Tuesday, November 17, 2015

God just works = Fools need not understand

In response to the idea of one whose site is worth MILLIONS  & whose heightened sense of worth  even more...

On reading his posts some  say he with that unbelief, has no hope.
  Maybe no hope, having science is apparently over-sufficient for one with such mindset. The monetary gains and other unquantifiables, a delusional sense of 'god' would be sufficient, more than sufficient..
On a TOPIC for which our insufficient homo sapienic capacity is unable to achieve comprehension it is only right & proper to  assume the position of a lowly {not stupid - but incompletely 'endowed'} ascaride when attempting to seek enlightenment.

...No one can prove or disprove a 'persona' WHICH takes being outside of what we humans know and exist in - Earth.
 The CREATOR  is SUPERnatural not UNnatural.
The actuality in which the CREATOR has being is dimensionally & existentially different & separate from that ’platform' humans realize or is ‘living' in, which is NATURE - on Earth.
Hence if prayers to Jesus do not bring results and GOD's - promises or assurances given, did not, will not happen, 
    this query directed to an illustrious author with such ANALYTICAL LOGIC  & reliance on SCIENCE & NATURE is made hoping the ?enlightened answer (if of ANY use) might help many with similar set life's 'GPRS' as he: 

“..If one is going to: 

*     be killed by another human, by a drug crazed person/husband/wife/child;
**   or be on death row awaiting despatch to the next level of 'life' [death]
**** be killed by an incurable terminal disease perhaps transmitted by bodily fluid of a pet dog (rabies or ebola)
 and being a LOGICAL THINKING person reliant on SCIENCE, one will not futilely, pray nor would be inclined to appeal, futilely, to an imaginary god for a hopelessly, not-going-to-happen resolution;
  one turns instead to SCIENCE & LOGICAL ANALYTICAL THOUGHT as this author so advocates, since that illness, i.e. the hypothetical incurable dog transmitted terminal illness, the cure for which imaginary god, has not, will not and cannot cure like the other  incurable 'CANCER'

WOULD THE MISERABLE PROSPECT OF DYING,  LOSING A LOVED ONE, THE ANGUISH, SUFFERING, & PAIN of all that which one who prays to god for 'relief' [ one would probably receive >>> CONSOLATION in TRUTH  
- be LESSENED, CURED or BE ADDRESSED MORE SATISFYINGLY or EFFECTIVELY by applying LOGICAL ANALYTICAL THINKING,  applying SCIENCE, or by applying  PRAYERS & appealing to an imaginary GOD which this INcomplete FOSh•† says is silly to even consider petitioning  for?
Has science which up till now shown  much IMPOTENCE  in it's inability to 'curing'  not only cancer; but most diseases, done any better compared to an imaginary god? 

    : being as impotent, as ineffective medically, as allegedly 'sham-y’ as Homeopathy, and spiritual-wise as 'imaginary' as god. 
What then has SCIENCE, LOGICAL analytical thinking have  that is advantageous OR LESS IMAGINARY about in comparison?
Is it then logical to conclude god, logic, and science are all as imaginary, one as the other?
Hence all these : NATURE, the author  as well as every other SCIENCE certified LOGIC based ANALYTICAL thinking beings  are - IMAGINARY?

On a different note; except to treat, reduce the ill effects and give palliative relief to most diseases
please name ONE disease which LOGICAL THINKING, SCIENCE & NATURE or the author 's  perhaps own knowledge on Empty has been able to provide, device or make a cure, which effectively makes the disease not a disease anymore ? In other words make that illness a benign part & parcel function of the living process that does not ‘prematurely’ terminate a living being. 

  Illustrating this  in simple layperson's lingo : has SCIENCE with LOGIC & ANALYTICAL intelligence been able to devise, medicate or treat a disease such as  BronchoPneunomia 'curing' that disease & it becomes like breathing in & breathing out - a normal physiological function, with no  future incidences or events resulting from the initial infection ?    
   Generally; palliative, supportive, symptom-resolving therapies are utilize to enable the patient  overcome the infective organism under his own [god - (?imaginary) - given] resistance ability - the human auto immune system.
(Living terminates, ends in death, one would not consider living as an 'illness' or 'disease' though it is now an interesting study with a 'dream' perhaps  of immortality)

Other than smallpox & Poliomyelitis  
which btw HAS NOT been 'cured' - but prevented from causing world wide massive epidemic, - "confined to isolated non bio-viable state in controlled environment"  [probably being researched for other bio potentials]
There has been no illnesses caused by infections or an element extraneous to a human organism which has ben ‘cured’ by science or intelligent knowledge gathered over the years from man’s studying, researching,  unravelling of- NATURE.
It might be interesting to perhaps pose this query "just for the heck of it".

***With all the publicized media hype on pseudo science glam releases of break throughs, advances, discoveries and awesome inventions which are credited to SCIENCE, to  LOGIC & NATURAL analytical THINKING

***Has any SCIENCE based human beings, with LOGICAL ANALYTICAL thinking and ALL other resources available from human intelligence so derived been able to make ONE unit of living "life"?

The definition of 'life' which the author being a LOGIC, SCIENCE & NATURE centered individual would be aware 
*NOT the coupling of 2 separate germinative nucleic materials into one in a petri dish .
*NOR by the initiation of the forming of another creature; in the uterus of a female; by the random  sexual coupling of two reproductively viable adults resulting in the impregnating of one by the other. 
*NEITHER is the planting of a 'semi- almost there embryo' into the biologically viable uterus of  a surrogate.

*Neither is 'LIFE'  the re-making of a LIVING entity from  existing living or dead organisms, - RECYCLING or organ transplanting  is NOT making a "life"

It is as in GENESIS in the holy book where the MAKER of all this Shebang said (not in Hebrew, American or Greek, JEWISH quite surely not in the lingo of any smart, intelligent scientist or humans of such ilk) 

"Let there be light,
and there was LIGHT"

 in that same context: Can any man alive  say

"LET THERE BE LIFE & there will be LIFE"?
Not if but IF EVER any man is able to do that humbly should alI kneel and proclaim that man GOD -in every sense of the word!
     In computer usage, when one attempts transferring a huge file into a folder of minuscule capacity one would have a pop up instantaneously REMINDING one -
 "..the process cannot be completed as there is insufficient space in the destination folder.."

  In any vain glorious attempt to project oneself as what one is not; with no significant acknowledgment of one's insignificance vs vast  NATURE (?GOD) that pop up telling one exactly how immense HE is vs one's insignificance.. 
in plain language is saying :

very gently: 

very politely: 

and cordially: 

  "..FOOL know thy FOLLY..

Sunday, October 25, 2015

No Time ..


   This may be an overstatement but I would think the most used and abused excuse in this Age is: “I have no time”. Between most individuals in every relationship it is almost always the most often cited reason for our inhuman inertia to relate. We are not committed to promoting bonding. Whether it is between people we love or between friends, acquaintances or relatives, there is a tendency to let things slide... “No time....”

What then have we time for?
Countless other pursuits, concerns and activities.... mostly  centered on “SELF”.
We do 'important" things to ensure survival of self; acquisition of personal, material assets and wealth, power;  ensuring the status quo is not threatened; advancing personal agendas. In the process we “Have no time”.. for anyone else especially those whom we feel more for,  since “they will understand” our “busy-ness”

I remember the days when to tell someone what you feel you had to use a marking tool (pencil, pen) making your thoughts legible on paper, then sealing that into an envelope and posting it by dropping the stamped missal into a post box The concept might be foreign even alien to  many  alive today. We do not have such laborious processes nowadays  to send someone our “mail”. Just key your thoughts in on your keyboard, some can even “speak” it in, click with minuscule physical effort and “voila” instantaneously your  “letter” is delivered by the digital postman electronically to your intended mailee.

Yet the ease and convenience has instilled a reverse sense of reluctance or dis-initiative to get in touch …rather we recycle “forwards” (by the way …how come there are no “BACKWARDS”) mainly irritating your contacts, clogging up the bandwidth and polluting the electronic airwaves.

We seem to have developed a talent too to “talk” about ourselves, “blogging “it’s called. This is like the good old diaries of our personal life events, kept in some cozy, closet in a corner, recorded dutifully, daily, faithfully. BUT only for personal consumption.

The huge difference among many, is the Blogs now are for public consumption, everyone who so desire can just freely intrude into the most personal, private and oftentimes intentionally made seemingly, titillating, dirty details of the blogger.

People tend to bask in the dubious glamour of self publicity. They feel they are somebody important, whom others admire or crave to know more of; thus this burgeoning of websites offering such facilities to all and sundry. 
The beginning days that we read about had peoples being able to communicate easily with each other leading to grand plans devised to reach for the Heavens.....

And He “Babel”ed us all. We lost the ease to make ourselves known. Language became both a communicative as well as physical barrier between humans. Over time necessity enabled humans to devise a Lingua Franca, through which, once again different peoples are able to make themselves understood. The application of human intellectual ingenuity to develop world shrinking technologies in communication has given us the WWW, and repossession of our interconnectivity lost via BABEL.

Yet no one is getting in touch, no one is interested in anyone but themselves, no one has the time!
And if we have the time……. we talk about ourselves.

Not only do we NOT talk about anyone but ourselves, we also DO NOT wish listen to anyone else.

ONE is trying to make HIMself heard… 
sent many messengers through the ages….

even came as a lowly human worm ......

No one has any time...

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Can't LIVE other than in GREENER pastures ---

Is that greener pastures necessary ...

What would anyone want to risk anything/everything to have a child  be a citizen of any particular Nation? 

If anybody ever tell you it's so intolerable to be where seemingly the air conditioning is set to an un-liveable degree it might be simple to just reach out & reset.
This case where a childtion is birthed in a 'choice' setting - as in a particular nation -  (if  the real motive is as prejudiced true by media) one might permute that mind-set peculiar to us contemporary humans. 

What about, how about, 
the present scenario - where  all living creatures are in?
Is there a choice which by one's initiative; [in this case by one's parent's initiative] one can take a ride or a 'flight', then by being 'birthed' one is able to assume permanent residence, take up Citizenship of a 'better' country where the (artificial) grass is pruned neater, greener, where every (supposed) happiness, joy, pleasures, satisfaction, fulfillment, in fact ALL positives in creature comfort, in human good-life, are just waiting to be had?
  Seemingly this is the prevalent mind set of many peoples of the [?civilised] world.

WE have a choice
The choice  :
°        I want it  NOW
°°      I want it with ONE  (1 ONLY) Klick
°°°    I want it with NO effort from me 

I just need to lie back, klick AND every possible  comforts, anything AND everything which IS my birth right being a higher Created idiot ooops intelligent sentient being is fed into me..

You mean no?
That there is no such contract?
All that Happiness, Success, Fulfillment, Joys are NOT assured? Not part of this deal?
That there is to be BACK BREAKING 
W - O - R - K?
That it involves more than clicking with the touch screen mouse or voice activation ?
BUT isn't that PROMISED?
In the Holy Books?
"..As Long As I Put My Faith To Work Even Mountains Can Be Moved To The Sea..?"

Does one truly have need to live THAT life where no less than the BEST is expected & presumed one's lot, which would be acceptable, tolerated, or adapted to?
Does one need to compromise on NOTHING except that which exclude everyone else's considerations, than ones'?
Does one even have any inkling of any difference  - that presumed BAD - in the pot, in the deep, dark, dank where one is - is any lesser, any [always] lousier, lower, badder than on another cloud  the #9?
Is there ANY cloud  #9?
And even if there is a CLOUD #9 does one need to BE there in order to find a BETTER LIFE?

ExXxPETIVES (mine) not included.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Such SELF-PROMO magnifying ZERO distinction....

Written by an Australian Dentist 

To Kill an American 
You probably missed this in the rush of news, but there was actually a report that someone in ****Pakistan had published in a newspaper, an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American, any American. 

So an Australian caucasian dentist wrote an editorial the following day to let everyone know what an American is . So they would know when they found one. (Good one, mate!!!!) 

'An American is English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish , Polish, Russian or Greek. An American may also be Canadian, Mexican, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Iranian, Asian, or Arab, or Pakistani or Afghan. 

An American may also be a Comanche, Cherokee, Osage, Blackfoot, Navaho, Apache, Seminole or one of the many other tribes known as native Americans.

An American is Christian , or he could be Jewish, or Buddhist, or Muslim. In fact, there are more Muslims in America than in Afghanistan . The only difference is that in America they are free to worship as each of them chooses. 

An American is also free to believe in no religion. For that he will answer only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God.

An American lives in the most prosperous land in the history of the world.
The root of that prosperity can be found in the Declaration of Independence , which recognizes the God given right of each person to the pursuit of happiness, happiness which one American pursues could be another American's idea of hell or perversion or delusion or overt patriotism or Obsession about being American. That too is American Freedom enshrined in American Declaration of Independence.

The Land where Americans live is rich. There live as many American destitute, American poor, homeless, Americans "living" under bridges, in cardboard boxes, in the alley ways, in subway stations, in shelters, in abandoned buildings, in unheated houses during deep freeze winters, similar as in  many other nation on EARTH. 
More Americans are well off than any other Nationality.
Americans do not live in Paradise.

An American is generous. Americans have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need, never asking a thing in return.
Deeds done in generosity, with charity, with love & genuine concern for the needy, destitute, poor, where the good done multiplies in unquantifiable  increase in human values of Godliness defines Americans  as it does similar  generous acts where  complete unselfish charity is portrayed.
American has no monopoly on generosity,  overt charity or selflessness.

When Afghanistan was over-run by the Soviet army 20 years ago, Americans came with arms and supplies to enable the people to win back their country! 
These were  arms & weapons of military grades and were products of the American Weapons Industries, where  business transactions for the commercial gains  of the Weapons Industries of America were carried out coincidentally concurrently in a war zone which was Afghanistan. Same scenarios all through historical events where war happened American as well as other Weapons Industries brought in Arms & Supplies to TRADE.
 The American Marines & other armed forces personnel of America who helped,  gave their lives in the Conflict!

As of the morning of September 11, Americans had given more than any other nation to the poor in Afghanistan …
In the reconstruction process to help reestablish the devastated infrastructures of an Afghanistan  torn by war, which was partly an American initiated issue,
 America has not spared its involvement in the Building, Construction, Engineering, Supplies Industries!
The national symbol of America , The Statue of Liberty, welcomes your tired and your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, the homeless, tempest tossed. The American Immigration and Visa requirements to obtain a VISIT Pass to America will demonstrate this Fact : America  welcomes your tired and your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, the homeless tempest tossed  ONLY IF YOU HAVE PROPER TRAVEL DOCUMENTS!
And the Homeland Security Personnel at Immigration entry points all over AMERICA also WELCOMES you warmly too if you are an American or American friendly.
    These in fact are the people who built America on UNION regulated wages & conditions and wages commensurate with labor rules in Pakistan, Nigeria, United Kingdom, Afghanistan, Russia, Australia.

Some of them were working in the Twin Towers the morning of September 11, 2001 earning a better life for their families. It's been told that the World Trade Center victims were from at least 30 different countries, cultures, and first languages, including those that aided and abetted the terrorists.
So you can try to kill an American if you must. Hitler did. So did General Tojo , and Stalin , and Mao Tse-Tung, and other blood-thirsty tyrants in the world.
But, in doing so you would just be killing yourself . Because Americans are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, is an American.
 And that spirit is in MAN. Any Man.
Man with no  nationality, no color tinted lens that recognize American, Chinese, Indians, Aussies, Brits, Pakis, Patels and has need to celebrate that exclusivity of being  AMERICAN.

the  MAN with one vision 
that need be of any concern.
That Man is more than American.
He cannot be killed.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

From the Highest Peak ...

It is all about ME...

The free [spurting] spirit of ME•n
Spurt into the wind - let my seeds go fly
 should they land on soil good
 & multiply,
 bearing fruits aplentifool? 
  Should fruits that borne 
be  aweFOOL, tasting  sH•††Y
outta whack
What heck do
 or should  i care.
For to freely spurt & spit into the winds, 
 from mountains' high, is the J0¥ of MY life,

                         which I have been 

                           by Nature 
                           been   special   endowed.

             to  -unboundedly-






             in every other way 


FREE spirit  that 




  oi WTF just happened .. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

LOST it you did...

" ..Be true to that He would you be.."
     LIFE, yours, HE gave. 
     LIVING it, 
yours only to savor 
 - by your alone-self. 
     Much merry would you thrill to 
   sorrows aplenty stoically bearing.

Yet it don't matter  
 how many loved or hated you, 
             how many in turn madly you did love,        
or venomously did hate, 
not  matter too how deep or depraved,
the depths you obscenely plumped for gains, 
thru freeking reekingly evil deeds..

Did you savor the 
Did you revel, wallow, plunge, submerge, tarnish, consume, stain
in  IT  all 
till breathless,
 till full to the core,
 to the Hilt 
  to the max ?
submissively, condescendingly you complied, yielded & conformed, pleasing inconsequential mega personae 
of worthless Nonentity,
allowing passage of agendas not

& you crawl'd when should fly
 flew when you should swim
stroll'd when should sprint 
linger when even pause you should not?
And expediently in double quick time with the most 'Grab' you could muster,
Sk00ted full of GREED 
to the other BANK,
gaining all you never would need,
 ever take
 or  add value
to anyone,
 to anything ,
even to 
 yourself ?

you have attain'd

Saw nothing, done less
blissfully acted,
 performed as others  would,
 immemorially  from day zero ?

 Thus had you LIVE'd

for any than  yourself? 
      NOT unlike other 'similars' 
 toe-ing trending S.O.A.P.
[Standard Ordained Accepted Prescribed ]



   this privileged brief sojourn
        HE'd  gift'd 
      as  HE
       all  other  
 just  as  Chosen  creatures

  to    SAVOR,  to    REVEL,  to  RESONATé






Saturday, July 4, 2015


     "Beggars can't chose - givers can -
is CHARITY  then the giving of what beggars can't chose to refuse" 
To give, 'donate' stuff cluttering up one's life & space, (trash) to others one imagine might welcome them with open-arms due to their marginalized social or economic situations, then gleefully congratulate one's generosity as charity; is self delusional, misplaced,  flawed ! Not NOBLE

Very few practice charity with complete altruism. Other than Love being the nature of God  few by the very nature of being human can do true charity or practice Love - i.e make sacrifices; loving another (especially a completely unrelated person) without  expectations whatsoever of self gain. 
At all if one wishes to be a convicted doer of charity, one has need to first kill self!  
First to subdue instinctive impulses for ego affirmation, 
for self-satisfaction 
for gratification in the giving of oneself !
In killing expectations for benefits, gains, material or imagined; one might then (perhaps) come closer to the practice of true loving.
"A Lover is utterly selfless - has no regards other than to give all to the Loved.

Do we really Love anyone?
Happy Ramadan...

One Man's GOOD is another Man's...

                       Why do some people dislike others who essentially do “good” things? 
   Why is there intolerance and hatred for  good people.? 
   Generally such folks have in them the unresolved vice of ENVY. 
   This is often the case.
Of course one brush cannot tar all.  
  Not being a certified practitioner of Psychology, it is only an impression of people & of life.
  Has anyone who is generally well liked, with a pleasant disposition, and a helpful attitude not attract a huge “fan” base of detractors?
Popular students tend to draw many who would love them “dead”! Teacher’s pets are the most hated in the class.

 Great statesmen and leaders who generally have the welfare of the people at heart, who go to extremes to make life better for others, who sacrifice almost all for their constituents or country, these are the ones who do most good, and these are the ones who are generally done in prematurely.   Julius Caesar? Mahatma Gandhi? Abraham Lincoln? JFK? Robert Kennedy? Martin Luther King? John Lennon ?
These with their idealistic philosophy, led. 
Not necessarily advocating a materialistically better life, or one which has greater domination over others, or a life where one need do no work but just sit back and indulge in sensual hedonism. Rather they almost to an individual advocate “LOVE”, “JUSTICE” “EQUALITY” “FREEDOM”,”TRUTH” and simply
 which basically is to 
         SHARE the FARE 
here provided by HIM for ALL 
           - FAIRly -
 LOVE as well as many noble traits are not to be regarded as values mal-represented & poorly portrayed by so many romance novels, Hollywood flicks, and TV serials, especially as mis-advocated by some RELIGIONists !

 LOVE being the sacrifice of oneself for others who are not exactly of one's own.  
J Christ {supposedly} died giving that LOVE for unknown others: if gospel were TRUE - 
THAT act  was turned into the biggest circus act this side of the Sun.
   Why does one have dislike for certain movements or Institutions and other online organizations so obviously advocating LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, JUSTICE, GOOD, HONESTY as well as real life people too who live out such values everyday as a norm?
Is it because of a different idea of what these values represent to us?
And without doubt - from: °°"Truth" what is that" would by progression arrive at °°°"LOVE" - Wtf is THAT?"

They say if one loses the Gift of Humor one is OLD i.e as good as living dead.

If one loses that gift of LOVE, the ability to feel it and give it - ONE is indeed as DEAD as DEATH itself.

And obviously from that salient point, if one feels 'very strong dislike' for 'good' then one is well on the road to losing the ability to LOVE & one would thus be as dead as a door-"nail" sooner than one can say       