Doing a good turn for someone else voluntarily or spontaneously has become a bad word :
Long gone the dictum of a daily good deed.
Cos the other guy in most cases don't respond in same vein & the act becomes taken (wrongly) by the "done to" as exploitative, manipulative; in other words, negatively.
This kills everything in any relationship. This kills every meaningful human interaction.
Thus we have countlessly too many IMPERSONAL relationships in human interactions now. The sad part is even in personal family relationships, many family members, feel that exploited emotion or psychological hang up.
The trend is being unchecked. Parents & children go thru their life with no strong building of family values & ties due to this reluctance to act or demonstrate spontaneous love or good-ness. The loss is very sadly apparent in urban families.
NO ONE is to blame - only ourselves - we don't want to stop NOT doing anything freely, happily, out of spontaneity to show care, love, & a natural raw goodness & kindness of heart.
We stifle, keep inside the undefiled feeling of kinship or real human ties of one-ness for another being.
Why did we stop doing acts that bring joy to anyone at all, regardless of who they may be?
How come we who are grown & supposedly guiding & setting examples to better the world, the society, the community, the peoples of our own habitat (wow the FF*ing glamor associated with caring for animals or trees & such )YET don't show that spontaneity of non return non profit selfless AFFECTION
"LOVE' is too meaningless a word to use in the same context.
Young kids as yet uncontaminated with adult 'sophistication & hold back' easily act this way. It comes to them without prompt, without hesitation as they simple express their NATURAL spontaneity; be it to feel affection or any other emotive senses. They do not 'hate' or bear a 'destructive grudge'
EVIL most times is absent when a young child feels strongly. Young children do not transfer extreme negative emotions from one negative situation to another target.
We having (?)grown (only in chronological age) have unlearnt that primal predisposition to spontaneous love, sacrifice, care, concern; that ability to disregard other consideration of self-fullness & to just plainly LOVE come Hell come High Water.
From religious inputs or from technological progress or even from leaps in our ever encompassing data bases of information, knowledge we have apparently gathered only managed to only build ourselves into unfeeling intelligent [ or comprehensively well informed] beings.
WE DO NOT ACT with the HEART i.e. spontaneously unless it is to vent our sense of righteousness -
sometimes violently - have we attained a higher level of "intelligence" ..
Having acquired more knowledge [information about our surroundings & habitat & such] we behave as if we were divinely appointed to be keepers of HIS a sort of Sheriff or Marshal.
Yet what use have we of ourselves if we only are Clever automatons with no inkling of our true nature except that we presumptuously assume "superiority"
Many folks aim to be automatons, an unthinking rock of RIGHTEOUSness which wont to feel any 'pain' is yet not disinclined to launch itself at another to inflict pain - "righteously"
A new addition to the LIST of Basic RIGHTS of Man?
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