCE in irreconcilable desperation we all attempt to work around, escape & circumvent the unpleasant - that INEVITABLE - death.
From this very inescapable indelible DREAD, FEAR, APPREHENSION of MOST humans sprung, evolved, & mutated with avarice, & viciousness & pecuniary gains as bottom line - 'malignant organizations' that feed and thrive on that desperation of us all, that not wanting to leave this 'present'.
Professions, entire industries, commercial enterprises specializing in providing vain in-attainable HOPE of prolonging, even preventing, the transition into that other - non body existence - DEATH.
The ridiculous need of wanting to perpetually 'look' youthful, & from that, to feel good, deluding oneself from the reality of the END, a less potent form Dorian Gray syndrome - the wanting to escape or side step the inevitable, by itself a huge waste of useful human resources, which always present, generates an industry that cashes in to consumeristically capitalize on the Vain Cling to Youth, its associated ?virility, viability & other presumed pluses & perhaps; against all likelihood against Nature; keeping THAT day at bay.
Perpetual Youth-promoting related industries linked to Medical, pharmaceuticals, as well an endless host of enterprises (almost all PROFIT oriented) evolved grew & thrive on that entrenched dread of the INEVITABLE
In order to retuned, re-enable oneself to re-occupy, seize again that most balanced harmonious mindset, of accepting & recognizing the EVENT of the end as a benign NATURAL process, one should revert, remove & erase the embedded imprint of a very negative False regard for the passing into the next stage of 'life' .
That packaging of DEATH as BAD has to be revised.
What pop culture and the associated media propaganda blasts, over the radio waves, via audio-visuals & other subtly crafted innuendos which had promoted & reinforced that Natural Event, as an evil to be avoided at costs need to be re-formatted.
The adopting of a balanced therefore un-biased regard for LIFE it's 'end' (transition) & subsequent SEQUEL (after-life) is what would bring to rest the unfounded unnecessary dread of the INEVITABLE
Therein lie the hugest personal challenge any living man with a capacity to grasp his eventual destiny has to grapple with..
The solution is NOT in prolonging 'living' or to avoid dying or to try escape that fact through perpetuating youthfulness...
To see the 'INEVITABLE' - death
as what it truly is,
recognizing it NOT as END, knowing with total acknowledgment, acceptance, fully convinced that Life never is killed by Death.
When life - seemingly ends - in reality it transits to that next being-ness; it does NOT finish at that point..
LIFE - assumes a different existential being-ness.
Transition to a new LIFE