Wednesday, June 29, 2016

If the mountain won't come to Obasamad..

        At a quiz when the question was posed to complete the saying:

“ ..if the MOUNTAIN won’t come to Obasamad..”

 received the answer: 

“..Obasamad will not go to the MOUNTAIN too.
The correct answer would be :
”..if the MOUNTAIN won’t come to Obasamad,
 Obasamad will go to the MOUNTAIN..”      


 He is the MOUNTAIN, the SUPREMO, the MAN, the CREATOR,  the BOSS. 


°For the MOUNTAIN to come to Obasamad is akin to the SUPREMO descending from on high to stoop to the level of that slime inhabitant Obasamad.
[AND some faith groups do claim HE made that downward leap into SlimeDom]

°For Obasamad opting NOT to go to the MOUNTAIN as answered indicates the contemporary attitude of - 

“..hey, who the Få®K do you think you are that I [though a SlimeDom inhabitant] should condescend to APPROACH you, even if you were THE MOUNTAIN..”?

       This very contemporary, very glaring attitude of complete ARROGANCE of the nonentity, the creature; begs the query of how an OMNISCIENT Persona had obviously ‘short changed’ HIS handiwork, so claimed made in HIS ''image'' (hence god-like?)
- omitting to embed that critical personality trait of HUMILITY, to be originally be aware and acknowledge personal zero-ness when held up to the  divine PURITY, the EXCELLENCE of the SUPREMO?

Surely in almost every artifact ever excavated from Historical geological layers, every transmission ever recovered from HIM never had there been indications of DIVINE magnanimity; 

of allowing disobedience; 
tolerating snootiness;
and of
overlooking, allowing obvious disrespect for HIM.

Hence if the 'created' 'Man' 
    - despite having been spiritually mis-labelled, inaccurately, presumptiously as having been made in God's 'image'
    but is factually as ''creature'' as ''beast''

> a Horse <
> a Dog <
> a Cat <
> a Bug <
> a Worm <
> a Monkey <
> a Bird <
> a Cock <
> a Pig <
> a Snake <
> a Buffalo <
> a Hare <
> a Rat <
> a Tiger <
> a Fly <

 - NOT having been embedded that character of spiritual HUMILITY, thus not cognizant of it’s own zero spiritual insignificance and its "dusty" low life origin; 
how then from the 'slime' it now inhabits would HOMO Ss - [pronounce ''Homo Asses''] 
Man, ever be successful, in returning as  'son'  back to HIS divine embrace?
Prodigal or no is another non event..
Created in the '''IMAGE''' of GOD is a digression waiting to be digressed

$împlé $îmÒñ
circa: 00o0

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Moi Gnan Thai [See no Evil]


    There are numerous very right set folks who hesitate to take life, especially of “cute” puppies and kittens.

    And when the un-neutered bitch or tabby cat in heat gets “filled” with pup & kitten seeds - the resulting hapless, too adorable to be put down Canine/Feline 'issues' which were expected, foreseeable yet not made contingencies for -
these ‘lifes’ due perhaps to some sense of religious & philosophical aversion to overtly take a ‘life’ are taken & placed [dumped is rather more precise] in a market or food places so these abandoned creatures do not die by the hand of the “dumpster” ; has 'food' & will not "DIE"
    The perpetrator goes home happy - no one kill/took any creatures ‘life’

What follows can be envisioned as living HELL for these dogs and cats which had their lives spared -
If one can imagine; try picture dogs and cats foraging for food in trash cans in deplorably filthy dumpster, stinking containers, licking water from sewage, drains and cesspool; sheltering from the elements under parked vehicles, getting maimed when vehicles move off too fast, getting kicked & abused by patrons of markets and food places who do not tolerate/like such scenarios.
BUT their lives were spared. The animals were not KILLED
Would death not be better ? 

BETTER to be living in HELL ? 
Alive, yet unwanted, suffering every imaginable tortures of a homeless abandoned non resourced creature?

Some claim animals has no soul hence they don't have a HEAVEN or HELL

The responsibility of giving due AND correct respect to 'life' 
NOT to engage an animal as a free security service 
an emotions-enhancing pet 

              then doing the next worse thing to taking a ‘life’

                   PLACING 'life' in LIVING HELL.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

How it beGAN ..

        The son marries his wife = the love of his life..
His mother : “ Hoi is it too much to ask, your wife at least be from the same tribe? Besides her table manners are deplorable. Also have a look at her front upper incisors if you would, how are MY grandsons going to turn out ?
And the way she walks make the duck prouder .. and it looks likely there are degenerative genes lurking dormant somewhere up the line.. bla bla bla…”
   So he, ‘obedient’ son (btw surname is GAN) that he is,  [inheritance of heirloom NOT yet decided, with his own fiscal expectations high], marries the 2nd woman =  the love of his life too.
   And if you get what this is driving at that was how POLYGAMY began -  a win win for EVERYONE
                                   [except the wives]?

Look closer, the wives (at last count  26) are having a HELL of a time raising HELL in the household just for the heck of it, amongst each other, as a payback to everyone else, & as the son is going to be rich, once MiL goes away, can there be a better pastime? 

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Christmas is long gone

            Doing a good turn for someone else voluntarily or spontaneously has become a bad word : 
Long gone the dictum of a daily good deed.
Cos the other guy in most cases don't respond in same vein & the act becomes taken (wrongly) by the "done to" as exploitative, manipulative; in other words, negatively.     

   This kills everything in any relationship. This kills every meaningful human interaction.  

Thus we have countlessly too many IMPERSONAL relationships in human interactions now. The sad part is even in personal family relationships, many family members, feel that exploited emotion or psychological hang up.
 The trend is being unchecked. Parents & children go thru their life with no strong building of  family values & ties due to this reluctance to act or demonstrate spontaneous love or good-ness. The loss is very sadly apparent in urban  families.
 NO ONE is to blame - only ourselves - we don't want to stop NOT doing anything freely, happily, out of  spontaneity to show care, love, & a natural  raw goodness & kindness of heart.
We stifle, keep inside the  undefiled feeling of kinship or real human ties of one-ness for another being.
Why did we stop doing acts that bring joy to anyone at all, regardless of who they may be?
 How come we who are grown & supposedly guiding & setting examples to better the world, the society, the community, the peoples of our own habitat (wow the FF*ing glamor associated with caring for animals or trees & such )YET don't show that spontaneity of non return non profit selfless AFFECTION 
"LOVE' is too meaningless a word to use in the same context.
  Young kids  as yet uncontaminated with adult 'sophistication & hold back' easily act this way. It comes to them without prompt, without hesitation as they simple express their NATURAL spontaneity; be it to feel affection or any other emotive senses. They do not 'hate' or bear a 'destructive grudge'
 EVIL most times is absent when a young child feels strongly. Young children do not transfer extreme negative emotions from one negative situation to another target.
We having (?)grown (only in chronological age) have unlearnt that primal predisposition to spontaneous love, sacrifice, care, concern; that ability to disregard other consideration of self-fullness & to just plainly LOVE come Hell come High Water.
From religious inputs or from technological progress or even from leaps in our ever encompassing  data bases of information, knowledge we have apparently gathered only managed to only build ourselves into unfeeling intelligent [ or comprehensively well informed] beings.
 WE DO NOT ACT with the HEART i.e. spontaneously unless it is to vent our sense of righteousness -
sometimes violently -  have we attained a higher level of "intelligence" ..
   Having acquired more knowledge [information about our surroundings & habitat & such] we behave as if we were divinely appointed to be keepers of HIS  a sort of Sheriff or Marshal.
 Yet what use have we of  ourselves if we only are Clever automatons with no inkling of our true nature except that we presumptuously assume "superiority"

   Many folks aim to be automatons, an unthinking rock of RIGHTEOUSness which wont to feel any 'pain'  is yet not disinclined to launch itself at another to inflict pain - "righteously"

A new addition to the LIST of Basic RIGHTS of Man?

Saturday, June 18, 2016

THE almighty Left THUMB (of uselessness)

     "... the seeming ease of scaling greater than humanly possible heights (with less than human efforts) & plumbing deeper than inhumanly devilish depths, through computer enhanced or generated interfaces, CGIs, has spawned an untapped pool of potential organ donors or harvestees, insofar as the maximising, extending of normal living human "functionales' are concerned.

Appendages & other human organs vis brains, hearts, lungs, 
vocal chords [especially], 
ears [more especially] 
now more often lie dormant, in idle mode, left on the shelf - so to speak.
    Once very value add-ons to our human anatomy & function which in days gone by (not always good) increased human bonding as well as helped make life a truly worthwhile pursuit, 
now  are used & coordinated  to power only "one freaking LEFT- CLICKING Thumb & Right Clicking Forefinger" 
[?UPsizeable appendages] 
     - organs & anatomical parts - denied their  noble intents as intended by "MANUFACTURER'  [OEM]  might  be better off if put up as organs for transplantation to those who definitely would use these (as per specifications) vigorously,
in ways more 'use-full'  which would most definitely benefit the transplantees in ways more than enumerable  .…"
If one has: 
°    'mouth' but don't say nothing to another human being

°°  'ears' made to listen to sweet or sour or even disputing comments from another being, for assimilating inputs so to increase relationships between fellows, even if comments & ideas jar & mar, scar, are instead made "deaf" with self implanted filters, allowing             
only "suitable' inputs ...

°°° other appendages & organs meant to increase the 'worthwhileness' of one's walk in this life - 
are in trying to be politically correct & conformistic & to trendily embrace populist attitudes maybe to 
 save the Fins of sharks; the Sperms of whales or Skins of Sumatran Tigers, or Pangolins of Namibia & to pander to a Hosts of trendy popular put-ons so to add value mostly to one's next pay check demand & saleability/marketibility & say & do politically correct "stuff" that elevates one to that level like a porcine politicø, to  basks in the warmth of public acceptability & "rollicking jolly good old boy" camaraderié  with select special important game changing people in comfort zones of delusional bonding buddyship
- are not usefully gainfully employed as per OEM intended.. 

- oh well, one would in fact might be morally, ethically as a created life-form be bankrupt - & in more than countable ways be most beneficial to many appendage-deprived (real-living) human beings, & by doing the RIGHT thing  become an organ or appendage donor/harvestee    
  'Gamers attitude' [not gamers] in general has degenerated Man - to a left clicking "simpleton" far short from the highly evolved technological giant, Humans potentially could have been - if the many unrealized potentials locked up unused in idle mode yet attached to the human body are fully realised. 

  A very known vestigial defunct appendix now seemingly is closely being followed by the cerebellum cerebrum complex - that crucial part of a Homo 'S' unerringly, & contrary to OEM's intent/design is now centered, focussed on how much can be GAIN'd can be EARN'd can be WON can be PUT OVER on the OTHER Homo S{hole}

HumanS, considered the greatest created Being since Alley Oo00ps
 - cos he could click with one mighty left thumb, forefinger  & change perhaps redo the ENTIRETY?
 should be re-designed or in the least have these various useful (if as OEM intended) appendages/parts/attachments, translocated, transplanted, transposed - to folks who need more than an Adopting Angel from a resource-rich nation to be made Adoptees then flaunted as exhibits, of LOVE, of CARE, CONCERN for less fortunate deprived udders ‘OTHERs’.
Perhaps that has already happened cos we might have translocated the human ‘thinker’ CPU to be the next door neighbour of  Da BOSS 
& each time boss makes a break for the outhouse a little of  our 'thinker CPU gets "fire'd into the °hole°

"...Man has almost (hope N؆) lost opportunity of attaining TRUE greatness,  expending God-given resources, Exhilarating, Gratifying, Obsessing  on zero return benefits via vainglorious  attempts to increase selfworth :- 

"Jüliüs Seizüre - circa 0000"