Thursday, June 25, 2015
Who Made WHOM...
…funny of funnies …
° that the divine god would need us creatures
whom HE MADE to defend Him & His Image !
°that we who were from Him - from the same source get confused that HE is not the same - the only One. That there was another. (who created others).
°that the school yard tussle of " dad is stronger, faster, better than your dad.." starts manifesting when stuff like present day conflicts for political control of geographical territories & the divine's agenda as man perceives it, gets differentiated & He is claimed as being represented by this or that faction, worse, A CHOSEN RACE
Fact is God never at all belong to any human group
It is the other way round.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Needless drama..
the ultimate "sacrifice" regarded as most supreme due to the uniqueness of its impossibility, its - undoability - the giving of one's live for unknown unrelated others: an ideal, iconized as non-human, IMPOSSIBLÉ ! UNDOABLE !
an act not naturally done by any 'sane' living human person! Especially dying for ungrateful unrelated usually unfriendly strangers and worse foreigners from despicable vermin infested countries!!!
Jesus Christ (was claimed to have) done that.
'DIED' so others may have Life...
'Die' is naturally a human act but the dying of Jesus was (from related texts)prearranged(again if relevant 'holy' text is true) that in his giving up of life, he (supposedly) redeemed that Grace all Man lost, lost with no effort on the part of Man !
Original SIN of Human kind was an uncommitted SIN one which humans did not do, did not actuate, did not commit.. BUT yet is still saddled with, thus REQUIRING (according to CHURCH) the Father to sacrifice HIS only begotten son..
'Die' is naturally a human act but the dying of Jesus was (from related texts)prearranged(again if relevant 'holy' text is true) that in his giving up of life, he (supposedly) redeemed that Grace all Man lost, lost with no effort on the part of Man !
Original SIN of Human kind was an uncommitted SIN one which humans did not do, did not actuate, did not commit.. BUT yet is still saddled with, thus REQUIRING (according to CHURCH) the Father to sacrifice HIS only begotten son..
Given that this were factual - Jesus died - that all Man may 'live' hereafter i.e. despite dying a physical life all Man will continue to "LIVE"
Yet how would the common fella in the Mall relate to this sacrifice supreme as most are able, interested & concerned, with making it in the here the now & the perhaps aim of: "hey that guy's so good-looking...." or "...wooa the mobile phone that chick has is real HOT maan"?
Due to his (claimed) divine nature as son of God - would not the associated greatness, magnanimity, plus the (un-human) "charity" of "dying" for unknown "others" be discounted as nothing effortful, extraordinarily sacrificial or any big deal at all ?
From the perspective of Man, limited by very insufficient 'space' for greater inputs especially on non beneficial, ethereal, not consumable, unrealistic theological gobblee-gook - yaaawn(need anymore emetic?)would that superhuman act performed by a certified superhuman (no less a ceritified only begotten SON of GOD himself)be anything "wow"?
Due to his (claimed) divine nature as son of God - would not the associated greatness, magnanimity, plus the (un-human) "charity" of "dying" for unknown "others" be discounted as nothing effortful, extraordinarily sacrificial or any big deal at all ?
From the perspective of Man, limited by very insufficient 'space' for greater inputs especially on non beneficial, ethereal, not consumable, unrealistic theological gobblee-gook - yaaawn(need anymore emetic?)would that superhuman act performed by a certified superhuman (no less a ceritified only begotten SON of GOD himself)be anything "wow"?
It would have been the greatest act if he had been only a MAN
with only ONE life to so gloriously volunteer be extinguished.
An ordinary mortal like everyone else!
Even then it might not be regarded so.
Thus for a god a son of god, would the dying be so great & so to be revered, to be given such high honor and even worshipped ?! Almost daily Nations lose their sons & daughters in WARs and other patriotic ventures. How come these sacrifices did not merit or receive such ACCLAIM?
AND 'worse" after a few days, he the son who so gloriously "...bled and died for no sin of his own..." gets alive again - sounds like fun ya?
(so visually, viscerally portrayed by moviedom complete with all the gory emoting flesh tearing thorn whipping 'urrggghs')
Thus if god (as in a divine persona) comes (in human form) then "dies" and resurrects - some folks, not only just atheists, or morons with limited 'cerebral spaces' but even normal thinking people with a small bit of rightness in the IQ processing, as also 'giants' with astropherical IQs might/would characteristically, disrespectfully, disregard that "great" act with: "Big Deal"?
Thus the concept of the divine, a god; coming to "DIE" for us, to restore the god-human connect says & signifies little-
THAT might've been the failed point of CHURCH -
" god gave a life - DIED - for unknown unrelated undeserving others.
Out of nothing but LOVE ..."
Looked at in the light of foregoing - it is a major FAIL.
The fact as earlier stated - "No Big Deal" - playing up a "sacrifice" with as much "sacrifice" in its value as flicking a fly or maybe cooking a meal -
ordinary no-impact acts, ordinary people do every day with no second thought.
The fact for one seeking HIM is NOT the Greatness of the act of dying for Man, NOT the pain & suffering that is so often portrayed to perhaps mistakenly emphasize the "generosity & total giving" of the act.
The fact as earlier stated - "No Big Deal" - playing up a "sacrifice" with as much "sacrifice" in its value as flicking a fly or maybe cooking a meal -
ordinary no-impact acts, ordinary people do every day with no second thought.
The fact for one seeking HIM is NOT the Greatness of the act of dying for Man, NOT the pain & suffering that is so often portrayed to perhaps mistakenly emphasize the "generosity & total giving" of the act.
It is the DESCENT of GOD to man's level - that undoable humbling , the atypical not to be expected degrading lowering of TRUTH of PURE of DIVINITY, that REGAL destructive "act" of PERFECT making ITSELF 'fecal' to mingle with "man" a baddd word by himself - a comparatively despicably abhorrent creature, so lowly in the divine scale of ROYAL TrueBlueBloodiness!
It is the act of a master to "slum" with His "slaves" - it is an act of a CEO of "GOOD Foods" wallowing with the swine in their own "whatever swines wallow in"
It is the great ancestor of the Dynasty stepping DOWN from on HIGH the THRONE to extend a connect to a 'vermin contaminate'
That is and should rightly be the pivot of our devotion to God.
It is the great ancestor of the Dynasty stepping DOWN from on HIGH the THRONE to extend a connect to a 'vermin contaminate'
That is and should rightly be the pivot of our devotion to God.
It is the 'ultimate' on which our love & devotion to Him rightly should be based!
Our strength in faith is and should be rightly centered on His ASSENT to come DOWN to us.
The gory, aspects of Easter plus the guilt evoking "sent His only son to die for us .. Plus the lovey-dovey teen aged syrupy sell so-oft brought up of how "...He So Loved The World That He Gave His Only Begotten Son ..." is only A SELL a sales Pitch- a kind of RECRUITMENT poster to swell the ranks of organized religion perhaps with misdirected intent of Strength in numbers and sadly perhaps for monetary life support of the Organism the human Church ! while all the time the SELLER - CHURCH is reiterating HE - GOD has no need for man's devotion. Which cannot be more true than a fact.
The gory, aspects of Easter plus the guilt evoking "sent His only son to die for us .. Plus the lovey-dovey teen aged syrupy sell so-oft brought up of how "...He So Loved The World That He Gave His Only Begotten Son ..." is only A SELL a sales Pitch- a kind of RECRUITMENT poster to swell the ranks of organized religion perhaps with misdirected intent of Strength in numbers and sadly perhaps for monetary life support of the Organism the human Church ! while all the time the SELLER - CHURCH is reiterating HE - GOD has no need for man's devotion. Which cannot be more true than a fact.
True devotion to HIM has no necessity to implant guilt laden faith nor provoke a spiritual indebtedness for a "favor" so impossible to repay that believers are forever beholden Yes HE has no need - neither do Man need repay HIM but -
"the second collection today is for the ----"
oh welllllll.
God was born..
When Man realized his huge insufficiency, knew his limitations, and acknowledged he was deficient in too many aspects of his existence, he sought the much needed Help.
Not just any kind but that which would enable him to be aided in aspects of his existence that he himself is unable to do anything about.
Man needed supernatural Help.
‘God’ was BORN, by MAN.
The God man made, is likely not the God who created the heavens and the earth as well as Man itself; nor would He be the god Who is, Who was, and Who will be.
Man will never ‘know’ who God really is, or was, or will be, since Man’s disconnection from God is not just dimensional, but existential, temporal as well as that religion derived fact of the great Regal Divine divide.
Man can never ever hope to be able to see, hear, feel or experience God any time during his earthly LIFE due to these same reasons.
In order for Man to justify the veracity of the Help that he ‘made’ - man’s God was 'developed' over the course of Human existence, imbued with features, properties, attributes, qualities, reconfigured, customized, to become an entity with powers no other earthly being possessed.
A GOD with every necessarily divine attribute - which Man has decided from the day God was made by him, that God needed to help us cope.
Thus a Man-made God - to suit our needs for an earthly life that would be 'good' 'happy' 'successful' & everything else we deem as 'positively beneficial'.
Whether that man designed god performed upto expectations, is a long tale of justifications, interpretations, plus that which is known as the unknown unknowable mystery of god.
Many faith believers undoubtedly would declare ‘BLASPHEMY’! Understandably so, as these guys would no doubt by their understanding of god, be believing in a totally different GOD..
Perhaps the ONE true God?
Would that it were so!
Saturday, May 9, 2015
This just goto be more than ...
Through the Life we received He shares HIS
Highest Happiness,
the 'Everything'
we know as Birthday Joys
Mom's home-cooked specials,
Simply marvelous Sunsets Spectaculars
Socks ~ Smelly,
yet pungently enticing
clucking Baby chicks, fresh emerged from brow broken shells,
Drunken melees with passing strangers in shady alleys
Broken promises ~ sweeter when made good,
Struggling starts with much hijinks, & painful goodbyes & tearful partings,
done & redone, ceaselessly but never- forever ending
°° °
He shares the boundlessness of JOY
ONL¥ He alone could craft ONL¥ He alone could create
ONLY for Him alone - to gift
N0 common-place ~ not any plain
'NICE' to frivolously like* (as in FB?)
'Sugary Sweet'
to *cutely tease & tickle*
or only
"fine, rich & velvety - that VULGARS would roughly temptedly try cop an Obscene FEEL*
If precious JOY of LIFE from HIM
were so easy
so free
throwaway bargain-cheap
that any man at all
not with any "extras"
could effortlessly describe,
casually capture
trivially enact
& put together
LIFE God's gift
might be as a 'B00K'?
If S0 ~ then,
what of we
f oo t n 0t es
in the trash can of disposed throw-aways
Thursday, May 7, 2015
When GoodWill is in & to all Man - Peace is on Earth
The great Evil of man has to be borne not just by the Sacrifice of one single Lamb.
The smoothly choreographed greatest LOVE story ever told complete with supernatural [unnatural] virgin birth, inexplicable resurrections, supernatural miraculous acts via plain human actions, etc - to a right set God believer is unnecessary & irrelevant.
Those who claim themselves as believers of God, such tales and claims happily are accepted & surrendered to and ascribed as True belief.
It allows less personal involvement, lessening of spiritual burden for the one Lamb alone to pay for us all, no?
Sadly but true the entire human race has the inescapable burden of "perpetual" atonement. Man being concupiscent the burden is inherited by us all and remains perpetual until this human propensity to sin is unequivocally removed.
It can only be effectively removed from us by a concerted conscious ongoing process of self denial.
Involving not only personal reformation, but a need to undergo spiritual evolution towards increased propensity for good,for godliness. To actively devoid oneself from the focussing on 'self'
When a 'devout' believer supposedly enact godly sacrificial generous charity with (so one imagines) no intention or thoughts for self glory - in actual fact it is almost always THAT focussing on self which subconsciously unknowing to oneself, is motivating one's acts of Love Kindness Caring Charity, etc.
A truly striving believer would in almost every `act of speech, thought or deed place great conscious effort when actuating any 'good' ensuring genuine ZERO regard for self.
It is a tough more undoably impossible 'feat' in fact than climbing Everest = to deny one's 'innate self seeking' reflex in all things one does, even more impossible if doing good things for unknown 'bad others'.
No single human of earthly parentage however inspired, was or would be specially endowed to naturally make it a reality. There is need for awareness, there is then need for commitment, there is need for perseverance & there is the humbling plea for the Grace from Him - for the strength - to unnaturally deny one's 'self'.
Much as some love to propagate the ideal of a single divine savior, making 'payment', 'recompense' for ALL MAN's inequities, it still is a burden 'a debt' borne by all of us.
Only in succeeding to naturally, by reflex, being able to completely deny SELF would there be lessening of conflict, spiritual strife & hence the avoiding of accompanying evil. When that happens - when all God loving creatures naturally do godly deeds genuinely, without thoughts of SELF - then perhaps Angels would sing on high and Kingdom would indeed have come.
With goodwill in & to all Man
Peace would be on Earth!
Monday, April 27, 2015
Immortality ….
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
& ever & ever & ever & ever
a country
a village
a hole in some wall :
a village
a hole in some wall :
0né might imagine LIFE as Joy filled Bliss?
when all the lifelong while:
* inhuman acts are legislated, enabling the ones in power to rape, pillage, plunder & compromise the nation & deny every rights a human being has...
* corrupt acts are regarded 'legal' depending who the perps are, & multiple versions of 'legal' avail to suit the national 'good' - with JUSTICE sightless, toothless, mute ...
* police & enforcement agencies, in enforcing law & order & ensuring public peace & safety act on personal biases, ethnic-based priorities & total disregard for Law & Order...
* representatives of the voiceless, instead place personal agenda & self centered motives foremost, abusing entrusted elevated positions to polish the apple & suck up to the rich & famous & influential; championing self gains & pecuniary advantage...
* the Mighty, Powerful & Rich employ coercive force via sanctions; shock & awe + overwhelming fire power to win the day, silencing, 'take out' - like a MacD trivial food item? an entire civilization (of dissidents, infidels, malcontents, communists, red Indians ?)…
* & if that don't do it for these grown up miscreants school yard, spoiled-brat bullies, armed with illegally culled sensitive, national, personal data- comprising vulnerably exposé of all and sundry, gleaned via spy programs like PRISM, & GOK whatever else, covert actions are initiated
to effectively do the rest of the non-compliants into oblivion...
* Organizations & Institutions tasked with the duty to ensure the establishing of divine righteousness, with imposing & maintaining a sense of greater Divine good, is so human as to bring ridicule & irreparable disrepute to the name of HIM, through events & agendas motivated & driven by RAW greed & power hunger ...
* every one is frantically 'screwing' all & sundry, aiming for immediate gains to ensure the attainment of personally defined, generally accepted (misconceived) 'values' of Success, Happiness & Joys, Achievements, Integrity, Respectability ...
* and while oné shares space with other fellow human beings who are NOT beasts, who yet do not at all lack in beastliness, immodestly unashamed we claim ego-boostingly to have been made in HIS image, claim vainly unabashedly this glam association with God, & immediately we continue clawing, posturing, jostling aside weaker ones, screwing each other, contrary to that claimed divine link, in vain attempts to be top dog.
* typically we surrender to trait, that frailty, so irrefutable & indelibly dominant, that urge which drives man's need for recognition & affirmation of superiority, for increase of self-worth, for self assurance one is the irrefutable best of every other so indistinctly similar creatures.
It is so obvious :
n0né is HAPPY
n0né feels GOOD
n0né has SUCCESS
n0né feel COMPLETE
n0né has no HUNGER
n0né no longer Thirst
While even the very envied, well to do, deemed by man's standards as very successful, are fully EMPTY.
n0né has no HUNGER
n0né no longer Thirst
While even the very envied, well to do, deemed by man's standards as very successful, are fully EMPTY.
And all this while -- AS IMMORTAL & never can dié 0ñé cannot get out from this GRIND via the usual normal death ~
AND the relentless GRIND, ENDLESSly 'Kill'
Like a nightmare that recurs
a nightmare of repeated BAD stuff increasing in severity with NO END - AD INFINITUM
a nightmare of repeated BAD stuff increasing in severity with NO END - AD INFINITUM
would oné wish never to die?
be grateful & thankful instead
the Almighty is infinitely wise
NOT to allow immortality
the Almighty is infinitely wise
NOT to allow immortality
to 'live' forever
◊ in abject misery ◊
UNLESS to share LIFE
with HIM
with HIM
in perpetual Peace
in TOTAL COMPLETE-nesswith
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Regarding this dread, or fear of the 'Big C' as referred to by the late king of cowboys John Wayne, it in reality is one of the many Natural culminations of a creature's walk, stroll, run, romp or skate boarding trip through this, present existential situation to the 'other'.
Religion would term that 'other' as Heaven whilst those more inclined to a less spiritually restrictive understanding - Afterlife.
Death {blandly} is the way back - it just is unfortunate that death is regarded, built up into the ORGRE it has become to man.
If one an intelligently-aligned creature (man is a created being after all thus - creature) were to regard the end of this present condition called 'Life' & the 'other', when there is no more life; as 'Death' - the associated dread & fear as well as horrors embedded in the subconcious psyche over the millennium of our existence, with the non knowing, non life, non sensation-able, non hedonistic, unfeeling status of 'death' - would bring fear, loathing, revulsion, rejection plus a host of other unpleasant, extremely unacceptable gut churning emotions, all of which swamping one dreading psyché, would insert, revoltingly impact & remain embedded in one's memory banks for a long long time - or till death perhaps do they then part :)
In reality this has been "ON" from day zero when Man realized his mortality, his impermanent nature.
In a daemon sort of way that imprinted mind set on 'death', wears one down, discoloring one's outlook & regard for this present, and extremely blessed period of existence, of living, of being - of (crassly) - the Pursuit of Happiness-however HAPPINESS is defined, to one's requirement.
So fulfilled, happy & thrilled with life now & here, most of us find it impossible to imagine NOT being here. We 'fear' abhor that 'end' when all this present pleasant is 'switched' off '0'
Yet if one were to try dwell on this perhaps salient point:- were we apprehensive, fearful or dreading BEFORE we were born to the 'now' while we were 'thence' to 'whence' we return on 'death'?
This (?warped) logical and spiritually established reality - the unreasonable over-'regard' that prowls in all living thinking creatures, who ponder with a sense of destiny, focussed morbidly on man's demise, might inadvertently has been evoked & stitched into our psyché by unanswered, unanswerable questions, queries, & musings as early man philosophized on what is death, afterlife, or heaven - and what he is our would assume when he no more is in existence, bodily, here.
And as far as popular culture go, the biological processes that are involved in that dreadful act of 'dying' reaffirms & re-enforces that bad, that dread & we almost to a man ~ agree:
Death IS VERY unNICE..
Growing Old involves
Losing All our Marbles - Sans eyes, ears, teeth, Sans Hard-ons, most crucially Sans 'Security of the Now' the firmness of the Earth we stand solidly on- that unfounded self-reassuring feeling of PERMANENCE.
Thus man though similarly crafted like other created LIFE, ('appear' to be the only being)
unable to accept that Finality. (most weep, grieve at death's occurrence whilst other 'lesser' creatures apparently do not) Yet clearly cognizant of life's IMPERMANENCE in irreconcilable desperation we all attempt to work around, escape & circumvent the unpleasant - that INEVITABLE - death.
From this very inescapable indelible DREAD, FEAR, APPREHENSION of MOST humans sprung, evolved, & mutated with avarice, & viciousness & pecuniary gains as bottom line - 'malignant organizations' that feed and thrive on that desperation of us all, that not wanting to leave this 'present'.
Professions, entire industries, commercial enterprises specializing in providing vain in-attainable HOPE of prolonging, even preventing, the transition into that other - non body existence - DEATH.
The ridiculous need of wanting to perpetually 'look' youthful, & from that, to feel good, deluding oneself from the reality of the END, a less potent form Dorian Gray syndrome - the wanting to escape or side step the inevitable, by itself a huge waste of useful human resources, which always present, generates an industry that cashes in to consumeristically capitalize on the Vain Cling to Youth, its associated ?virility, viability & other presumed pluses & perhaps; against all likelihood against Nature; keeping THAT day at bay.
Perpetual Youth-promoting related industries linked to Medical, pharmaceuticals, as well an endless host of enterprises (almost all PROFIT oriented) evolved grew & thrive on that entrenched dread of the INEVITABLE
In order to retuned, re-enable oneself to re-occupy, seize again that most balanced harmonious mindset, of accepting & recognizing the EVENT of the end as a benign NATURAL process, one should revert, remove & erase the embedded imprint of a very negative False regard for the passing into the next stage of 'life' .
That packaging of DEATH as BAD has to be revised.
What pop culture and the associated media propaganda blasts, over the radio waves, via audio-visuals & other subtly crafted innuendos which had promoted & reinforced that Natural Event, as an evil to be avoided at costs need to be re-formatted.
The adopting of a balanced therefore un-biased regard for LIFE it's 'end' (transition) & subsequent SEQUEL (after-life) is what would bring to rest the unfounded unnecessary dread of the INEVITABLE
Therein lie the hugest personal challenge any living man with a capacity to grasp his eventual destiny has to grapple with..
The solution is NOT in prolonging 'living' or to avoid dying or to try escape that fact through perpetuating youthfulness...
To see the 'INEVITABLE' - death
as what it truly is,
recognizing it NOT as END, knowing with total acknowledgment, acceptance, fully convinced that Life never is killed by Death.
When life - seemingly ends - in reality it transits to that next being-ness; it does NOT finish at that point..
LIFE - assumes a different existential being-ness.
Transition to a new LIFE
The distinctive difference between one who fully trusts in Religion & all it's claims about god; and one who fully Trusts ONLY in God, with a cynical askance eye & ear to Religion; is the divine gift/burden of Discernment.
There is no denying the supremacy and authenticity of the Maker.
Any one with the humility to acknowledge Man's utter non-superiority & zero power
in as far as recreating a semblance of even the simplest single cell plankton or microbe is concerned would realize the sheer immensity of the Universe's creation with its UNIQUE GOD signature - and would know the making of spontaneous LIFE is an Undoable FEAT - especially with Man's self assumed superior insufficient intellectual and other talents - it JUST cannot be humanly done!
Thus despite many renowned scientific claims of break through technologies and other seemingly super human near god attainments NOT a teeny weeny beety Sh°°†¥
'ø' of LIFE has any Human ever been able to CREATE!
Other than the illegitimate 'results' of infamously random hedonistic reproductive couplings which obvious even to imbeciles cannot be counted as CREATING 'life'
through all these millenniums NOT ONE scientific endeavor has produced LIFE!
Should scientific enterprise be given an eternity of time, it still is a given that Man would NOT be able to achieve THAT.
Thus if one clamors for scientifically quantifiable laboratory proof of God, in all reality one is blindly looking from the dark shadows of misplaced Ego.
In society the ideals of the Maker, His almightiness, Holiness, Agape & other man-determined divine attributes have been "garnered for private benefits"
Does anyone really know what attributes GOD possess, other than the qualities Man has conjectured as His ?
This tussle having morphed into a spinning game assumes a 'genius' in the Almighty DIVINE being harnessed to derive benefits - & almost everywhere, in more ways than mere men can discern, God is exploited as a source of revenue. And - RELIGION - which purportedly evangelizes Him, & rightly should be a venue for the honoring of HIM become the foremost device for milking others via the persona, GOD
That power most UNDENIABLE by humans - god - is manipulated & employed for very mundane human ends.
Though woven into that fabric of earthy cheap self serving intents, are countless excellent threads of personal human sacrifices that admirably, truly propagate & reinforce godly ideals with total subservience to His Will, via good works to others, via charitable & unquantifiable initiatives solely for HIS glory, these sacrifices by men & women of God, get high-lighted, show-cased as THE agenda of RELIGION - as the path it should (but do not) closely walk with Him, manipulated & turned to further authenticate the deviousness, and evil of some religious groups very human agenda.
Through eliciting & reinforcing a guilt ridden mind-set among those who are unable to discern between truth and manipulative spin, many who truly want to be with & in God are imprisoned, caught in an ever downward spiral, which compounded by an unquestioning simple-faithfulness, get chained to a romanticized idea of a god they needed for security, protection & consolation in a hostile, unfriendly world. A world filled by these self same vicious humans serving a very human organization purportedly serving Him.
Benefits in units of pecuniary values are mainly to the credit of Religion & examining this heavily misted & fogged-up balance sheet of Religion's undertakings :) held up as resources to propagate a romanticized God, one would be sure to glimpse god's complete absence.
God, be He of Abraham or Mohammed, does not at all reside & assuredly do not condone the numerous timeless acts of aggrandization, material-wise, as well in all other benefits to Religion. These gains if at all fittingly should be directed NOT Religion-wards but man-ward for God's glory.
While acknowledging the many recognized great works done & the countless unimaginable personal sacrifices endured by the many greats of Religion, should even a single inkling of misdirected intent for self or institutional gain be conceived
& successfully transacted, the entire soup of religion's Right-set-ness is contaminated, it's thrust for the DIVINE's diluted beyond acceptance, credence. FAILED..
Did He not so say through prophets
"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world"
Thus very clear cut and precise; there is only one way to do right by Him. Anything else that especially mixes good with evil, Truth with half truths, nice feelings from deeds of real good personal sacrifices to justify human greed; would NOT be accepted.
If one has yet to awaken from that stupor of basking in the feel good about one's missionary zeal, (& the accompanying warmth of good works truthfully done for only Him) plus the self congratulatory back slapping from so called "chosen" priests of His, who unknowingly draw believers into a deep well filled with pseudo truths, poisoned with conceit, deceit; one would do well very urgently to acquire the ability to discern between what is TRUTH, what is religion's hype and what is a mix of deceptive half truths and Absolute spiritual truths!
The devil is a Sifu skilled in deception.
AND the DEVIL is MAN, cloaked in many guises not least the 'Cloth' of God's 'chosen'.
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